
Spreading Hope! – more activities from Catholic Action in Malta

  The University of Malta, Msida

On the date of the 90th anniversary of the setting up of the Catholic Action in Malta, which was celebrated on the 19th of February, an activity was organised for students and staff at the University of Malta. This activity aimed to encourage people to spread hope, no matter their status or role.  The activity started with mass celebrated by Fr Keith Bonnici and Fr Bernard Micallef… Read more »

Pope at Mass in Bari: ‘Today let us choose love’

  Bari, Italy

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Bari, reflecting on the Gospel for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time in his homily, encouraging that we pray for the grace to love. Pope Francis celebrated Mass after meeting with the Bishops of the Mediterranean region gathered in Bari, Italy. During his homily, the Pope reflected on the Gospel of Matthew 5:38-48.

Jesus goes beyond

Pope Francis began his homily explaining that Jesus went beyond the “ancient law: ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ ” which itself was “a sign of progress, since it prevented excessive retaliation”… Read more »

Pope Francis addresses Mediterranean Bishops in Bari

  Bari, Italy

Pope Francis on Sunday traveled to the southern Italian city of Bari on the final day of a meeting entitled “Mediterranean frontier of peace”. During his address to Bishops from 19 Mediterranean countries, the Pope described war as a “madness to which one can never resign oneself.” Don’t raise walls, he said, and don’t accept that one can die at sea without help.

Pope Francis’ address to the Bishop of the Mediterranean in Bari

Dear Brothers,

I am pleased that we can meet you and I am grateful that each of you has accepted the invitation of the Italian Episcopal Conference to take part in this meeting, which assembles the Churches of the Mediterranean.  When Cardinal Bassetti presented the idea to me, I readily accepted it, seeing it as an opportunity to begin a process of listening and discussion aimed at helping to build peace in this crucial part of the world.  For that reason, I wanted to be present and testify to the importance of the new model of fraternity and collegiality that you represent. 

I find it significant that this meeting takes place in Bari, since this city is so important for its links with the Middle East and Africa; it is an eloquent sign of the deeply rooted relationships between different peoples and traditions.  The Diocese of Bari has always fostered ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, working tirelessly to create bonds of mutual esteem and fraternity.  I purposely chose Bari, a year and a half ago, to meet leaders of Christian communities in the Middle East for an important moment of discussion and fellowship meant to help our sister Churches to journey together and feel closer to one another… Read more »

Pope Francis: The power of education for a more fraternal humanity

  The Vatican

Pope greets participants of Plenary of the Congregation for Catholic Education (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis addresses participants of the Plenary of the Congregation for Catholic Education, urging them to “unite efforts in a broad educational alliance to form mature people, capable of overcoming fragmentation and opposition and rebuild the fabric of relationships for a more fraternal humanity”.

“Education is a dynamic reality; it is a movement that brings people to light.” Those were the words of Pope Francis to participants of the Plenary of the Congregation for Catholic Education… Read more »

Bari Conference discusses the gap between people in misery and those well-off

Conference 'Mediterranean Frontier of Peace' begins

  Bari, Italy

Ilbieraħ, 19 ta’ Frar 2020, ngħatat bidu għal laqgħa ta’ riflessjoni u spiritwalità ‘Il-Mediterran fruntiera ta’ Paċi’, f’Bari. Il-konferenza, organizzata mill-Konferenza Episkopali Taljana (CEI), infetħet mill-President tagħha l-Kardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, President fejn semma’ li llum il-ġurnata l-Mediterran spiċċa qabar għal eluf ta’ nies, meta qabel kien mużajk tal-kulturi u tradizzjonijiet Kristjani u jixtiequ jerġa’ jiġi kif kien. U għalhekk talab għall-ġustizzja u l-paċi kontra l-ħażen tal-gwerer, il-vjolenza u l-“kaos kontrollat”… Read more »

A Politics of Peace – a new book by Rev. Dr Nicholas Joseph Doublet

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

The book A Politics of Peace: The Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs during the pontificate of Benedict XV (1914-1922) is the result of years of research by the historian Rev. Dr Nicholas Joseph Doublet on this important structure of the Roman Curia during a pontificate that coincided with a delicate moment in world history.

The Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs can be considered the political ‘think tank’ of the Roman Curia as it was responsible for the Vatican’s bi-lateral relations with other states, as well as treating delicate ecclesiastical issues in the local churches… Read more »

Maltese Bishops attend a conference in Bari on migration and peace in the Mediterranean

  Bari, Italy

L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna u l‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi jinsabu f’Bari, l‑Italja, għall‑konferenza bit‑tema ‘Il‑Mediterran fruntiera ta’ paċi’.

