
(Un)silenced: celebration of self-determination, solidarity and liberation

  APS Bank Centre, Swatar

(Un)silenced is a project by St Jeanne Antide Foundation and APS Bank and is held in the foyer of APS Bank Centre in Swatar till 4 July 2022.

It is an intimate exploration of the unsaid, the repressed and the unheard. It is a commentary on the lived experiences of those women whose identities have been eroded by narcissistic abuse and whose mental health has been ravaged by the toxic osmosis of being in the presence of a narcissist… Read more »

Doctors for Life propose Polar Body Testing over PGD

Doctors for Life issued a statement proposing Polar Body Testing over Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).

Polar Body Testing is a method for the genetic analysis of oocytes before the end of fertilization (preconception diagnosis). A polar body is a small haploid cell that is formed concomitantly as an egg cell during oogenesis, but which generally does not have the ability to be fertilized… Read more »

Interdiocesan Environment Commission Reflection on Environment Day 2022

On the occasion of Environment Day 2022, which is observed annually on the 5th June, the Interdiocesan Environment Commission (KA) appeals to the authorities to protect agricultural land and open spaces, to focus on alternative sources of energy and urgently revise current policies that are, by design, intended to serve narrow interests and irrevocably compromise the natural heritage of the Maltese Islands.

Decisive action to shift towards renewable sources of energy but not at the expense of agriculture

The current senseless war against Ukraine has brought to the fore the importance of being less reliant on fossil fuels and the importance of agricultural activity that feeds populations… Read more »


Tomorrow, Friday, 3rd June 2022, the Archbishop’s Curia, including the Marriage Office in Floriana, will be closed all day.

The Curia reopens on Saturday, 4th June 2022. Read more »

Pope Francis names Cardinal Mario Grech a member of Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship

Pope Francis on Wednesday named Cardinal Mario Grech as a member of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.

The appointment was announced by the Holy See press office on Wednesday. Grech also serves as Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops.

Other members of the Congregation include Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life; Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, Almoner of His Holiness; Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints; Archbishop Lazzaro You Heung-sik, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy; Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples; Burmese Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Yangon, and Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen, president of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland… Read more »

The 70th Ordinary Provincial Elective Chapter of the Capuchin Brothers of the Province of Malta

Il-ġimgħa li għaddiet ġie ċċelebrat is-70 Kapitlu Provinċjali Ordinarju Elettiv tal-Aħwa Kapuċċini Maltin. Il-Kapitlu sar fil-kunvent tas-Salib Imqaddes, fil-Furjana bejn is-16 u l-20 ta’ Mejju 2022, u għalih attendew 48 Aħwa Kapuċċini. F’din il-ġimgħa l-Aħwa Kapuċċini kellhom iċ-ċans li flimkien jitolbu, jiddiskutu u anke jfasslu programm għall-futur tal-Provinċja tagħhom.

F’dan il-Kapitlu presedut mill-Kunsillier Ġenerali tal-Ordni tal-Kapuċċini, Patri Pio Murat saru wkoll l-elezzjonijiet tal-ministru provinċjali u anke tal-kunsill tiegħu għat-tliet snin li ġejjin… Read more »

Cardinal Grech in pastoral and synodal visit in Lebanon

Cardinal Mario Grech has travelled to Lebanon for a pastoral and synodal visit to Lebanon, which will be held between 30 May and 6 June.

The Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops will hold several meetings where the theme of synodality and the contribution of the Maronite Catholic Church will be discussed.

On Monday, Cardinal Grech was welcomed by the Apostolic Nuncio Monsignor Joseph Spiteri and Eparch Mounir Khairallah of the Maronite Catholic Eparchy of Batroun at the airport… Read more »

Ecumenical service during the Pentecost period

  St Andrew’s Scots Church, Valletta

This Thursday, 2nd June 2022, believers in Jesus Christ from all denominational backgrounds are invited to an ecumenical service at St Andrew’s Scots Church to experience together the freshness of the ongoing Pentecost that started in Jerusalem soon after Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension.

The ecumenical service starts at 6:30pm and is organised by the Christians Together in Malta (Malta Ecumenical Council). This is an opportunity to pray with the other Christians for more of Jesus in your life… Read more »

Easter to Pentecost Reflections – Seventh Sunday of Easter

Reflection for the Seventh Sunday of Easter by Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi

Gospel: Lk 24:46-53

Jesus said to his disciples, “Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.  … Read more »