Monthly Archives: September 2011


Caritas Malta has to date raised €49,400 through the fund-raising television programme broadcast on Sunday 25th September 2011.  The funds will go towards the services which Caritas Malta offers free of charge to the Maltese public.

A spokesperson for Caritas Malta said today that the organisation thanks the people of Malta for responding generously to its appeal to support the various programmes and services offered free of charge to persons in difficulty… Read more »

Daily Gospel – 28th September

Luke 9, 57-62

As they travelled along they met a man on the road who said to him,  ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus answered, ‘Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.’ Another to whom he said,  ‘Follow me,’ replied,  ‘Let me go and bury my father first.’ But he answered, ‘Leave the dead to bury their dead; your duty is to go and spread the news of the kingdom of God.’ Another said, ‘I will follow you, sir, but first let me go and say good — bye to my people at home.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the the kingdom of God.’

The Saints of the day: St Wenceslaus and St Laurence & Companions

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Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. presided over the Diocesan Assembly of the Church in Malta on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 September. This was held at the CAK Centre in Birkirkara.

This annual meeting brings together all the entities of the Church in Malta – the members of the Presbyteral Council and the Diocesan Pastoral Council, the Archbishop’s delegates of Secretariats and Diocesan Commissions, the provincials of religious orders, parish priests, heads of Church schools, leaders of groups and movements of the Church, and various other persons who offer their pastoral services… Read more »


St Peter's Square

The Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff today published the calendar of celebrations to be presided by the Holy Father in the months of October and November:


– Sunday 9: 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time. Pastoral visit to Lamezia Terme and Serra San Bruno, Italy.

– Sunday 16: 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time… Read more »



On September 27, we celebrate the World Tourism Day, promoted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which has enjoyed even from its very first celebration in 1980 the support of the Holy See.

The theme of this year, “Tourism Linking Cultures,” wishes to highlight the importance that traveling has in the meeting of the different cultures of the world, especially in our present day world where more than ninety million people travel internationally, favored thus by modern means of communication and lower associated costs… Read more »

Daily Gospel – 27th September

Luke 9, 51-56

Now it happened that as the time drew near for him to be taken up, he resolutely turned his face towards Jerusalem and sent messengers ahead of him. These set out, and they went into a Samaritan village to make preparations for him, but the people would not receive him because he was making for Jerusalem… Read more »

Daily Gospel – 26th September

Luke 9, 46-50

An argument started between them about which of them was the greatest. Jesus knew what thoughts were going through their minds, and he took a little child whom he set by his side and then he said to them, ‘Anyone who welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and anyone who welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me… Read more »


Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann

25 ta’ Settembru 2011

Eċċellenza President ta’ Malta, Dr George Abela.


aħna ġejna hawnhekk illum biex flimkien mal-Knisja universali u b’mod speċjali mas-Sorijiet tal-Karita, aħna nifirħu għaliex membru tal-Kongregazzjoni tagħhom, Sr Enrichetta Alfieri, il-Mulej ta grazzja permezz ta’ l-Ispirtu s-Santu li l-Knisja tirrikonoxxi li għandha messaġġ speċjali li kapaċi jkun ta’ dawl għalina lkoll… Read more »

September 26 – October 2


9.15 a.m. The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting.

4.30 p.m. The Archbishop meets the Ursuline sisters’ Community in Rabat as part of his pastoral visit in this parish.

5.30 p.m. The Archbishop meets the Diakonia Commission at St Patrick’s Hall, Rabat.

6.30 p.m. The Archishop  meets the Liturgical Commission at St Patrick’s Hall, in Rabat… Read more »

Daily Gospel & Kelma Ghall-Hajja – 25th September

Click on the image below to watch the latest edition of the programme ‘Kelma ghall-Hajja’.

Matthew 21, 28-32

‘What is your opinion? A man had two sons. He went and said to the first, “My boy, go and work in the vineyard today.” He answered, “I will not go,” but afterwards thought better of it and went… Read more »