
The ordination of four new priests

Il‑Knisja f’Malta se jkollha erba’ saċerdoti ġodda. L‑ordinazzjoni presbiterali mill‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna se ssir nhar is‑Sibt, 8 ta’ Mejju 2021, fid‑9:30 a.m., fil‑Bażilika Minuri ta’ Kristu Re, Raħal Ġdid, u se tixxandar fuq TVM2, u

L‑erba’ djakni li ser jiġu ordnati saċerdoti huma:

  • Roderick Baldacchino mill‑Parroċċa ta’ Santa Katarina, iż‑Żejtun
  • Joshua Cortis mill‑Parroċċa ta’ San Gejtanu, il‑Ħamrun
  • Jean‑Claude Schembri mill‑Parroċċa ta’ Santa Katarina, iż‑Żejtun
  • Mark Scicluna tal‑Ordni tal‑Aħwa Minuri Kapuċċini

Iċ‑Ċentru tal‑Vokazzjonijiet tas‑Seminarju qed jistieden liż‑żgħażagħ biex jirriflettu dwar il‑possibiltà li Alla qed isejħilhom għal ħajja saċerdotali jew reliġjuża… Read more »

Gregorian University ramps up child protection programme

The Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome has for many years been at the forefront in providing highly specialized formation and resources in the effort to promote and strengthen the Church’s commitment to eradicate the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable people.

Founded in 2012 as part of the University’s Institute of Psychology, the Centre for Child Protection (CCP) provides top-class and universally acclaimed lectures, activities, seminars, and courses focusing on prevention, intervention, safeguarding, care, and healing of victim-survivors… Read more »

Pope: Migrants at sea should never be denied aid

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

On this Fourth Sunday of Easter, called Good Shepherd Sunday, the Gospel (Jn 10:11-18) presents Jesus as the true shepherd who defends, knows and loves his sheep.

The “mercenary” is the opposite of the Good Shepherd, the one who does not care about the sheep because they are not his… Read more »

Vocations Day 2021

Nhar il‑Ħadd li ġej, 25 ta’ April 2021, ir‑raba’ Ħadd tal‑Għid, huwa l‑Jum Dinji ta’ Talb għall‑Vokazzjonijiet. Dakinhar l‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna se jiċċelebra quddiesa mill‑Kappella taċ‑Ċentru tal‑Vokazzjonijiet fis‑Seminarju, Tal‑Virtù, fid‑9:30 a.m.  Din se tixxandar fuq TVM2, u

Fil‑quddiesa se jieħdu sehem saċerdoti, reliġjużi rġiel u nisa, u seminaristi li huma responsabbli mill‑ħidma vokazzjonali, kif ukoll żgħażagħ li jieħdu sehem fl‑attivitajiet li jorganizza ċ‑Ċentru tal‑Vokazzjonijiet tas‑Seminarju tal‑Arċisqof… Read more »

Pope urges Catholics to pray in May for end to COVID-19 pandemic

Catholics across the globe are encouraged to dedicate the Marian month of May to pray for an end to the pandemic.

The initiative, behind which the Pope has thrown his support, involves 30 Marian Shrines from various parts of the world.

The Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization announced the news with a press release on Wednesday afternoon.

It takes place under the theme “The whole Church was fervently praying to God,” which recalls a verse in the Book of Acts (12:5)… Read more »

‘Itma u Libbes’ campaign in aid of those in need

Matul ir-Randan, permezz tal‑kampanja ‘Itma’ u Libbes’, inġabru €30,000 f’donazzjonijiet u madwar 45 vann mimlija ħwejjeġ f’kundizzjoni tajba. Dawn ser jgħinu lil persuni li għaddejjin minn sitwazzjonijiet diffiċli fis‑soċjetà.

Il-kampanja ġiet organizzata mill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta permezz tat‑Taqsima tad‑Djakonija fil‑Parroċċi ta’ Caritas Malta, flimkien ma’ u 103 Malta’s Heart fejn ixxandru diversi intervisti dwar ir-realtà tal-faqar.

Id-donazzjonijiet se jintużaw biex jinxtara ikel li jitqassam mill‑kappillani lill‑familji fil‑bżonn fil‑parroċċi tagħhom… Read more »

Pope Francis during General Audience: The vocal prayer

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Prayer is dialogue with God; and every creature, in a certain sense, “dialogues” with God. Within the human being, prayer becomes word, invocation, hymn, poetry… The divine Word is made flesh, and in each person’s flesh the word returns to God in prayer.

We create words, but they are also our mothers, and to some extent they shape us… Read more »