
Students’ garden plans for people with dementia at Casa Leone

  • Għadd ta’ studenti mill-Fakultà tal-Ambjent Mibni mill-Università ta’ Malta ppreżentaw diversi proposti biex isir ġnien għall-pazjenti bid-dimensja fid-dar tal-anzjani tal-Knisja ‘Casa Leone’ f’San Ġiljan. L-għan tal-proġett kien li l-istudenti jidentifikaw il-ħtiġijiet tal-anzjani u kif l-ispazji miftuħa jistgħu jtejbu l-ħajja tal-individwu fil-qasam tas-saħħa mentali u d-dimensja. Dawn il-proposti saru taħt is-supervizjoni tal-Perit Alexia Mercieca bil-kollaborazzjoni tad-Direttorat tad-Djar tal-Knisja għall-Anzjani.

    Fil-messaġġ tiegħu waqt il-preżentazzjoni, l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi qal li l-persuni li jbatu bid-dimensja jistħoqqilhom kull imħabba u rispett daqs kull bniedem ieħor…

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ŻAK Summer Camp 2019: ÆFFECT

  • Valur importanti li jinsab anke fl-isem taż-ŻAK huwa propju l-azzjoni. Fl-istess ħin iż-ŻAK ma tistax tkun aljenata għar-realtajiet li tkun għaddejja minnhom is-soċjetà, u huma fuq dawn ir-realtajiet li trid tieħu azzjoni. Kien għalhekk li meta bdejna naħsbu għat-tema tal-kamp annwali tas-sajf, ma stajniex nagħlqu għajnejna għall-kriżijiet ambjentali kif ukoll soċjali li l-dinja hija għaddejja minnhom. Ħsibna li permezz ta’ Kamp Sajf kull membru mhux biss jagħraf x’inhuma l-problemi li s-soċjetà ta’ madwaru għaddejja minnhom, imma wkoll iħoss responsabbiltà u jieħu azzjoni biex jieħu ħsieb din id-dar komuni li lkoll ngħixu fiha…

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Pope Francis petitions Assad to protect weak and defenseless in Syria

  • Pope Francis, with concern for the humanitarian crisis in bombarded Idlib, has called on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to safeguard the weak and defenceless civil population in his country.

    “The Holy Father asks the president to do everything possible to stop this humanitarian catastrophe, to safeguard the defenceless population, especially the weakest, in compliance with International Humanitarian Law,” Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin told Vatican News July 22…

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Around 1,400 people attended the Archbishop’s Curia open weekend

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  • Fl-okkażjoni tal-festa ta’ San Kalċidonju, is-Sibt u l-Ħadd, 20 u 21 ta’ Lulju 2019, il-Kurja tal-Arċisqof fil-Furjana fetħet il-bibien tagħha għall-pubbliku. Il-viżitaturi setgħu jammiraw l‑arkitettura Barokka u d‑diversi opri tal‑arti li jinsabu fis‑sala tar‑refettorju, fil‑kurituri, fis‑sagristija u fil‑kappella ddedikata lill‑Madonna ta’ Manresa fejn hemm ir‑relikwi ta’ San Kalċidonju. Ittellghu wkoll preżentazzjonijiet u taħdidiet dwar il-pitturi fil-Kurja u r-restawr li qed isir mal-faċċata, kunċerti fil-bitħa ċentrali u treasure hunt għat-tfal…

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Vatican City State set to end sale of single-use plastics

  • After current supplies run out, Vatican City State will no longer be selling any single-use plastic items on its small territory.

    While the European Union pledged in May to ban single-use plastic starting in 2021, the Vatican had already begun limiting its use and soon “it will no longer be sold,” said Rafael Ignacio Tornini, head of the department handling Vatican City State’s gardens and waste collection…

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Restoration works on Bidnija church inaugurated

  • Restoration works on the Holy Family Church in Bidnija were completed with an investment of around €85,000 co-financed by European funds. The project was inaugurated this morning by the Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi and Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds and Social Dialogue Aaron Farrugia. The Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese of Malta Michael Pace Ross was also present. 

    During the conference it was explained that restoration works were done on the facade and the sides of the church, the bell tower, and the churchyard…

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Pope Francis among the 20 most admired men

  • Which famous men do you admire the most?

    Clint Eastwood.

    Matthew Bellamy. He is a singer, guitarist and composer of Muse. 

    And women?

    Reese Witherspoon because she plays roles that inspire women very much, especially young women.

    This study was conducted by the British research society YouGov…

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How many Catholic saints are there?

  • The word “saint” comes from the Latin word sanctus, meaning “holy.” During the first several centuries of the Church, this title was freely given to all those, primarily martyrs, who were publicly known for their holiness.

    It wasn’t until 1588 that the Vatican’s Congregation for Saints’ Causes was officially created to help regulate this title and be more selective regarding the process of formal canonization…

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Pope makes appointments in Vatican media

  • Pope Francis on Thursday appointed a new Director of the Holy See Press Office.  British-born Matteo Bruni is the new spokesperson of the Holy See, with effect from 22 July.

    Born on 23 November 1976 in Winchester, Bruni graduated in modern and contemporary foreign languages and literature from Rome’s La Sapienza University.  He has been working since July 2009 at the Holy See Press Office, where he has been overseeing the accreditation of journalists and operational communications as coordinator of the Accreditation Section…

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A celebration by the Faculty of Theology

  • Fi tmiem is-sena akkademika 2018-2019, għadd ta’ studenti, alumni u staff tal-Fakultà tat-Teologija ngħaqdu għal ċelebrazzjoni ta’ għeluq is-sena akkademika fil-kappella tal-Università. Matul l-attività l-istaff u l-istudenti rringrazzjaw ukoll lil Dun René Camilleri fi tmiem is-servizz tiegħu bħala Senior Lecturer fil-Fakultà. Dun René beda jgħallem fil-Fakultà tat-Teologija fl-1984. 

    Waqt il-Quddiesa, Dun René qasam riflessjoni fuq is-silta mill-Evanġelju tal-gurnata (Mt 8, 23-27)…

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