• Nhar il-Ġimgħa 16 t’Ottubru 2015, Sr Carmen Sammut, President tal-Għaqda Internazzjonali tas-Superjuri Ġenerali Nisa, li kienet waħda mill-kelliema li ġiet mistiedna biex tattendi u tindirizza s-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet fil-Vatikan. Sr Carmen tifforma parti mill-Kongregazzjoni tal-Missjunarji tal-Afrika (Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa). It-test tad-diskors tagħha, li jinsab f’paġna 17, ġie ppublikat mill-Uffiċċju Stampa tas-Santa Sede.

    Id-Diskors ta’ Sr Carmen Sammut

    When the Instrumentum Laboris speaks of the Church it sometimes refers to the People of God, that is to all of us, and more often refers to the hierarchy. This is not without significance. If the image of Church is the People of God, then we, the laity, would be expected to bring our knowledge to the discernment processes of the Church, in view of decision-making, always in union with the Pope and our Bishops.

    This would influence the way dioceses and parishes work. The diocesan budget would include the formation of women, men and youth to be leaders in the Church. On most of the issues raised here in the Synod, such as bio-technology, it would be useful to have teams of clergy and laity (from all walks of life and in their capacity as theologians, biblical scholars, scientists, sociologists, pastoral workers canon lawyers) bring their lived knowledge and scholarship and reflect together in the light of the Gospel. I see this as part of the Mission of the family in the Church.

    One area where such interdisciplinary teams made up of couples as well as religious would bring a change is in the formation of ordained ministers.

    Another particular area where much discernment is necessary is with respect to responsible parenthood. In our pastoral, health and education ministries we are called to listen to and accompany women who have children and know they do not have the financial and other resources to bring up another child. Natural family planning methods are not always useful for a couple’s growth in mutual love nor are they always possible, especially if the husband is not cooperative or regularly absent. My hope is that the Church engages in this discernment with couples and with scientists, so as to rethink how to put together her very essential teaching of openness to life, the prohibition of abortion and the plight of these couples.

    I really dream of a Church where each one is called to give his or her part for the construction of the whole.