
Live: Pope Francis creates 13 new cardinals

  St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Today, Saturday, 28th November 2020, at 4pm, the Church will have 13 new cardinals. Nine of them are younger than 80 and therefore, have the right to participate in a future conclave.

Two of the new Cardinals work in the Roman Curia: the Secretary-General of the Synod of Bishops, Maltese Mario Grech, and the Italian Marcello Semeraro, former Bishop of Albano and the new Prefect for the Congregation of the Causes of Saints… Read more »

Cardinals-designate gear up for unusual consistory

Red hats await new heads  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis announced just over a month ago that he would create 13 new Cardinals at a Consistory on 28 November.

The news came as a surprise, not least to those men called to serve the Church and the Successor of Peter in a special way, to the point of giving their own blood.

For that is what the color red in their distinctive dress symbolizes: their willingness to sacrifice themselves usque ad sanguinis effusionem, “to the point of shedding their own blood”… Read more »

113 persons graduate from the Pastoral Formation Institute

113 persuna temmew b’suċċess wieħed mit‑13‑il kors li ġew offruti matul l‑aħħar sena akkademika mill‑Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali flimkien ma’ entitajiet oħra tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Fil-kuntest tal-pandemija COVID-19, l-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali ddeċieda li ċ‑ċerimonja annwali tal‑gradwazzjoni, li kienet maħsuba ssir illum il‑Ġimgħa, ma ssirx. L-Istitut jixtieq jieħu l-opportunità jawgura lill-partiċipanti kollha li ser ikunu qed jirċievu ċ-ċertifikat b’mod personali.

Il‑korsijiet li temmew il‑parteċipanti kienu: fl‑oqsma tal‑familja, it-teoloġija, il‑kura pastorali fl‑iskejjel, id‑dimensjoni spiritwali fil‑kura tas‑saħħa, l‑għeruq tal‑fidi Nisranija fil‑Ġudaiżmu, il‑ħidma mal‑adolexxenti u ż‑żgħażagħ, l‑istudji fl‑ispiritwalità Karmelitana, Injazjana u l‑akkumpanjament spiritwali, l‑iskopertà tal‑fidi permezz tal‑arti, l‑iżvilupp tar‑responsabbilità ambjentali, u l-formazzjoni għall-fratelli adolexxenti… Read more »

Pope at Audience: Love is a mystical root of a believer’s life

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Good morning!

The Church’s first steps in the world were interspersed with prayer. The apostolic writings and the great narration of the Acts of the Apostles give us the image of an active Church, a Church on the move, yet which, gathered in prayer, finds the basis and impulse for missionary action. The image of the early Community of Jerusalem is the point of reference for every other Christian experience… Read more »

‘One-third of women live in fear of violence’

People hold candles and photos during a vigil in memory of women who were murdered, ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women at Constitution Square in Guatemala City, Guatemala. According to the Guatemalan Women’s Group, to date, 444 women have been murdered in 2020.

Wednesday, 25 November, marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which seeks to raise awareness of what the UN calls a “shadow pandemic”… Read more »

Pope authorises 8 decrees regarding candidates to sainthood

Pope Francis has authorized the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate 8 decrees, including a decree on the martyrdom of 127 Spaniards.  Bishop Marcello Semeraro, the Prefect of the Congregation, on Monday presented the causes to the Pope, who approved them. 


Among them is a decree on a miracle attributed to the intercession of Italian Venerable Servant of God Mario Ciceri, a diocesan priest of Milan Archdiocese.  He was born on September 8, 1900 in Veduggio (Italy) and died on April 4, 1945 in Brentana di Sulbiate (Italy).  This clears him for beatification with the title Blessed… Read more »

Pope to young economists: either you are involved or history will pass over you

Pope Francis opened his video message by congratulating the young people attending virtually for their commitment and determination in the period leading up to and during the event. “You have not left out anything that gives you joy, worries you, outrages you, and pushes you to change”, he said.

Addressing the participants of the meeting “the Economy of Francis” in Assisi from 19 – 21 November, Pope Francis recalls that the “original” idea was to meet in Assisi to be inspired on the footsteps of St Francis… Read more »

Live: The diocesan celebration on the solemnity of Christ the King

  Il-Bażilika Minuri ta' Kristu Re, Raħal Ġdid

Illum fil-5pm, fil-festa liturġika ta’ Kristu Re, l‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna flimkien mal‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi se jieħu sehem fiċ‑ċelebrazzjoni djoċesana li se ssir fil-Bażilika Minuri ta’ Kristu Re, Raħal Ġdid.

Matul iċ-ċelebrazzjoni se tingħad it‑talba ta’ filgħaxija (l‑għasar) u wara, l‑Arċisqof iwassal il‑messaġġ tiegħu f’din il‑festa importanti għall‑Insara u jagħti l‑barka sagramentali. Qabel iċ‑ċelebrazzjoni ser ikun hemm servizz ta’ qrar u wara jkun hemm quddiesa… Read more »

EU funds for the restoration of the Chapel of Santa Marija tal-Ħlas in Żejtun

  Chapel of Santa Marija tal-Ħlas, Żejtun

Fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin se jibda r-restawr tal-kappella ta’ Santa Marija tal-Ħlas b’investiment ta’ madwar €130,000, ko-finanzjati b’fondi Ewropej. Id-dettalji dwar il-proġett tħabbru mis-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Fondi Ewropej Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, mis-Segretarju Amministrattiv tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta Michael Pace Ross, u mill-Arċipriet taż-Żejtun Dun Nicholas Pace.

Waqt il-konferenza tal-aħbarijiet ġie spjegat li l-istruttura tal-kappella ddeterjorat ħafna minħabba dħul ta’ ilma mis-saqaf u l-umdità. B’dan l-investiment se jinbnew ħames strutturi fuq in-naħa tan-Nofsinhar tal-kappella biex jissaħħaħ il-ħajt u b’hekk jissaħħu l-ħnejjiet tas-saqaf tal-kappella… Read more »

More than 1,500 vacant places for students

Church schools admissions 2021

The Admission Regulations for Church Schools for the 2021‑2022 scholastic year have been published here. There will be a total of 1,582 available places for students. Due to COVID‑19 pandemic, all applications are being accepted online. Applications for the first criteria are to be submitted between the 27th November and 7th December 2020. Applications from “Other Applicants” can be submitted between the 29th January and 12th February 2021… Read more »