
A choir for the visit of Pope Francis to Malta

Bi tħejjija għall-Vjaġġ Appostoliku tal‑Papa Franġisku f’Malta ser jitwaqqaf kor biex janima Quddiesa li ser issir fuq il-Fosos tal-Furjana nhar Għid il-Ħamsin, il-Ħadd 31 ta’ Mejju 2020. 

Il-kor ser ikun iffurmat minn tfal u adulti, u ser ikun taħt it‑tmexxija ta’ Mro Christopher Muscat, Maestro di Cappella tal‑Katidral Metropolitan u Direttur Mużikali tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Tfal u adolexxenti bejn id‑9 u l‑14‑il sena għandhom japplikaw għall-kor tat-tfal filwaqt li dawk minn 15-il sena ’l fuq japplikaw mal-adulti… Read more »

Pope Francis forms Child Protection Task Force

Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna will be part of the Supervising Committee, whilst Andrew Azzopardi will coordinate the task force

  The Vatican

Pope Francis bows his head in prayer during the Meeting for the Protection of Minors in the Church   (Vatican Media)

Following up on a plan announced at last year’s Meeting for the Protection of Minors in the Church, Pope Francis has launched a task force to help Bishops’ Conferences prepare and update child protection guidelines.

Pope Francis has established a task force “in order to assist the Episcopal Conferences in the preparation and updating of guidelines for the protection of minors”… Read more »

The steps accomplished after the meeting on ‘The Protection of Minors in the Church’

Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna part of the Organising Committee for the Meeting of 2019

  The Vatican

Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna during the meeting on ‘The Protection of Minors in the Church’ (Photo: ANSA)

In November 2018, the Holy Father entrusted to Most Reverend Substitute, the task of assisting the Organising Committee for the Meeting on ‘The Protection of Minors in the Church’, composed of Cardinal Blaise Cupich, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, His Excellency Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna and Father Hans Zollner, in the preparation of said Meeting, which was then held in the Vatican from 21-24 February 2019… Read more »

Pope’s General Audience on Ash Wednesday: silence to centre our lives on things that really matter

  The Vatican

Pope Francis holds the weekly General Audience in St. Peter’s Square  (AFP or licensors)

Pope Francis invites the faithful to undertake their lenten journey of prayer, fasting and works of mercy to strengthen them in their resolve to follow the Lord on his journey through Good Friday to Easter Sunday.

Dear brothers and sisters: Today, Ash Wednesday, begins our annual Lenten journey of preparation for Easter.  In a sense, we imitate Jesus, who spent forty days of prayer in the desert preparing for his public ministry.  From a spiritual perspective, the desert is a place of life, not death.  It is a place of silence, where we are interiorly free to hear the Lord’s word and to experience his loving call.  In our busy world, how much we need that kind of silence, in order to grow in prayerful openness to God, to cultivate an ecology of the heart and to centre our lives on the things that really matter.  An important part of our Lenten desert experience is the practice of fasting, which trains us to recognize, in simplicity of heart, how often our lives are spent in empty and superficial pursuits.  The solitude of the desert makes us all the more sensitive to those in our midst who quietly cry out for our help and encouragement.  This Lent, may our prayer, fasting and works of mercy strengthen us in our resolve to follow the Lord on his journey through Good Friday to Easter Sunday, and enable us to know the power of his grace, which can make of every desert a garden of new life… Read more »

Crux Invicta – Il-Kurċifiss Mirakuluż u l-Kapuċċini f’Għawdex: a new book by Fr Martin Micallef

  The President's Palace, Attard

Il-ktieb Crux Invicta – Il-Kurċifiss Mirakuluż u l-Kapuċċini f’Għawdex, ta’ Patri Martin Micallef O. Cap, jinseġ tapizzerija rikka ta’ ħajja Kapuċċina f’dawn il-gżejjer madwar il-leit motif tal-istorja tal-kurċifiss li hemm fil-knisja u l-kunvent tal-Ordni f’Għawdex.

