
The documents which led to the solemn coronation of the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Victories in Senglea

Since the 13th century May has traditionally been regarded by Christians as ‘the month of Mary’. May of 1920 turned out to be a Marian month like no other in the maritime city of Senglea. The reason was that during that month the city learned that the request made by the Collegiate Chapter for the solemn crowning of the miraculous and cherished statue of Our Lady of Victories, locally known as Il-Bambina, had been granted by Pope Benedict XV… Read more »

World Vocations Day 2020

Tomorrow, Sunday 3rd May 2020, is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. On this occasion, Archbishop Charles Scicluna will be celebrating Mass from the Chapel at the Vocations Centre at the Archbishop’s Seminary in Tal-Virtù. Mass in Maltese will be broadcast at 9:30am, and Mass in English will be at 6:30pm, both on TVM2 and on This evening at 7pm, a seminarian who is receiving his formation at the Archbishop’s Seminary will be participating in a Mass for youth which will be broadcast on and on the official Facebook page and YouTube channel of the Archdiocese of Malta.     … Read more »

Mass for Youths – 2 May, 7pm

The Fourth Sunday of Easter and the World Day of Prayer for Vocations

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

Qari u kant tal-Quddiesa

Ċelebrant: Fr Brendan Gatt
Animazzjoni: The New Victorians

♫ King of my Heart – Bethel ♫

Let the King of my heart
Be the mountain where I run
The fountain I drink from
Oh, He is my song
Let the King of my heart
Be the shadow where I hide
The ransom for my life
Oh, He is my song

‘Cause You are good
You are good, oh oh
You are good
You are good, oh oh
You are good
You are good, oh oh

You are good
You are good, oh oh
And let the King of my heart
Be the wind inside my sails
The anchor in the waves
Oh oh, He is my song
Let the King of my heart
Be the fire inside my veins
The echo of my days
Oh oh, He is my song

Qari I

Alla lil Ġesù għamlu Mulej u Kristu… Read more »

Pope at General Audience: Love the world that persecutes you

The Vatican

At his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis concludes his series of catecheses on the Beatitudes, focusing on the final Beatitude, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”.

Pope Francis concluded his catechesis on the Beatitudes during his General Audience on Wednesday, 29 April. His reflection focused on the last of the Beatitudes: “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”… Read more »

The debate on cannabis for ‘recreational’ use

Statement by Caritas Malta, Sedqa, Fondazzjoni Oasi and the Maltese Association of Psychiatry

Dibattitu dwar il-kannabis għall-użu ‘rikreattiv’

Caritas Malta, l-Aġenzija Sedqa, il-Fondazzjoni Oasi u l-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Psikjatrija f’Malta jinsabu fi qbil li:

  1. Hemm bżonn iktar sensibilità lejn persuni li jużaw il-kannabis.
  2. Il-liġi tal-2015 – Rijabilitazzjoni u mhux Priġunerija – kienet liġi effettiva u pass ’il quddiem biex persuni li jinqabdu bi kwantitajiet żgħar għall-użu personali jiġu dekriminalizzati u depenalizzati.
  3. Liġi dwar il-kannabis mediċinali kellha passi ’l quddiem peress li l-kannabis għandha propjetajiet mediċi u li meta jiġu użati abbażi ta’ riċerka, ikunu ta’ benefiċċju għall-pazjent…
  4. Read more »

Pope at Mass prays for artists and for the grace of creativity

Pope Francis introduced morning Mass on Monday of the Third Week of Easter, with special thoughts for artists.

“Let us pray today for artists, for those who have this great capacity for creativity,” and for showing us the way to beauty. He continued: “May the Lord give us all the grace of creativity at this time.”

He then reflected on the Gospel reading of the day (Jn 6:22-29) in which Jesus redirects the crowd for seeking Him after the multiplication of the loaves and fishes only because their stomachs had been filled by exhorting them “not to work for food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life.”

Being good people, the Pope said, they asked him how to accomplish this and Jesus replied: “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.”

Pope Francis explained that the crowd listened to Jesus “without getting tired.” Once sated, they thought they would make Him king, “but they had forgotten their first enthusiasm for His Word.”

Remembering the first encounter with Jesus

So, he continued, the Lord reminded the crowd of their first encounter with the Word, and “He corrected the path of the people who had taken a more worldly, rather than evangelical path.”

This happens to us too, the Pope warned, when we move away from the path of the Gospel and we lose the memory of our first enthusiasm for the Word of the Lord… Read more »

Nobody was injured in an accident at Dar Saura

  Dar Saura, Rabat

L-amministrazzjoni tad-Djar tal-Knisja għall-anzjani tikkonferma li ħadd ma weġġa’ wara li llejla żviluppa nar żgħir f’kamra f’Dar Saura, ir-Rabat. Filwaqt li ġew imsejħa l-membri tal-protezzjoni ċivili, in-nar kien laħaq intefa minn ħaddiema tal-istess dar. Fuq il-post ġew imsejħa wkoll il-pulizija u team mediku mill-isptar Mater Dei li taw l-għajnuna meħtieġa u ċċertifikaw li ħadd ma weġġa’. Żewġ residenti, nurse u carer kellhom jingħataw l-ossiġnu minħabba d-dħaħen li belgħu.  

F’Dar Saura bħalissa hemm 61 resident… Read more »