Donate to the Church

The Archdiocese of Malta offers its service to society in several ways, and helps many vulnerable persons and families in need. The Archdiocese also runs children’s homes, homes for persons with disability, homes for the elderly, a home for the clergy, and homes for survivors of domestic violence. As part of her mission, the Church also makes her voice heard in society through the media in order to defend the dignity of each person and promote the common good.

To do all this the Church relies on donations.  If you wish to donate money to support the mission of the Church, you may fill in the form below. Thank you for your generosity.

Otherwise, you can effect a bank deposit at APS Bank plc, the details of which are as follows:

Account name:Archdiocese of Malta

Alternatively, you may send a cheque payable to the Archdiocese of Malta, mailing it to the Administrative Secretary, Archbishop’s Curia, St Calcedonius Square, Floriana.

Thank you for your contribution.