Fuq l-isfond ta’ kif żviluppa l-kult tal-kurċifiss sa mill-ewwel sekli tal-era Kristjana, kemm fid-dinja Kattolika kif ukoll f’dawn il-gżejjer, l-awtur ilaqqam il-ġrajja ta’ kif dan il-kurċifiss, li nħadem fi Sqallija fl-1683 minn artist tajjeb u li s’issa għadu mhux magħruf, inġieb f’dawn il-gżejjer mill-Kommendatur Miceli, l-ewwel f’Malta u aktar tard, bil-ħidma tal-Għawdxi de Soldanis, għadda f’idejn il-Kapuċċini li kienu għadhom kemm fetħu l-kunvent tagħhom, tefgħa ta’ ġebla bogħod miċ-Ċittadella, f’Forn il-Ġir… Read more »

The Season of Lent

Ritratt: Vatican Media

Għada l‑Erbgħa, 26 ta’ Frar 2020, il‑Knisja tagħti bidu għar‑Randan Imqaddes: 40 jum ta’ talb u penitenza bi tħejjija għaċ‑ċelebrazzjoni tal‑Passjoni, il‑Mewt u l‑Qawmien mill‑mewt ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu. 

Bi tħejjija għaż-żjara tal-Papa Franġisku fostna f’Pentekoste, din is-sena l-Isqfijiet qed iħeġġu lill-Insara biex jirriflettu wkoll fuq it-tagħlim tal-Papa, b’mod partikolari fuq l-ewwel Eżortazzjoni Appostolika tiegħu ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ (Il-Ferħ tal-Evanġelju). Din l-eżortazzjoni tfakkarna li l-ferħ veru jinstab fil-laqgħa ma’ Kristu Rxoxt, li jfejjaq minn kull xorta ta’ mard personali u fil-komunitajiet tagħna, u għalhekk dawk li jduqu mill-fejqan u l-ferħ tiegħu jimtlew bil-ħeġġa biex ixandruh ma’ kulħadd… Read more »

‘Jesus’ Pasch is not a past event’ -Message by Pope Francis for Lent 2020

“We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:20)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This year the Lord grants us, once again, a favourable time to prepare to celebrate with renewed hearts the great mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the cornerstone of our personal and communal Christian life. We must continually return to this mystery in mind and heart, for it will continue to grow within us in the measure that we are open to its spiritual power and respond with freedom and generosity… Read more »

Directives on receiving Holy Communion

Circular issued by the Archbishop's Curia

Kif nafu lkoll, bħalissa ma’ diversi pajjiżi qed tixtered ħafna l-Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Bħala miżura ta’ prekawzjoni u biex jiġi evitat kemm jista’ jkun il-periklu ta’ tixrid tal-Coronavirus, sakemm jingħataw direttivi oħra, it-Tqarbin Ewkaristiku bl-ostja għandu jsir biss fl-idejn u mhux fil-ħalq.

Fil-każijiet permessi għal Tqarbin mill-kalċi, it-Tqarbin m’għandux isir billi wieħed jixrob direttament mill-istess kalċi, iżda biss ‘per intinctionem’.

Infakkru wkoll li min jiċċelebra l-Quddiesa għandu jassigura ruħu li jkun iddiżinfetta idejh sewwa qabel ma tibda l-Quddiesa u, f’każ ta’ bżonn, qabel jibda jqarben… Read more »

Spreading Hope! – more activities from Catholic Action in Malta

  The University of Malta, Msida

On the date of the 90th anniversary of the setting up of the Catholic Action in Malta, which was celebrated on the 19th of February, an activity was organised for students and staff at the University of Malta. This activity aimed to encourage people to spread hope, no matter their status or role.  The activity started with mass celebrated by Fr Keith Bonnici and Fr Bernard Micallef… Read more »

Pope at Mass in Bari: ‘Today let us choose love’

  Bari, Italy

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Bari, reflecting on the Gospel for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time in his homily, encouraging that we pray for the grace to love. Pope Francis celebrated Mass after meeting with the Bishops of the Mediterranean region gathered in Bari, Italy. During his homily, the Pope reflected on the Gospel of Matthew 5:38-48.

Jesus goes beyond

Pope Francis began his homily explaining that Jesus went beyond the “ancient law: ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ ” which itself was “a sign of progress, since it prevented excessive retaliation”… Read more »