
The Christian Churches in Malta unite in prayer together with Pope Francis

Il-Papa Franġisku stieden lill-mexxejja Nsara u lill-Insara kollha, biex illum 25 ta’ Marzu 2020, f’nofsinhar jinġabru spiritwalment u jitolbu t-talba tal-Missierna biex titwaqqaf il-pandemija tal-coronovirus. L-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta stiednet lill-mexxejja ta’ Knejjes Insara oħra f’Malta biex jingħaqdu mal-Papa Franġisku permezz ta’ din it-talba li xxandret f’nofsinhar fuq il-mezzi ta’ komunikazzjoni soċjali. Read more »

Bishops’ Directives on religious celebrations in the coming months

Directives about the Holy Week and Easter, the First Holy Communion and Holy Confirmation, and feasts

Fid‑dawl tas‑sitwazzjoni preżenti b’riżultat tal‑pandemija tal‑Covid‑19, l‑Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex qegħdin joħorġu dawn id‑direttivi dwar: il‑Ġimgħa Mqaddsa u l‑Għid il‑Kbir, l‑Ewwel Tqarbina u l‑Griżma tal‑Isqof, u l‑Festi.

Il‑Ġimgħa Mqaddsa u l‑Għid il‑Kbir

Din is‑sena ma jsirux manifestazzjonijiet pubbliċi nhar id‑Duluri u tul il‑Ġimgħa Mqaddsa, inkluż Ħadd il‑Palm, il‑Ġimgħa l‑Kbira u l‑Għid il‑Kbir.

Ser jintbagħtu direttivi dettaljati lill‑kappillani, superjuri reliġjużi u saċerdoti, rigward iċ‑ċelebrazzjonijiet fil‑knisja b’rabta mal‑Ġimgħa Mqaddsa, fid‑dawl tad‑digriet maħruġ mill‑Kongregazzjoni għall‑Kult Divin u d‑Dixxiplina tas‑Sagramenti rigward il‑funzjonijiet tal‑Ġimgħa Mqaddsa… Read more »

Bishops’ Directives on priests accompanying funerals – 21/03/20

Fid-dawl tad-direttivi mill-awtoritajiet tas-saħħa, li daħlu fis-seħħ għall-kamra mortwarja tal-Isptar Mater Dei u li jeżiġu li jidħlu biss familjari stretti għal ħin limitat fil-kamra mortwarja bil-konsegwenza li t-tberik tal-mejjet/mejta ma jistax isir, b’direttiva tal-Isqfijiet is-saċerdot li jkun se jmexxi l-funeral ma jidħolx fil-kamra mortwarja imma jakkumpanja lill-mejjet/mejta minn hemmhekk saċ-ċimiterju fejn issir it-talba u t-tislima tal-aħħar li soltu ssir fil-knisja, u t-talba u t-tberik qabel id-difna… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Christ is the light that brightens our darkness

  The Vatican

Pope Francis gives his blessing overlooking St Peter’s Square 

“It is not enough to receive light”, said Pope Francis. We need to “become light… in order to manifest it with our whole life”.

The Light of the world

The Pope was reflecting on the liturgical readings for the Fourth Sunday of Lent. St John’s Gospel recounts the episode of the man born blind to whom Jesus gives sight… Read more »

The Apostolic Journey by Pope Francis to Malta is being postponed

In view of the current situation around the world, and in agreement with the Authorities and the Catholic Church of our country, the Apostolic Journey by Pope Francis to Malta and Gozo has been postponed. The date of the journey will be determined at a later stage.

The Bishops of Malta and Gozo would like to take this opportunity to invite Catholics to keep Pope Francis in prayer… Read more »

The tragic death of Miriam Pace: what should be done so that yet another loss of life would not be in vain?

Summary of the Opinion Paper by the Environment Commission

The destroyed house of Miriam Pace and her family. Photo: Newsbook

The premature death of Miriam Pace is unfortunately not the only one to have occurred due to irresponsible practices in the construction industry. We hear of residents who end up homeless, injured or even buried under the rubble, but also workers, including a considerable number of foreigners, who may be compelled to accept any type of work they are offered, and who are unfortunately thought of only when one of them dies on a construction site… Read more »

Pope at General Audience: The forgiveness that we give and we receive are two things which cannot be separated

  The Vatican

Pope Francis during his General Audience  (AFP or licensors)

During his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis re-calls “Mercy” as the first theme he chose to discuss as Pope, adding that as the new Bishop of Rome, he felt its message had to be transmitted.

The fifth beatitude, began Pope Francis, is different than the others: it is the only one “in which the cause and effect of happiness coincide”… Read more »

22 March: Day of Worldwide Solidarity and Prayer

Catholics in Malta are invited to join in this moment of prayer

Women religious across the globe call for a Day of Worldwide Solidarity and Prayer on Sunday, 22 March, to express closeness to those suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.

“Now is the time for each one of us to respond to the worldwide coronavirus crisis by being in solidarity with others, especially with those who are most vulnerable and most at risk.”

A statement signed by Sr… Read more »

Bishops’ directives regarding funerals – 16/03/20

L-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna jirreferi għad-direttivi tat-12 ta’ Marzu li għadda u jfakkar li minħabba ċ-ċirkustanzi preżenti f’pajjiżna, il-funerali għandhom isiru b’dan il-mod:

Is-saċerdot jakkumpanja lill-mejjet/mejta mill-kamra mortwarja saċ-ċimiterju, fejn issir it-talba u t-tislima tal-aħħar li s-soltu ssir fil-knisja (Ħuti għeżież, ta’ Nsara li aħna nagħmlu dmirna…) u t-talba li s-soltu ssir fiċ-ċimiterju.

Filwaqt li kollox għandu jsir b’dinjità u b’sensibilità kbira, wieħed m’għandux itawwal iżżejjed… Read more »