
Archbishop Emeritus recovered at Mater Dei Hospital

L-Arċisqof Emeritu Mons. Pawlu Cremona O.P. jinsab rikoverat l-Isptar Mater Dei f’kundizzjoni medika tajba wara li lbierah filgħaxija sarlu intervent minuri f’qalbu.

Waqt il-Quddiesa tal-Ħadd li xxandret dalgħodu, Mons. Arċisqof Charles Scicluna ħeġġeġ lill-Insara biex jitolbu għalih. Read more »

Pope personally congratulates Fr Dijonisju Mintoff on his 90th birthday

“Dear father, I have just found out that the day before yesterday you turned 90! I send you my Best Wishes!”

These simple words on a hand-written note, penned and signed by Pope Francis, most certainly made the day for Fr. Dionysius Mintoff, as he went about celebrating an important birthday at the Pope John XXIII Peace Laboratory he founded on the island of Malta… Read more »

Restoration works at Ħad-Dingli and Mġarr parish churches completed

Projects by the Foundation for Cultural Heritage co-financed by EU funds

Il-mużajk ta’ Marija mtellgħa s-sema li jisab mal-frontispizju tal-knisja parrokkjali tal-Imġarr

Dalgħodu ġew inawgurati diversi proġetti ta’ konservazzjoni u restawr fil‑parroċċi ta’ Ħad‑Dingli u l‑Imġarr, permezz tal‑ħidma li saret mill‑Fondazzjoni għall‑Patrimonju Kulturali tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Il‑proġetti saru b’kofinanzjament ta’ 80% minn fondi tal‑Unjoni Ewropea, b’investiment totali ta’ €217,000. Il‑proġetti ġew inawgurati mill‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi u mis‑Segretarju Parlamentari għall‑Fondi Ewropej Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi.

F’Ħad‑Dingli ġew irrestawrati diversi opri tal‑arti: l‑14‑il pittura tal‑Via Sagra, il‑pedestall u n‑niċċa tal‑Madonna tar‑Rużarju, il‑pittura tal‑Adorazzjoni tas‑Slaten Maġi, il‑pittura tal‑Madonna tar‑Rużarju, il‑pittura tal‑artist Portugiż Manuel Pereira li turi t‑tieġ bejn San Ġużepp u l‑Madonna, u l-istatwa tas-seklu sittax ta’ San Ġwann Battista, li hi maħsuba li nġiebet Malta mill-Ordni tal-Kavallieri ta’ San Ġwann… Read more »

Statement by the Secretariat for Catholic Education on the reopening of Church Schools

Is-Segretarjat għall-Edukazzjoni Nisranija, b’konsultazzjoni mal-iskejjel tal-Knisja, jinforma li: 

L-Iskejjel tal-Knisja fil-livell kindergarten u primarju se jiftħu fiżikament nhar it-Tnejn, 12 ta’ April, b’osservanza tal-protokolli tas-saħħa. L-iskejjel li kellhom sistema ta’ attendenza alternata minħabba l-ispazji li huma għandhom se jkomplu b’dik is-sistema. 

L-iskejjel sekondarji se jibdew lezzjonijiet online nhar it-Tnejn, 12 ta’ April, u se jiftħu fiżikament nhar l-Erbgħa, 14 ta’ April… Read more »

Pope Francis during General Audience: Praying in communion with the Saints

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today, I would like to reflect on the connection between prayer and the communion of saints. In fact, when we pray, we never do so alone: even if we do not think about it, we are immersed in a majestic river of invocations that precedes us and proceeds after us. A majestic river.

Contained in the prayers we find in the Bible, that often resound in the liturgy, are the traces of ancient stories, of prodigious liberations, of deportations and sad exiles, of emotional returns, of praise ringing out before the wonders of creation… And thus, these voices are passed on from generation to generation, in a continual intertwining between personal experience and that of the people and the humanity to which we belong… Read more »

More than 500 killed by Myanmar’s military junta

More than 500 people have been killed in Myanmar in the Military junta’s ruthless crackdown on protests since the Feb 1 ousting of the elected government and their leader Aung San Suu Kyi, a local non-governmental organization has said.   

As of 29 March, 510 people are now confirmed killed by security forces led by the military junta said the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) on Monday… Read more »

Young people’s mental health is a priority

The Secretariat for Catholic Education and the Church Schools Association (CSA) are concerned about several issues raised in the white paper on “the responsible use of cannabis”.

In light of the proposed white paper, the Secretariat and the CSA emphasise that priority should be given to the effect of cannabis on young people’s mental health and the way it will promote and strengthen a cannabis culture among our young today as well as entire future generations… Read more »

Pope at Easter Urbi et Orbi: Risen Christ is hope that does not disappoint

Throughout the world, the Church proclaims the joyous news that “Jesus, who was crucified, has risen as He said. Alleluia!”, Pope Francis said at the start of his Easter message broadcast live around the world.

He delivered his Urbi et Orbi message inside St. Peter’s Basilica, just like last year, due to coronavirus safety measures.

He had just concluded presiding over the Easter Sunday Mass at the Altar of the Chair with a small congregation participating… Read more »

Pope at Easter Vigil: Christ alive today, always helps begin anew

In the hour of darkness when humanity is grappling with the pandemic and other ills, Christians need to take to heart the Easter message of the angel not to be afraid, assured that in Galilee where the Lord precedes them, their expectations will be fulfilled, their tears will be dried and their fears will be replaced by hope.   Pope Francis made the point in his homily at the Easter Vigil Mass in St… Read more »