
Lenten Reflections 2022 – Third Sunday

Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent by Archbishop Charles Scicluna

Gospel: Lk 13:1-9

At that very time there were some present who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. He asked them, “Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were worse sinners than all other Galileans? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish as they did.  … Read more »

Financial support for Caritas’ New Hope project

  San Blas, Siġġiewi

Il-Ministeru għas-Solidarjetà u l-Ġustizzja Soċjali, il-Familja u d-Drittijiet tat-Tfal issiġilla ftehim ieħor mal-Fondazzjoni Caritas, bi ftehim li jlaħħaq l-€4.2 miljun. Dan l-investiment se jkun qed iwassal biex jitmexxa l-proġett New Hope, li jgħin persuni jegħlbu diffikultajiet b’rabta mal-użu tad-droga.

Il-proġett New Hope se jkun qed jipprovdi programmi ta’ rijabilitazzjoni, għall-irġiel u n-nisa rispettivament f’San Blas. Dan il-ftehim mifrux fuq medda ta’ tliet snin, hu mħejji biex jagħti sapport lill-klijenti u sens ta’ empowerment, li jwassalhom biex jerġgħu jintegraw lura fis-soċjetà… Read more »

Live: Mass on the 50th anniversary of the 1972 ordination to the priesthood

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Tomorrow, 19th of March, 22 priests and religious will celebrate a thanksgiving mass on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their ordination to the priesthood by Archbishop Michael Gonzi.  The mass will be celebrated by Fr Vincent Costa, Bishop of Jundiaí in Brazil, at St John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta at 5.45pm. Some of the ordained work in Brasil, Australia and Germany and will not be to attend… Read more »

Activity by secondary students from St Aloysius College in solidarity with victims in Ukraine

  St Aloysius College, Birkirkara

On Monday 14th March 2022, the St Aloysius College Secondary School community of students and members of staff participated in a special community activity, as an expression of solidarity and support for those struggling as a result of the war in Ukraine. The activity took place in the Secondary School/Sports Complex Grounds.

Following a student march-past featuring the Ukrainian flag and music, the Secondary School’s educational community gathered in the sports grounds to physically form the Ukraine national flag and a symbolic heart… Read more »

One Family: The family in a changing society

  St Anne’s Parish, Marsascala

The third dialogue session of Ilkoll Aħwa is taking place on Friday 18th March with the theme chosen being ‘The family in a changing society’ and will be led by Jesmond Schembri. The talk will start by looking at statistics that shed light on the contemporary Maltese family, followed by some reflections. This will serve as an introduction to the various related themes which Pope Francis spoke about, especially in the document Amoris Laetitia

First of all, Pope Francis sets the general attitude in which this document is to be understood, namely that of having a new look at the family, full of compassion… Read more »

The President meets with residents following the Caritas Malta Prison Inmates Programme

President George Vella and Anthony Gatt, Caritas Malta Director (Photo: DOI)

The President of Malta George Vella and Mrs Vella met with 11 residents currently following a Caritas drug rehabilitation programme – the Prison Inmates Programme – outside the Corradino Correctional Facility. 

Some residents shared with the President and Mrs Vella their experiences and the difficulties they faced due to drug abuse problems and because of which they ended up breaking the law… Read more »

Mass by Pope Francis on the Granaries

Illum f’nofsinhar titftaħ ir-reġistrazzjoni għal kull min jixtieq jirriserva post bilqiegħda għall-quddiesa ċċelebrata mill-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa Franġisku. Il-quddiesa li hija miftuħa għal kulħadd se ssir nhar il-Ħadd, 3 ta’ April 2022, fuq il-Fosos tal-Furjana u tibda fl-10:15am. Min ser jattendi għandu jkun hemm kmieni. Ir-reġistrazzjoni għal dawk li jixtiequ jirriservaw siġġu hi aċċessibli fuq sal-Ħadd, 27 ta’ Marzu.

Ir-reġistrazzjoni tista’ ssir kemm għal individwu kif ukoll f’isem familja jew grupp… Read more »

Lenten Reflections 2022 – Second Sunday

Reflection for the second Sunday of Lent by Archbishop Charles Scicluna

Gospel: Lk 9:28b-36

Now about eight days after these sayings Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray.  And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white.

Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him. They appeared in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem… Read more »

Apostle statues given to Corradino chapel

L-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta se tagħti b’self sitt statwi tal-kartapesta indurati lill-Faċilità Korrettiva ta’ Kordin sabiex jintramaw fuq l-artal maġġur tal-kappella tal-ħabs. 

Dawn l-istatwi, magħrufa bħala ‘Apostolato’, huma proprjetà tal-Knisja ta’ San Nikola (Tal-Erwieħ) tal-Belt Valletta. Storikament amministrata mis-Sodalità tal-Erwieħ tal-Purgatorju, fl-aħħar snin din il-knisja reġgħet għaddiet f’idejn il-Parroċċa Griega Kattolika li lilha taf il-fundazzjoni tagħha. Bi ftehim mal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta, illum il-knisja qed taqdi il-bżonnijiet tal-komunità Griega Ortodossa… Read more »

The Creative Voice that Does Not Shake

Launch of booklet written by survivors of domestic violence

  Il-Milja, Fondazzjoni Sebħ

The Creative Voice that does not Shake, a publication by the women survivors of domestic violence who reside at il-Milja, Fondazzjoni Sebħ, was launched on 8th March to commemorate Women’s Day. Through this publication these women have been given the space to express themselves through creative means including art, poetry, messages as well as prayer. This publication gave survivors the well-deserved space to express themselves and raise awareness about the abuse and violence… Read more »