
Today, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has appointed His Excellency Monsignor Aldo Cavalli, Titular Archbishop of Vibo Valentia and currently Apostolic Nuncio to Colombia, as the new Apostolic Nuncio to Malta.

On the nomination by the Holy Father of His Excellency Monsignor Tommaso Caputo as the Archbishop-Prelate of Pompei and Pontifical Delegate to the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Holy Rosary on the 10th November 2012, the post of Apostolic Nuncio to Malta has since been vacant.

Monsignor Aldo Cavalli was born at Maggianico di Lecco (Italy) in 1946. He received his priestly formation in the Diocesan Seminary of Bergamo. Subsequently, after his ordination, he graduated in Political Sciences.

After some years of pastoral ministry in his diocese, he was called to the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome. During this period, he followed post-graduate studies in Theology and in Canon Law.

He joined the diplomatic service of the Holy See in 1979, serving in the Apostolic Nunciature in Burundi and later in the Secretariat of State, in the Vatican.

On 2nd July 1996, he was appointed Titular Archbishop of Vibo Valentia and Apostolic Delegate to Angola and Apostolic Nuncio to São Tomé and Príncipe. He received his episcopal ordination on 26th August 1996 in the Cathedral of Bergamo.

On 1st September 1997, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Angola and on 2nd July 2001, Apostolic Nuncio to Chile.

On 29th October 2007, he became Apostolic Nuncio to Colombia.

As the Apostolic Nuncio to Malta, Monsignor Cavalli will represent the Holy Father and the Holy See both with regard to the Local Churches of Malta and Gozo, as well as to the Civil Authorities. He will also be the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Republic of Malta. It is the duty of the Papal Representative to strengthen the bonds of communion which unite the Apostolic See and the Churches present in the Nation where he is posted. For this reason, it is the responsibility of the

Apostolic Nuncio to keep the Holy See constantly informed regarding the life of the Dioceses and to assist the Bishops as they carry out their pastoral role. At the same time, the Nuncio promotes and facilitates the relations between the People and the Government of Malta and the Holy See.

Monsignor Filippo Colnago, who in these months is leading the Nunciature in his capacity as Chargé d’Affaires ad interim, would like to inform that the new Nuncio will be arriving in Malta in the month of April.

Click on the photos to enlarge. The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta. Tel: 21236723. Email: [email protected]



Illum, il-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa Benedittu XVI innomina lill-Eċċellenza Tiegħu Monsinjur Aldo Cavalli, Arċisqof Titulari ta’ Vibo Valentia, u sa issa Nunzju Appostoliku fil-Kolombja, bħala n-Nunzju Appostoliku l-ġdid għal Malta.

Bin-nomina, mill-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa, ta’ Monsinjur Tommaso Caputo bħala l-Arċisqof-Prelat ta’ Pompei u Delegat Pontifiċju għas-Santwarju tal-Verġni Marija tar-Rużarju Mqaddes fl-10 ta’ Novembru 2012, il-kariga ta’ Nunzju Appostoliku għal Malta kienet sfat vakanti.

Imwieled f’Maggianico di Lecco, ġewwa l-Italja, fl-1946, Monsinjur Aldo Cavalli rċieva l-formazzjoni tiegħu għas-saċerdozju fis-Seminarju Djoċesan ta’ Bergamo. Wara l-Ordinazzjoni Saċerdotali tiegħu, huwa ggradwa wkoll fix-Xjenzi Politiċi.

Wara xi snin ta’ ħidma pastorali fid-djoċesi tiegħu, huwa ssejjaħ sabiex imur l-Akkademja Ekkleżjastika Pontifiċja ġewwa Ruma. Matul dan iż-żmien, huwa speċjalizza fit-Teoloġija u fil-Liġi Kanonika.

Huwa ngħaqad mas-servizz diplomatiku tas-Santa Sede fl-1979, u ħadem fin-Nunzjatura Appostolika f’Burundi, u aktar tard, fis-Segreterija tal-Istat, fil-Vatikan.

Nhar it-2 ta’ Lulju 1997, huwa nħatar Arċisqof Titulari ta’ Vibo Valentia, Delegat Appostoliku ġewwa l-Angola u Nunzju Appostoliku għall-gżejjer ta’ São Tomé u Príncipe. Kien ordnat isqof nhar is-26 t’Awwissu 1996 fil-Katidral ta’ Bergamo.

Nhar l-1 ta’ Settembru 1997, nħatar Nunzju Appostoliku ġewwa l-Angola, waqt li fit-2 ta’ Lulju 2001, Nunzju Appostoliku fiċ-Ċile.

Fid-29 t’Ottubru 2007, huwa sar Nunzju Appostoliku fil-Kolombja.

Bħala Nunzju Appostoliku għal Malta, Monsinjur Cavalli jirrappreżenta l-Papa u s-Santa Sede kemm mal-Knejjes Lokali ta’ Malta u t’Għawdex, kif ukoll mal-Awtoritajiet Ċivili. Huwa jkun ukoll id-Dekan tal-Korp Diplomatiku akkreditat għar-Repubblika ta’ Malta. Huwa d-dmir tar-Rappreżentant Pontifiċju li jsaħħaħ ir-rabtiet ta’ komunjoni bejn is-Sede Appostolika u l-Knejjes fil-pajjiż fejn ikun mibgħut. Għalhekk, in-Nunzju Appostoliku huwa responsabbli li jżomm is-Santa Sede infurmata dwar id-Djoċesijiet u li jgħin lill-Isqfijiet fil-qadi ta’ dmirijiethom. Fl-istess ħin, in-Nunzju jġib ‘il quddiem u jiffaċilita ir-relazzjonijiet bejn il-Poplu u l-Gvern ta’ Malta u s-Santa Sede.

Monsinjur Filippo Colnago, li fl-aħħar xhur kien qed imexxi n-Nunzjatura bħala x-Chargé d’Affaires ad interim, jixtieq jinforma li n-Nunzju l-ġdid se jasal Malta fix-xahar t’April.

Agħfas fuq ir-ritratti biex tkabbar. Ir-ritratti tal-attivitajiet tal-Arċisqof jistgħu jinxtraw mill-ħanut PHOTOCITY, il-Belt. Tel: 21236723. Email: [email protected]
