
Online pastoral initiatives due to COVID-19 pandemic

Fid‑dawl tad‑direttivi l‑ġodda maħruġa mill‑awtoritajiet tas‑saħħa, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta qed tissospendi minnufih il‑laqgħat tal‑gruppi tagħha li jsiru b’mod fiżiku, inkluż is‑sessjonijiet ta’ katekeżi tat‑tfal. 

Filwaqt li tapprezza li għadd ta’ laqgħat diġà qed isiru online, l‑Arċidjoċesi tkompli tinkoraġġixxi biex, fejn hu possibbli, dawn l‑inizjattivi pastorali jkomplu b’mod virtwali. Din id‑direttiva terġa’ tiġi kkunsidrata wara l‑11 ta’ April li ġej.

Il‑Knisja tkompli tħeġġeġ biex nitolbu lil Alla għas‑saħħa tal‑poplu tagħna u biex nieħdu ħsieb xulxin billi nosservaw id‑direttivi għall‑ħarsien tas‑saħħa… Read more »

Itma’ u libbes – Are you ready to help those in need?

Itma’ u Libbes is the 2021 Lenten campaign organised by the Archdiocese of Malta through the Caritas Parish Diaconia Network, together with and 103 Malta’s Heart, aimed at alleviating those struggling in strained circumstances. The campaign will fundraise money to pay for healthy meals to be given to those in need, as well as to collect re-usable clothes which are still in very good condition… Read more »

Pope Francis departs on Apostolic Journey to Iraq

The Pope boarded an Alitalia A330 at Fiumicino airport on Friday morning to begin his visit to the Middle Eastern nation of Iraq.

The papal plane took off at 7:45 AM, and is due to land at Baghdad’s International Airport around 2 PM local time. This will be the first time a Pope visits Iraq.

Pre-trip encounter 

Before leaving the Casa Santa Marta on Friday morning, Pope Francis met briefly with around a dozen Iraqi refugees living in Italy. 

The refugees are assisted by the Community of Saint Egidio and the Auxilium Cooperative… Read more »

Pope at Audience: Prayer opens us to the Trinity

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In our journey of catechesis on prayer, today and next week we will see how, thanks to Jesus Christ, prayer opens us up to the Trinity –to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – to the immense sea of God who is Love. It is Jesus who opened up Heaven to us and projected us into a relationship with God… Read more »

Cardinal Parolin: Pope Francis’ visit is sign of closeness to the Church in Iraq

Pope Francis’ first papal Apostolic Journey to Iraq is scheduled to begin on Friday, 5 March. During the four-day visit, the Pope will meet with Christian communities as well as civil and religious authorities.

This will be the Holy Father’s first trip abroad in about fifteen months as the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent restrictions on movement have posed a challenge to external travel… Read more »

Award for the restoration of the Archbishop’s Curia façade

Aktar ritratti:

The recently restored façade of the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana has been awarded a Din l-Art Ħelwa award for Architectural Heritage. Following the restoration and conservation of the façade of Casa Manresa, the project earned the prestigious Prix d’Honneur in its category. Michael Pace Ross, Administrative Secretary, Roberto Buontempo, Head of Property, and Perit Daphne Fenech from CREAID received the award on behalf of the Archdiocese of Malta… Read more »

COMECE calls on European Parliament to protect all life

The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) has questioned some points of a resolution passed by the European Parliament on the so-called “right” to abortion in Poland in November 2020.

A letter issued by the Bishops on Monday and addressed to President of the European Parliament, David Maria Sassoli, stressed that the Catholic Church, which seeks to support women in life situations arising from difficult or unwanted pregnancies, “calls for the protection and care of all unborn life.”

“Every human person is called into being by God and needs protection, particularly when he or she is most vulnerable,” the Bishops said, adding that “special safeguard and care for the child, before and after birth is also expressed in international legal standards” including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child… Read more »

Mexxejja Kattoliċi jitolbu lill-UE biex tgħaġġel il-proċess ta’ tilqim

The Bishops of the European Union, and Caritas Europa, are calling on the EU to ensure an equitable distribution of Covid-19 vaccines, as the 27-nation bloc struggles to ramp up its rollout.

Caritas Europa and the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the EU (COMECE) have teamed up to call on European institutions to swiftly rollout Covid-19 vaccines and to ensure equity in accessing them… Read more »