Press Releases

Maltese Bishops congratulate the Apostolic Vicar of Benghazi

Fr Sandro Overend Rigillo OFM

Archbishop Charles Scicluna, Bishop Anton Teuma and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi congratulate Fr Sandro Overend Rigillo OFM on his appointment by Pope Francis as the Apostolic Vicar of Benghazi in Libya.

The Archdiocese of Malta and the Diocese of Gozo join in praying for the Bishop-elect, asking the Lord to grant him assistance in this mission entrusted to him… Read more »

New parish priest for Ħal Għaxaq Parish

L-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna ħatar lil Dun Anton D’Amato bħala kappillan tal-Parroċċa ta’ Marija Mtellgħa s-Sema, Ħal Għaxaq.

Dun Anton D’Amato twieled fis‑27 ta’ Ottubru 1984 u trabba ż‑Żurrieq. Huwa ggradwa fl‑2009 mill‑Fakultà tal‑Liġi fl‑Università ta’ Malta. Sentejn wara beda l‑formazzjoni u l‑istudji tiegħu għall‑ħajja saċerdotali fis‑Seminarju tal‑Arċisqof u ggradwa mill‑Fakultà tat‑Teoloġija fl‑2019. Ġie ordnat saċerdot f’April 2018 u beda l‑ħidma pastorali tiegħu fil‑Parroċċa tal‑Imqabba u fl‑2019 bħala chaplain fil‑Junior College… Read more »

Marija Reġina Parish in Marsa will be handed over to the Archdiocese of Malta

L‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta u l‑Provinċja Maltija tal‑Ordni Franġiskan tal-Aħwa Minuri Kapuċċini għaddejjin bil‑proċess li bih il‑Provinċja ser tgħaddi l-parroċċa ta’ Marija Reġina fil‑Marsa lill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta biex minnha jitkompla jiġi offrut is‑servizz pastorali lill‑poplu ta’ din il‑parroċċa. Mill‑Ġimgħa, 1 ta’ Settembru 2023, il‑kura pastorali tal‑poplu t’Alla miġbur f’din il-parroċċa fil‑Marsa se taqa’ taħt ir‑responsabbiltà diretta tal‑kleru djoċesan. Monsinjur Arċisqof irringrazzja lill‑Patrijiet Kapuċċini għal tant snin ta’ ħidma pastorali f’din il‑parroċċa… Read more »

Archbishop visits Maltese patients in London

Archbishop Charles Scicluna concluded a two-day pastoral visit to London, where he met with Maltese patients and their families who are currently undergoing treatment in the United Kingdom.

During this visit, Archbishop Scicluna had the opportunity to meet with Maltese residents at Puttinu House in Sutton. He presided over a Mass and encouraged the patients to remain steadfast in their faith. He emphasised that finding solace and healing can be achieved through Jesus, even in the face of discouragement and fear… Read more »

Archbishop visits St Michael Hospice

Church property to help patients in need of palliative care

Earlier today, Archbishop Charles Scicluna visited the St Michael Hospice in Santa Venera which is nearing completion and is expected to receive its first patients towards the end of this year. The premises, previously known as Adelaide Cini Institute, cover approximately 15,000 square metres and were given to Hospice Malta by the Church in 2018. The aim is to transform it into the first complex in Malta to provide holistic, palliative care that respects the right to life and human dignity… Read more »

Casa Fratelli Tutti Inaugurated

Priests from developing countries study in Malta to offer a better service in their home countries

  The Archbishop's Seminary, Tal-Virtù

Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi inaugurated and blessed Casa Fratelli Tutti, a house which welcomes priests from poor countries who wish to read for a Licentiate in Pastoral Theology within the Faculty of Theology at the University of Malta. The aim of Casa Fratelli Tutti is for the Church in Malta and the University to provide foreign priests with the opportunity to continue their studies in Malta, despite the financial and cultural challenges they may face… Read more »

The Archdiocese welcomes the positive outcome that promotes right to life

The Archdiocese of Malta wishes to thank the Government for listening to the concerns that had been raised about the proposed amendment.

The Archdiocese also wishes to thank all those who contributed to this positive outcome, which continues to foster a culture of care that promotes the right to life of every human being while at the same time respecting the values of support and solidarity, especially to women in difficulty… Read more »

Bishops reinstate Sunday Mass obligation

The Bishops of Malta and Gozo have formally reinstituted the obligation on the faithful to attend Mass on Sundays following the withdrawal of the dispensation granted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a pastoral message, to be read in all churches this weekend to mark the Solemn Feast of the Holy Eucharist, the Bishops said the new instruction, required by Canon Law, takes effect from Sunday 18th June 2023 and applies to all those who are physically capable of attending Mass… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations by Archbishop Charles Scicluna during June 2023

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Ġunju, l‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna se jkompli jiċċelebra l‑quddies ta’ matul il‑ġimgħa kif ukoll nhar ta’ Ħadd. Dawn iċ‑ċelebrazzjonijiet liturġiċi qed jixxandru fuq TVM, u

Il‑quddies organizzat mill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta qed jixxandar:

Interdiocesan Environment Commission reflection on Environment Day 2023

On the occasion of Environment Day 2023, marked annually on June 5, the Interdiocesan Commission for the Environment pays tribute to environmental NGOs, mayors and councillors, and the hundreds of citizens actively involved in protecting the environment and quality of life of all those living in Malta and Gozo.

The Commission also encourages politicians to work for the common good while they are in power to bring about the necessary changes… Read more »