
Baby is born healthy despite doctors suggesting an abortion

Katarina Galea Curmi

Madwar 20 sena ilu, omm ta’ żewġt itfal li kienet qed tistenna tarbija ingħatat l-aħbar li t-tarbija fil-ġuf mhux qed jiżviluppalha l-moħħ kif mistenni, u li kawża ta’ hekk, ikun aħjar li tirreferi għall-abort, liema parir ġie rrifjutat mill-ġenituri.

Din l-istorja ħarġet fil-beraħ matul simpożju dwar il-kura ħolistika għall-familji li qed jistennew tarbija li għandha xi forma ta’ diżabilità, organizzat mil-Life Network Foundation, fejn bosta ommijiet kif ukoll professjonisti fil-qasam mediku esprimew l-esperjenzi u sitwazzjonijiet xejn faċli li jaffaċċjaw… Read more »

Launch of Beyond GDP II: the hidden struggles of third-country nationals in Malta

Photo: Nicolai Borg

The Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta has published its latest report, Beyond GDP II: Third-Country Nationals in Malta: Sharing in our economic future or serving labour market interests? The report is released amidst evolving migration policies and an increasing reliance on third-country nationals (TCNs) as a key part of the Maltese economy.

Malta’s unique context marked by an ageing population, low fertility rates, labour shortages and a drive for higher GDP growth — underscores the indispensable contributions of TCNs… Read more »

Dun Anġ Seychell honoured with the Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award for 2024

id-Dar tal-Providenza

At the parish church of Żejtun on Friday evening, Dun Anġ Seychell was posthumously given this year’s Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award for his huge contribution to the sector for persons with disability. This was announced by Fr Martin Micallef, Director of id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, as part of the annual concert by the band of the Armed Forces of Malta. Dun Anġ, a priest who hailed from Żejtun, dedicated his life towards others especially persons with disability whom he respected… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Be vigilant and turn your gaze to Heaven

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

The Gospel of today’s liturgy (Lk 21:25-28, 34-36), first Sunday of Advent, speaks to us about cosmic upheavals and anxiety and fear in humanity. In this context, Jesus addresses a word of hope to His disciples: “Stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand” (v. 28). The Master’s concern is that their hearts do not grow drowsy (cf… Read more »

“We must strive for a dignified end of life, not the anticipation of death” – The Archbishop

Archbishop Charles Scicluna called for greater investment in palliative care, underlining the importance of a dignified end of life over the anticipation of death.

Speaking on RTK103’s Għal Kulħadd this morning, the Archbishop addressed the ongoing debate surrounding ‘assisted dying,’ currently under discussion in the UK Parliament.

The Archbishop explained that the proposed law would permit individuals in challenging circumstances to opt for an early death with assistance, often bypassing the option of palliative care… Read more »

Those who are alert won’t miss an opportunity to love today – The Archbishop

  The Chapel of Mary Mother of the Church, Ta' Mlit, Mosta

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Bdejna sena ġdida ta’ laqgħat flimkien. U dis-sena hi ddedikata lil San Luqa, li fit-Testment il-Ġdid, kiteb żewġ kotba: l-Evanġelju skont San Luqa, u l-Atti tal-Appostli. Aħna midjunin ħafna ma’ San Luqa għax kien hu li f’kapitlu 28 tat-tieni ktieb tiegħu, tal-Atti tal-Appostli, ifakkar il-miġja ta’ San Pawl fostna. U tana wkoll ċertifikat sabiħ. Jalla ngħixuh dan iċ-ċertifikat li tana San Luqa, meta qal: “in-nies tagħha ġabu ruħhom magħna bi ħlewwa liema bħalha” (Atti 28:2)… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations of Archbishop Charles Scicluna in December 2024

Ritratt: Ian Noel Pace

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Diċembru, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta xxandar il‑quddiesa kuljum fid‑9:30am fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta. Mit‑Tnejn sas‑Sibt tixxandar it‑talba tar‑rużarju fuq, Newsbook Malta, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Kull nhar ta’ Ħadd, il‑quddiesa tixxandar fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta, l‑istazzjon tar‑radju RTK 103, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta… Read more »

Għaliex iva?! with Fr Franco Fenech

In this episode, we meet Fr Franco Fenech, born and raised in Marsa. A priest for the past 30 years, he has spent nearly half of his ministry working closely with the residents of the Corradino Correctional Facility. Fr Franco also shares the story of his transition from being a Franciscan friar to a diocesan priest. These are just a few of the many pivotal experiences in Fr Franco’s life, including the profound rebellion he experienced against God after the tragic loss of his brother… Read more »

Women in leadership highlighted at CORE Platform event hosted at the Archbishop’s Curia

Photo: CORE Platform

The Archbishop’s Curia reaffirmed its commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion during the latest CORE Platform conference, at the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana for Malta Diversity & Inclusion Charter Signatories.

Focusing on the theme “Women on Board,” the conference opened with an address by European Parliament President Roberta Metsola. She emphasised the importance of diversity at all levels and stressed the need to support more women in senior leadership roles… Read more »

115 people at Dar tal-Providenza depend on you

Fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin se jkunu qed isiru diversi attivitajiet b’risq id-Dar tal-Providenza li se jwasslu għall-Festa ta’ Ġenerożità fl-ewwel ta’ Jannar li ġej. Dan kollu biex 115-il resident jibqgħu jirċevu l-aqwa servizz.

Dan tħabbar illum waqt konferenza stampa minn Fr. Martin Micallef flimkien mal-amministratur tad-dar Nadine Camilleri Cassano.

Fr. Micallef ħabbar li s-sena 2025 se tkun speċjali għad-Dar tal-Providenza għax hija s-sena li fiha tagħlaq 60 sena minn meta twaqqfet u tat servizz lil mijiet ta’ persuni bi bżonnijiet speċjali… Read more »