
Admission criteria for Church Sixth Forms

The Secretariat for Catholic Education would like to inform the general public that, in the present unprecedented circumstances, De La Salle College and St Aloysius College Sixth Forms will maintain the ongoing discussion with the Education authorities and MATSEC board.

Once these discussions are concluded, revised admission criteria for entry into both Sixth Forms for the academic year starting September 2020, will be determined and published by the respective Colleges. 

The general public is kindly asked to allow these educational institutions the space and time required to validly and justly respond to the current context in the best interest of all.    Read more »

Rajt raġel

Poeżija miktuba minn Giuseppe Messe, maqluba għall-Malti minn Evarist Bartolo

Rajt raġel
liebes l-abjad
u għajjien
taħt ix-xita qawwija
u r-riħ kiesaħ
tiela’ bil-mod
lejn l-artal
mimli wġigħ
mimli tbatija
imma anki tama.  

Rajt raġel
tela’ ħafna taraġ
u fuq spallejh
l-uġigħ kollu tad-dinja.  

Rajt raġel
fis-skiet tiegħu
fit-talb tiegħu
jitlob il-maħfra
tad-dnubiet kollha
u s-salvazzjoni tagħhom… Read more »

Angelus: Pope appeals for global ceasefire amid Covid pandemic

Pope Francis joins the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres in calling for a global ceasefire as the world faces the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In words following the recitation of the Marian Prayer on Sunday,  Pope Francis highlighted an appeal launched by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres this week calling for an ‘immediate global ceasefire in all corners of the world’, amidst the current Covid-19 pandemic… Read more »

Prayer and quiet service: these are our victorious weapons

An extraordinary moment of prayer by Pope Francis

  St Peter's Basilica, the Vatican

Illejla, 27 ta’ Marzu fis-6pm, quddiem il-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru, il-Papa Franġisku ppresieda mument straordinarju ta’ talb f’dan iż-żmien tal-pandemija flimkien mal-Adorazzjoni tas-Santissmu Sagrament, li beda bis-smigħ tal-Kelma ta’ Alla. Qrib il-kanċell ewlieni tal-Bażilika tal-Vatikan kien hemm ix-xbieha tas-Salus Populi Romani u l-Kurċifiss ta’ San Marcello.

Fi tmiem iċ-ċelebrazzjoni, il-Papa ta l-Barka ‘Urbi et Orbi’, bil-possibbiltà li wieħed jirċievi l-indulġenza plenarja.

Homily by Pope Francis

“When evening had come” (Mk 4:35)… Read more »

Why the Pope’s blessing today will be absolutely unique?

How can Pope Francis get closer to believers scattered around the planet at a moment of grave danger? This is a question that the Pope undoubtedly reflected upon when the coronavirus began its rapid spread around Italy and the globe.

The answer does not consist in live-streaming Mass so that everyone can follow him through the Internet, even though he is in fact doing that each morning… Read more »

Live: An extraordinary moment of prayer with Pope Francis, tonight at 6pm


Il‑Qdusija Tiegħu l‑Papa Franġisku, illejla, fis‑6pm, ser imexxi mument straordinarju ta’ talb mill‑Belt tal‑Vatikan. Minn Pjazza San Pietru, mingħajr nies preżenti fil pjazza, ser tiġi pproklamata l‑Kelma ta’ Alla, isir mument ta’ adorazzjoni tas‑Sagrament Imqaddes, u wara l‑Papa ser jagħti l‑Barka Urbi et Orbi (lill‑Belt u lid‑Dinja) bil‑possibbiltà li wieħed jirċievi l‑indulġenza plenarja.

F’dan iż‑żmien diffiċli, fejn fid‑dinja għaddejja l‑pandemija tal‑coronavirus, il‑Papa Franġisku qed jistieden lill‑Insara kollha jingħaqdu miegħu fit‑talb permezz tal‑mezzi ta’ komunikazzjoni soċjali… Read more »

Coronavirus pandemic: a call to solidarity with the most vulnerable

Statement by various Church entities

In this time of crisis, described by many as a war footing of historical significance, when the country is shutting down and preparing for the days ahead, we urge the authorities to take further concrete measures to ensure that people living in poverty are not left without the basic necessities for a dignified life.

We are extremely concerned about the impact that the coronavirus outbreak will have on the most vulnerable members of our society… Read more »

Church Schools ballots postponed

All Church Schools ballots are being postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak and the restrictions which are currently in place. The first ballots that are being postponed are the Participation Ballots for girls and boys for admission into Form 1, and the Participation Ballot for girls for admission into Year 1. These ballots were going to be held tomorrow, Thursday 26 March 2020. Ballots planned for April are also being rescheduled. 

The Church Schools Admissions Office is currently closed but staff are working remotely… Read more »

Pope at General Audience: we are called to live the fullness of life

The Vatican

Pope Francis during his General Audience  (ANSA)

Pope Francis marks the 25th anniversary of Saint John Paul II’s Encyclical, Evangelium vitae, confirming that the fight to preserve human life and dignity is more important than ever.

March 25 marks both the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord and the 25th anniversary of Evangelium vitae. Pope Saint John Paul II’s Encyclical, also known as the ‘Gospel of Life’, is dedicated to the value and inviolability of human life… Read more »

The Christian Churches in Malta unite in prayer together with Pope Francis

Il-Papa Franġisku stieden lill-mexxejja Nsara u lill-Insara kollha, biex illum 25 ta’ Marzu 2020, f’nofsinhar jinġabru spiritwalment u jitolbu t-talba tal-Missierna biex titwaqqaf il-pandemija tal-coronovirus. L-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta stiednet lill-mexxejja ta’ Knejjes Insara oħra f’Malta biex jingħaqdu mal-Papa Franġisku permezz ta’ din it-talba li xxandret f’nofsinhar fuq il-mezzi ta’ komunikazzjoni soċjali. Read more »