
European Youths meet in Malta for a research project with ŻAK

Grupp ta’ żgħażagħ minn numru ta’ għaqdiet Kattoliċi madwar l-Ewropa ltaqgħu f’Malta biex jipparteċipaw f’kors ta’ taħriġ organizzat miż-Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika (ŻAK).

Madwar 40 żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa minn ħames pajjiżi differenti attendew għal dan il-kors, liema żgħażagħ kienu ġejjin minn Malta, l-Italja, Spanja, l-Islovakkja u r-Rumanija. Il-parteċipanti kellhom iċ-ċans jirriflettu dwar l-irwol tagħhom bħala mexxejja fl-organizzazzjoni tagħhom u kien hemm ukoll diversi mumenti ta’ formazzjoni, spiritwalità u rikreazzjoni… Read more »

Caritas Malta awarded the President’s Award by the Malta Employees Sports Association

Caritas Malta ngħatat il-President’s Award mill-Malta Employees Sports Association, waqt serata annwali ta’ Awards Night imtella’ minn MESA.

Dan l-award ifisser ħafna għal Caritas Malta fejn f’dawn l-aħħar snin qed tagħti spinta kbira fejn tidħol l-attività fiżika u l-isport; mhux biss bl-attività annwali ta’ Caritas Run For Life, imma wkoll tinkorraġġixxi li fi djar ta’ riabilitazzjoni mill-abbuż tad-droga, residenti jesperjenzaw dixxiplini sportivi differenti… Read more »

Għaliex iva?! with Fr Victor Agius

Fr Victor Agius recounts numerous beautiful moments and some more challenging experiences that have shaped his priesthood. Raised in Paola, he has embarked on missionary journeys that have taken him to China, the Philippines, Canada and many other countries. This episode of Għaliex Iva?! explores the 50-year journey of Fr Victor Agius as a dedicated priest.

Għaliex iva?! is a podcast series featuring various priests who share the stories of their vocations and why they believe being a priest is worthwhile in today’s world… Read more »

27 years since the death of Mother Teresa

Bħal-lum 27 sena ilu, fil-5 ta’ Settembru tal-1997, kienet mietet Mother Tereża ta’ Kalkutta. Hija kellha 87 sena. Isimha proprju kien Anjezë (Inez) Gonxhe Bojaxhiu u fl-1931, hekk kif ħadet l-ewwel voti tagħha, sar jisimha Suor Marija Tereża tal-Bambin Ġesù.

F’Settembru tal-1946 Suor Tereża saritilha t-tieni sejħa u flok baqgħet għalliema spiċċat biex ħalliet kollox u minflok tiddedika ruħha mal-ifqar fost il-fqar.

Fl-1979 Mother Tereza ingħatat il-Premju Nobel tal-Paċi… Read more »

Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona O.P. visits Lourdes during a Marian pilgrimage for the sick

Fr Martin Micallef iqaddes fil-grotta ta’ Lourdes

L-Arċisqof Emeritus Mons. Pawlu Cremona O.P. ħa sehem fil-pellegrinaġġ annwali għall-morda organizzat mill-Assoċjazzjoni Voluntarji Lourdes.  Din is-sena għal dan il-pellegrinġġ, li sar bejn il-Ħamis 29 ta’ Awwisu u l-Ħadd l-1 ta’ Settembru 2024, attendew 175 pellegrin minn Malta u Għawdex.

Huwa kkonċelebra f’quddiesa li saret fil-Grotta ta’ Massabielle mmexxija minn Fr Martin Micallef, Vigarju Episkopali għad-Djakonija u Direttur tad-Dar tal-Providenza, Patri Dijonisju Mintoff OFM, Direttur tal-Laboratorju tal-Paċi, Patri Jose Debono OCD, Provinċjal tat-Tereżjani u Patri Mario Sant OFM Conv… Read more »

Pope to Indonesian authorities: ‘Interreligious dialogue fosters mutual respect’

As he meets with Indonesia’s civil authorities in Jakarta, Pope Francis upholds the nation’s motto of “Unity in Diversity,” and promises the Catholic Church’s efforts to support interreligious dialogue and civil harmony.

Pope Francis delivered his first speech on Indonesian soil on Wednesday as he met with the country’s authorities, civil society, and diplomatic corps at the Istana Negara presidential palace in Jakarta… Read more »

“We are grateful for the work of Rev. Anġ”

Fr Cyril Axelrod (it-tieni mix-xellug) flimkien ma’ Dun Anġ Seychell (It-tielet mix-xellug). Nota ta’ apprezzament minn Dun Martin Micallef

Dun Anġ Seychell kien saċerdot intelliġenti, eżemplari u b’kuxjenza soċjali kbira li dehret l‑aktar meta għażel li jiftaħ id‑dar tiegħu stess biex jospita persuni b’diżabilità. Hu xtaq joffri lil dawn il‑persuni l‑opportunità li jgħixu f’dar fil‑komunità fejn jistgħu jgħixu ħajja indipendenti li tirrispetta d‑drittijiet u d‑dinjità tagħhom. Dun Anġ irnexxielu li minn dar waħda jiftaħ erbat idjar f’raħal twelidu fiż‑Żejtun… Read more »

Pope Francis leaves today for his longest Apostolic Journey

On Sunday 1 September, the eve of his 45th Apostolic Journey abroad, Pope Francis visited the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome to pray before the icon of the Virgin Mary, Salus Populi Romani. He entrusted to her his upcoming apostolic journey to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Singapore.

Following the prayer in the Basilica, he returned to the Vatican. The Holy See Press Office announced that this will be the longest journey of his pontificate, spanning from 2-13 September… Read more »

A celebration of God’s decision to create

As the Church celebrates the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1, Indian Bishop Allwyn D’Silva, Chairman of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences’ Office of Human Development, reflects on the importance of praising God for His marvellous gift of Creation.

The World Day of Prayer for Creation takes place each year on September 1. Motivated by the rich tradition of the Eastern Church, this is both a moment to celebrate God’s loving decision to create, and a moment to reflect on how we have stewarded the great gift of creation… Read more »

Malta’s cost of living: Caritas sets minimum threshold for families at €19,153 annually

Caritas Malta has released new data outlining the minimum income required for a family to maintain a ‘decent life’ in Malta. According to the latest figures, a family of four – comprising two adults and two children – needs at least €19,153 per year to cover basic living expenses.

The fourth edition of the Minimum Essential Budget for a Decent Living (MEBDL) for 2024 provides crucial insights into the financial requirements for various household types to maintain a basic standard of living… Read more »