Press Releases

Church Schools’ admissions in Malta and Gozo

Applications for ‘Other Applicants’ for admission in Church schools in Malta and Gozo for the scholastic year commencing in September 2022, will be accepted online as from tomorrow, Tuesday 1st February 2022. There will be a total of 916 vacant places for students (831 in Malta and 85 in Gozo). Detailed information about the places offered and the criteria are available in the regulations published last November on more »

22 entities call for immediate action due to the increase in prices of basic food products

22 entità tal‑Knisja, li jaħdmu mill‑qrib mal‑persuni l‑aktar fil‑bżonn u vulnerabbli fis‑soċjetà, huma mħassba biż‑żieda fil‑prezzijiet ta’ bżonnijiet bażiċi speċjalment dawk tal‑ikel. Huma qed jappellaw lill‑mexxejja u l-istituzzjonijiet tal‑pajjiż sabiex ikomplu jagħtu prijorità lil dawn il‑persuni fil‑bżonn u jieħdu azzjoni biex iż‑żieda fil‑prezzijiet ma tagħmilx is‑sitwazzjoni tal‑faqar tagħhom f’Malta agħar milli hi. Dan hekk kif jirriżulta li ħafna mill‑prodotti bażiċi bħalma huma l‑għaġin, iz‑zalza u ż‑żejt għolew b’minn talanqas 20%… Read more »

Towards unity in society

A document by the Justice & Peace Commission

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

The Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta, launched a discussion document to encourage Maltese citizens to reflect on how, as a country, we can work to build peace, promote the common good in society and improve the well-being of people, especially that of the most vulnerable.

This document entitled ‘Yahad’ — a Hebrew term which refers to the concepts of togetherness and community — is divided into three sections… Read more »

Foundation for Affordable Housing established between the Church and the State

The Church hands over another property for needs of the society

L‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta u l‑Gvern Malti ffirmaw ftehim għat‑twaqqif tal‑ewwel Fondazzjoni tal‑Akkomodazzjoni Affordabbli. Permezz ta’ dan il‑ftehim il‑Knisja u l‑Gvern se jaħdmu flimkien biex tiġi offruta akkomodazzjoni soċjali għal nies bi dħul baxx u medju. Inizjalment din l‑akkomodazzjoni se tiġi offruta b’kiri, b’rati inqas minn tas‑suq.

Il‑ftehim, li ġie ppresedut mill‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna u mill‑Prim Ministru Robert Abela, ġie ffirmat mis‑Segretarju Amministrattiv tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta, Michael Pace Ross, u minn Grazio Barbara, Direttur Ġenerali tad‑Dipartiment tas‑Sigurtà Soċjali. 

L‑Arċidjoċesi se tgħaddi lill‑fondazzjoni l‑Kunvent ta’ Santa Giovanna t’Ark li jinsab fiċ‑ċentru ta’ Ħal Kirkop, b’ċens temporanju ta’ 25 sena… Read more »

Archbishop issues Fr David Muscat with formal warning

Archbishop Charles Scicluna has issued Fr David Muscat with a formal warning, referred to in Canon Law as a penal precept, instructing the priest to cease making inflammatory and hurtful comments in public forums or face prohibition from exercising his ministry in public.

The Archbishop instructed Fr David Muscat to delete a Facebook post, in which the priest claimed that being gay was worse than being possessed, and not to use insulting or hurtful language against any group or individual… Read more »

“I ask for your forgiveness” – The Archbishop

  The Chapel of Our Lady of Manresa at the Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

Homily by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

I was struck by the final expression in this beautiful Gospel in which Jesus proclaims his programme: ‘All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth.’ (Luke 4:22). Jesus’ style, as Pope Francis often reminds us, is not the style of those who hurl stones. Jesus’ gracious words may at times correct and warn, however, they never lack love… Read more »

Sweetness and mercy were poured on the world

Christmas message by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

Message by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

It is a great pleasure to offer you my sincere greetings on this holy Christmas night. It is truly wonderful if we understand what we are telling each other when, throughout these holy days, we greet one another with ‘Happy Christmas’. We are recalling the birth of a baby; we are recalling the birth of God made man for you and me… Read more »

Church offers support for stranded migrants

Photo by Fiona Alihosi (Sea-Eye)

The Church in Malta through the Migrants Commission, Justice and Peace Commission and JRS, strongly urge the national authorities to take immediate action and ensure that the asylum seekers currently stranded at sea are rescued and disembarked at a safe port.

Over 220 children, women and men rescued by the Sea Eye a week ago in Malta’s search and rescue area are still stranded at sea, in worsening weather conditions, after Malta refused to provide them with a port of safety… Read more »

Religious celebrations by the Archbishop during the Christmas season and the New Year

The religious celebrations led by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna during the Christmas season will start on Christmas Eve. These services are open to the public in accordance with the measures and restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Friday 24th December, Christmas Eve, at 10:45 p.m. at St Paul’s Cathedral in Mdina, the Archbishop leads the Office of Readings during which Christmas carols are sung and the child’s sermon is delivered… Read more »

Archdiocese could not have foreseen 2019 land registry decision affecting status of Gozo land

The Archdiocese of Malta wishes to make clear that it could not have foreseen, let alone exercise control over, a decision in 2019 by the Land Registration Agency to permit the registration of tracts of land in Gozo which caused residents uncertainty over legal title to their homes.

This unexpected development took place two years after a legal settlement was reached between the Archdiocese and the heirs of the foundress of the Abbazia San Antonio Delli Navarra Foundation, which had administered the land since 1675, paving the way for the heirs to register these specific plots in the foundation’s name… Read more »