
Pope Francis condemns abuses and violence on migrants in Libya

Mass on the 7th anniversary of the Pops's visit to migrants in Lampedusa

  Santa Marta Chapel, the Vatican

Photo: Vatican Media

Pope Francis on Wednesday celebrated the 7th anniversary of his visit to the migrants in the Italian island of Lampedusa, with a Mass in the Vatican’s Casa Santa Marta chapel.

Pope Francis on Wednesday urged Christians to discover the face of Jesus in the migrants, refugees and the displaced who are forced to flee because of the many injustices that still afflict our world today. 

Celebrating a Mass in the Vatican’s Casa Santa Marta chapel, to commemorate the 7th anniversary of his visit to the migrants in the Italian island of Lampedusa, the Pope recalled the words of Jesus – “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me”.  He said this warning, for better or for worse, is a burning issue today. 

The July 8, 2013 visit of the Pope to the Mediterranean island was the first of his pontificate after his election on 13 March of the same year.  During the visit, he threw a floral wreath in the sea in memory of some 20,000 migrants who died while trying to cross the Mediterranean… Read more »

Refurbishment of ŻAK youth centre in Birkirkara


Fil-ħames snin li ili nattendi dan iċ-ċentru, rajt iċ-ċentru jinbidel minn grupp żgħir ta’ għaxar żgħażagħ għal ċentru ta’ tliet gruppi ta’ etajiet differenti, li f’daqqa jammontaw għal bejn wieħed u ieħor 80 persuna – Nathaniel Pio Scicluna, 17-il sena, membru u leader f’ŻAK Birkirkara.

Matul dawn l-aħħar ħames snin sar xogħol estensiv fuq iċ-ċentru taż-żgħażagħ San Ġwakkin f’Birkirkara. Iċ-ċentru jilqa’ fih tliet gruppi ta’ żgħażagħ minn 13-il sena ’l fuq: grupp ta’ membri li twieldu fl-2001/2, ieħor tal-2004/5 u ieħor tal-2006/7… Read more »

Pope to celebrate Mass for 7th anniversary of Lampedusa visit

The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, announced Monday that Pope Francis will celebrate Mass on 8 July to commemorate his pastoral visit to Lampedusa.

The Pope will preside at Mass at 11 AM Rome time in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta, with only a handful of Vatican employees present.

“Given the health situation, only the staff of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Department for Promoting Integral Human Development will participate in the Mass,” Bruni said… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: The poor are the builders of the new humanity

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good day!

This Sunday’s Gospel reading (see Mt 11:25-30) is divided into three parts: first of all, Jesus raises a prayer of blessing and thanksgiving to the Father, because He revealed to the poor and to the simple the mystery of the Kingdom of heaven; then He reveals the intimate and unique relationship between Himself and the Father; and finally He invites us to go to Him and to follow Him to find solace… Read more »

The Archbishop visits the Missio marathon

Ilbieraħ, nhar is-Sibt 4 ta’ Lulju 2020, l-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna żar il-maratona ta’ Missio #hopemissiofest, li kellha l-għan tiġbor il-flus għall-missjonijiet li jsiru f’pajjiżi li għadhom qegħdin jiġu żviluppati. Permezz tal-maratona nġabret is-somma ta’ €574,145.

L-Arċisqof taha daqqa t’id fit-telefonati tad-donazzjonijiet u rringrazzja lill-Maltin u l-Għawdxin tal-ġenerożità tagħhom. Fiż-żjara tiegħu qal li meta nagħtu, nimlew qalbna bil-ferħ li nkunu għenna lill-oħrajn b’mod konkret… Read more »

The 2020/2021 application process for entry into Church Sixth Forms

Entry into Church School Sixth Forms for the coming scholastic year 2020/21 will retain the same principles used in previous years despite the difficulties created by the effect of the covid-19 pandemic.

De La Salle College and St Aloysius College Sixth Forms, as well as the Secretariat for Catholic Education, have worked closely together, to ensure that the same basic entry criterion that has always been used to fill the limited number of places available is retained… Read more »

Draft Equality Law stifles the fundamental right for religious belief and the right of parental choice

The Church Schools Association, the Secretariat for Catholic Education and the Council of Major Religious Superiors, together with representatives of parent organisations whose children attend Church schools, expressed their serious reservations on the Draft Equality Law (Bill 96) currently under discussion in Parliament. The draft, which should have had the aim of promoting respect towards diversity, is in actual fact undermining freedom of religious belief with dire consequences  on the expression of a Catholic ethos inherent in Church schools… Read more »

Updated list of 2020 feasts in Malta

Wara li fit-23 ta’ Ġunju tħabbru d-direttivi l-ġodda dwar il-festi għal din is-sena, l-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta qed tippubblika lista aġġornata tal-festi li se jsiru f’Malta. Din il-lista hija aġġornata sal-lum, 4 ta’ Lulju 2020.

Agħfas hawn għal-lista tal-festi. Read more »

Preventive measures during Holy Mass in churches

Il‑Knisja f’Malta qed taġġorna d‑direttivi rigward il‑Quddies u ċelebrazzjonijiet liturġiċi oħra fil‑preżenza tal‑pubbliku, li permezz tagħhom numru ta’ miżuri ta’ prevenzjoni kontra l‑imxija tal‑covid‑19 ser jibqgħu fis‑seħħ u oħrajn aktar restrittivi jitnaqqsu. Dawn id‑direttivi jidħlu fis‑seħħ mil‑lum l‑1 ta’ Lulju 2020, u jibqgħu fis‑seħħ sakemm jinħarġu direttivi oħra mill‑Awtoritajiet Ekkleżjastiċi. Id‑direttivi aġġornati huma aċċessibbli hawnhekk.

Il‑miżuri obbligatorji li ser jinżammu jinkludu:

  1. Id‑distanza soċjali ġol‑knisja ħlief għall‑membri tal‑familja li jgħixu fl-istess dar
  2. Sanitiser fil‑bieb għall‑użu tal‑pubbliku
  3. It‑Tqarbin ser jibqa’ jsir fl‑idejn u fil‑post
  4. Ħasil regolari u ventilazzjoni tal‑knejjes
  5. Il‑fonti tal‑ilma mbierek jitħallew vojta
  6. Persuni b’sintomi respiratorji jew ta’ influwenza ma jitħallewx jidħlu

Id‑deċiżjoni tal‑Isqfijiet tat‑12 ta’ Marzu li għadda, li permezz tagħha l‑Insara ngħataw dispensa mill‑obbligu tal‑Quddies ta’ nhar ta’ Ħadd, għalissa ser tibqa’ fis‑seħħ… Read more »