Għal din il‑laqgħa hekk imsejħa ta’ riflessjoni u spiritwalità ser jattendu madwar 60 isqof minn 20 pajjiż tal‑Mediterran fl‑Ewropa, l‑Afrika ta’ Fuq u Lvant Nofsani. L‑immigrazzjoni hija waħda mit‑temi prinċipali ta’ din il‑konferenza li ser tiddiskuti wkoll l‑evanġelizzazzjoni taż‑żgħażagħ, l‑isfida tal‑qagħad u l‑paċi fir‑reġjun.

Il‑laqgħa f’Bari, li qed tiġi organizzata mill‑Konferenza Episkopali Taljana (CEI), tibda llum u tintemm il‑Ħadd 23 ta’ Frar… Read more »

Pope at General Audience: For Jesus, the meek are those who have learned to guard the territory of their relationship with God

  The Vatican

Pope Francis lets an elderly lady kiss his pectoral cross  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis continues his catechesis on the Beatitudes at the Wednesday General Audience, reflecting on the third: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”. The official English-language summary is below:

Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our continuing catechesis on the Beatitudes, we now consider the third Beatitude: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Mt 5:5).  Scripture uses the term “meek” for the poor and the dispossessed of the land.  Jesus’ statement that the meek will inherit the earth can thus seems contradictory.  Yet the Lord tells us that the meek will inherit the earth.  The Beatitude ultimately points us to the heavenly homeland promised to the children of God.  For Jesus, the meek are those who have learned to guard the territory of their relationship with God and preserve his gifts of peace, mercy and fraternity.  Sin can destroy this inheritance, for the hatred and division that flow from sin are destructive.  Meekness, on the other hand, preserves this inheritance, enables it to grow and wins the hearts of others by love, kindness and friendship.  By imitating the meekness of Christ, may we help to extend his kingdom and come to receive the inheritance promised to us by the Beatitude… Read more »

The important presence of charity and solidarity by the Maltese Catholic Action – The Archbishop

Messaġġ tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna

L-okkażjoni tad-90 anniversarju mill-preżenza tal-Azzjoni Kattolika fil-Gżejjer Maltin tagħtini l-opportunità l-ewwel nett biex nesprimi l-gratitudni tal-Knisja f’Malta għal tant inizjattivi sbieħ, mhux biss ta’ formazzjoni imma ta’ solidarjetà, li l-Azzjoni Kattolika ppromwoviet f’dawn id-90 sena. Imma wkoll tagħtini l-opportunità biex inħares lejn il-futur tal-Azzjoni Kattolika b’fiduċja u tama kbira.

Huwa ta’ privileġġ għalija li regolarment niltaqa’ ma’ tant żgħażagħ taż-ŻAK li huma parti integrali mill-ħidma tal-Azzjoni Kattolika u nara l-impenn tagħhom biex jgħixu l-ħajja Nisranija fiċ-ċirkustanzi attwali… Read more »

New Parish Priests’ Council 2020-2022

(xellug) Dun Robert Grech, Dun Mario Mangion, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna, Dun Josef Mifsud u Dun Christopher Ellul. (Wara xellug) Dun John Muscat u Dun Ewkarist Zammit.

Il-Kulleġġ tal-Kappillani tal-Knisja f’Malta ħatar Kunsill ġdid għas-snin 2020 – 2022 fil-laqgħa tal-Kulleġġ tat-12 ta’ Frar. Il-Kunsill tal-Kappillani huwa ffurmat minn seba’ membri tal-Kulleġġ tal-Kappillani li hu magħmul mis-70 kappillan tal-parroċċi f’Malta. Il-membri tal-Kunsill il-ġdid huma:

President: Dun Mario Mangion (l-Arċipriet ta’ San Ġorġ, Ħal Qormi)
Viċi President: Dun Ewkarist Zammit (l-Arċipriet ta’ San Sebastjan, Ħal Qormi)
Segretarju tal-Kulleġġ: Dun Robert Grech (il-Kappillan tas-Swatar)
Kaxxier: Dun John Muscat (il-Kappillan ta’ Paola Lourdes)
Segretarju tal-Kunsill: Dun Josef Mifsud (l-Arċipriet tas-Siġġiewi)
Membri: Dun Christopher Ellul (l-Arċipriet Ħal Tarxien) u Dun Reuben Micallef (il-Kappillan Pembroke)

Il-Kunsill huwa responsabbli li janalizza l-ħwejjeġ li jolqtu l-ħidma pastorali fil-parroċċi u t-tmexxija tal-Kulleġġ u jkun ta’ għajnuna għall-Arċisqof u għall-kappillani kollha fil-ħidma pastorali tagħhom… Read more »