Press Releases

Our country’s economic “success” should never be obtained at the expense of workers

On this year’s workers’ day, the Justice and Peace Commission wishes to express its concern regarding the injustice suffered by non-EU persons working in Malta who, despite paying National Insurance contributions, do not recieve a pension.  Our current pension system relies on the assumption that non-EU workers will stay here for a few years, pay social insurance contributions and leave before receiving a pension. The Commission believes that the kind of society implied by this model is socially unjust and morally unacceptable… Read more »

Day of Charity 2023

In the coming days, the Church in Malta will be celebrating the Day of Charity. The aim of this day is to increase awareness of the work being done by Church entities in society with those who are vulnerable. Through various residential homes and charitable work, the Church in Malta welcomes and serves those in need, irrespective of their race, skin-colour and belief.

Currently, there are more than 1,600 individuals living in the Church’s residential homes… Read more »

The ordination of two new deacons

Next Saturday, 22nd April 2023, two new deacons shall be ordained by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna. The two deacons are the seminarians Malcolm John Saliba from the Parish of the Assumption of our Lady, Ħ’Attard, and Karl Andrew Schembri from the Parish of the Nativity of our Lady, Mellieħa.

The Mass shall be celebrated at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta and shall be transmitted live on and more »

The book ‘Spazju għal Qalbi – Beloved Space’ is available for purchase

The children’s book, ‘Spazju għal Qalbi – Beloved Space’, issued by the Spiritual Development in Schools unit within the Archdiocese of Malta in collaboration with the National Literacy Agency, is now available for purchase. Written by Silvana Cardona, this book consists of 11 short stories of around 500 words each. The stories are set in Malta and are about children and adults experiencing different situations in their lives… Read more »

Church fully supportive of commemorative monument

On 2nd November 2019, Archbishop Charles Scicluna blessed the tomb of Ġużè Ellul Mercer, who was buried at the previously unconsecrated area of the Addolorata Cemetery

The Archdiocese of Malta is disappointed to note that today It-Torċa published a front-page story riddled with inaccuracies regarding a proposal that had been made in 2020 to erect a monument honouring those affected by the interdict issued by the Church in the 1960s… Read more »

The Archbishop baptises twelve adults from eight different countries

This evening, during the Solemn Vigil of the Resurrection of our Lord at St John’s Co-Cathedral, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna will administer the Sacraments of Christian Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion) to twelve catechumens, that is, adults who have chosen Christian life. 

The twelve adults, who through these sacraments will become new members of the Catholic Church this evening, are from Malta, China, Turkey, Latvia, England, France, Nepal and Albania… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations led by the Archbishop during Holy Week

Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna invites Christians to participate in the Holy Week functions during which the Catholic Church commemorates the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. All are invited to these functions which he shall lead at St John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta. These celebrations shall be transmitted live on TVM, TVMNews+, Radio 103, and

Next Sunday, 2nd April, at 9:30am, Archbishop Scicluna will lead the Palm Sunday celebration, which includes the blessing of olive branches and palm fronds, followed by the commemoration of the Lord’s Passion through the reading of the account of the passion from the Gospel of St Matthew… Read more »

New director for Missio Malta

The Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples of the Holy See has appointed Fr Victor Agius as the new director of MISSIO Malta for the next five years (2023‑2028).

MISSIO aims to help the Pope in spreading the missionary spirit among priests, religious, adults and children and encourages supporting the poor through financial aid for projects in Third World countries. MISSIO also takes care of spreading the Word of God in countries that have never been evangelised… Read more »

A new team of priests for Chaplaincy at Mater Dei hospital

In recent months, the Province of Capuchin Friars passed on the responsibility for the pastoral work carried out at Mater Dei Hospital to the Archdiocese of Malta.  Archbishop Charles Scicluna appointed a team of priests to continue providing 24‑hour pastoral support from Monday to Sunday at the hospital. The Chaplaincy team now consists of Fr Louis Farrugia, Fr Reuben Vella and Fr Reuben Deguara, as well as Fr René Camilleri as coordinator of this work… Read more »

A new parish priest for Marsaskala parish

Fr Luke Cutajar has been appointed as the new parish priest for the Parish of St Anne in Marsascala, the same parish in which he has served as vice-parish priest for 7 years.

Fr Luke was born in Siġġiewi in 1988 and raised in Rabat, receiving his primary and secondary education at Stella Maris College, Gżira, before entering De La Salle College for Sixth Form… Read more »