
India bans Mother Teresa charity from receiving funds from abroad

India’s government has refused to renew the foreign-funding licence for a charity founded by Mother Teresa.

The Missionaries of Charity has thousands of nuns supervising projects that include homes for abandoned children, schools, and clinics.

On Christmas Day, India’s home ministry announced it had not renewed the registration. The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been working to stop foreign funding for Christian charities and other NGOs based in India… Read more »

A contemporary crib by the Jesuits Church Foundation

  The Church of the Jesuits, Valletta

The newly established the Jesuits Church Foundation is pleased to host this Christmas season at the Church of the Jesuits, Valletta, with a fine artistic contemporary crib made in the traditional Baroque idiom by the established Maltese artist Chris Ebejer.

As part of its ongoing integral restoration programme of the Jesuits Church and its adjoining oratories, the Immacolata and the Onorati, the Foundation is seeking to create greater space for local artists to exhibit their works at this distinguished location, steeped in history, at the very heart of Valletta… Read more »

Sweetness and mercy were poured on the world

Christmas message by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

Message by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

It is a great pleasure to offer you my sincere greetings on this holy Christmas night. It is truly wonderful if we understand what we are telling each other when, throughout these holy days, we greet one another with ‘Happy Christmas’. We are recalling the birth of a baby; we are recalling the birth of God made man for you and me… Read more »

European Churches urge people to get vaccinated against COVID-19

Joint appeal from the presidents of COMECE and CEC

Urging responsibility and care amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and encouraging vaccination together with necessary sanitary measures, H.Em. Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), and Rev. Christian Krieger, President of the Conference of European Churches (CEC), have issued the following joint appeal.

In this time of Advent, let us manifest Christ’s love by demonstrating responsibility and care for all… Read more »

Christmas Eve Midnight mass – 24th December, 10:45pm

  St Paul's Cathedral, Mdina

The celebration starts at 10:45 pm with Christmas readings and singing. At midnight, Archbishop Charles Scicluna celebrates mass on the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in St Paul’s Cathedral, Mdina.

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Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament… Read more »

Church offers support for stranded migrants

Photo by Fiona Alihosi (Sea-Eye)

The Church in Malta through the Migrants Commission, Justice and Peace Commission and JRS, strongly urge the national authorities to take immediate action and ensure that the asylum seekers currently stranded at sea are rescued and disembarked at a safe port.

Over 220 children, women and men rescued by the Sea Eye a week ago in Malta’s search and rescue area are still stranded at sea, in worsening weather conditions, after Malta refused to provide them with a port of safety… Read more »

European Churches respond to Pope’s appeal for migrants and refugees

Pope Francis’ appeal to European leaders to take action to safeguard the dignity and human rights of migrants and refugees is unanimously upheld and welcomed by Churches, religious congregations and Catholic organizations.

Speaking during this last General Audience before Christmas, Pope Francis appealed to European leaders to take joint action and find solutions to protect and promote migrants and refugees arriving on the continent… Read more »

Live: Midnight Mass and Christmas Day Mass

  St Paul's Cathedral, Mdina

Għada, l-24 ta’ Diċembru, fil-10:45pm jibda l-uffiċċju tal-qari li matulu ssir il-prietka tat-tifel, kif ukoll programm ta’ għanjiet tal-Milied. F’nofsillejl l-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna jiċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fis-Solennità tat-Twelid ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu, fil-Katidral ta’ San Pawl, l-Imdina. Iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tixxandar live fuq TVM, u

Fil-25 ta’ Diċembru, l-Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fis-Solennità tat-Twelid ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu, fil-Katidral ta’ San Pawl, l-Imdina… Read more »

An increase in homeless people – workers at Dar Osanna Pia

“Fi żmien il-Milied, aħsbu f’min hu bla saqaf fuq rasu jew jorqod f’karozza jew garaxx. F’dawk li m’għandhomx biex jixtru l-ikel jew iħallsu l-kera”.

Dan intqal mill-ħaddiema ta’ Dar Osanna Pia li tinsab f’Tas-Sliema u toffri programm ħolistiku għall-21 żgħażugħ li jinsabu bla saqaf fuq rashom.

Il-ħaddiema qalu wissew li, għalkemm ma narawx nies bla saqaf fit-tined bħal barra minn Malta, jekk tfittex sewwa tinnota li din il-problema qed tikber f’Malta, kemm fost il-Maltin u l-barranin… Read more »


From Friday 24th December till Monday 3rd January 2021 (both days included), the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana and the Ecclesiastical Tribunal in Valletta will be closed. They will be open to the public on Tuesday 4th January 2022. Read more »