
One-day retreat for the St George Preca Group

On Sunday, 10th November 2024, around 50 members of the St George Preca Group (Malta) gathered at the DĦS Conference Centre for their annual retreat. During the retreat, they reflected on the theme “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40).

The day began with the praying of the psalms, followed by an activity in small groups on different aspects of love for one’s neighbour… Read more »

€224,500 raised for Caritas Malta

F’maratona li Caritas Malta organizzat matul il-jum tal-bieraħ bit-tema ‘Jimpurtani’ laħqet is-somma ta’ €224,495.

Il-ġbir ta’ fondi jmur b’risq il-persuni għaddejjin minn sitwazzjonijiet diffiċli f’ħajjithom, fosthom dawk li qed ibatu bil-vizzju tad-droga.

Mill-istudjos ta’ Fondazzjoni U f’Ħal Luqa, il-maratona damet madwar 12-il siegħa mill-11am sal-11pm, li matulhom il-poplu Malti u Għawdxi kien imħeġġeġ biex iċempel u jagħti d-donazzjoni tiegħu.

Eks klijenti ta’ Caritas Malta

L-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna żar il-maratona u appella biex inkunu l-vuċi ta’ mħabba lejn dawk għandhom bżonn l-għajnuna tagħna… Read more »

Mass on Remembrance Day – 10th November 2024, 9:30am

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Help the Archdiocese carry out its mission Donate »

Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

Abseiling & zipline for Maltese Missions fundraising

The activities will take place on 9th and 10th November

  Mosta Bridge

On the 9th and 10th of November, Missio Malta, together with the Mosta Scout Group, is organising an adrenaline-filled challenge at the annual Abseiling and Zipline event at the Mosta Bridge. Funds will be raised for Maltese Missions spread across developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America during this event, now in its 13th edition.

“In the past, thanks to this event and the dedication of volunteers from both the Mosta Scout Group and Missio itself, we have accomplished meaningful projects, bringing water to villages that had no access to it, providing education to thousands of children, and building hospitals where none existed,” said Robert Farrugia, Head of Communication and Fundraising for Missio Malta… Read more »

Archbishop’s Curia HR Team awarded HR Quality Mark for second time

Archbishop’s Curia HR Team (left): Dorianne Caruana, Ruth D’Amato, Dr Rebecca Gatt, Odienne Magro and Christine Sciberras

The Archbishop’s Curia have been awarded the HR Quality Mark for the second time, recognising the professionalism and good practice of the HR function.

The award was presented to Dr Rebecca Gatt, HR Director, at the 2024 FHRD annual conference. Dr Gatt emphasised the significance of this achievement, stating: “Maintaining the HR Quality Mark underlines the Church’s commitment to high standards in key HR areas, including strategy, talent management, engagement, career development, and fostering positive workplace relations.”

The HR Team caters for the Archbishop’s Curia and the Ecclesiastical Tribunals as well as directly supports other Church entities within the Archdiocese of Malta… Read more »

Mass for new graduates from MCAST – 7th November 2024, 6pm

  St. John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Help the Archdiocese carry out its mission Donate »

Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

Ukrainian Orthodox theologian to give lecture on ecumenism during political instability

On Friday 8th November, at 6:30 p.m., Orthodox theologian Arkimandrita Cyril Hovorun will be delivering a public lecture titled Ecumenism in a Time of Political Instability. This talk will take place at the Old Refectory at the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana, as part of his visit to Malta as the guest of the Ecumenical Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta.

Hovorun is a priest and professor of Orthodox theology at Stockholm, and has delivered papers in over 50 universities and academic centres around the globe… Read more »

November cultural series at Jesuits Church: music, literature and art

The evenings are part of the cultural programme of the oratories

A recital is being held at the Jesuits Church in Valletta on Thursday 7th November at 7:30pm as part of the Oratories’ cultural programme run by The Jesuits’ Church Foundation. The evening of French music by flautist Katie Bycroft and pianist Gisèle Grima features works by composers such as Ibert, Gaubert, and Godard.

On Thursday 14th November, at 7:30pm, Dr Bernard Micallef, together with students from the Maltese Department of the University of Malta, will explore the theatricality of the seminal Maltese novel by Juann Mamo, ‘Ulied in-Nanna Venut fl- Amerki’… Read more »

SDS participate in Prayer Spaces Round Table in Rotterdam

National Coordinators discussed plans for The Prayer Spaces in Schools project

Prayer Spaces Round Table (28th & 29th October 2024)

Representatives from Spiritual Development in Schools (SDS) participated in a roundtable event held in Rotterdam on October 28–29. This gathering brought together national coordinators from Malta, Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Austria, Australia, South Africa, and France to discuss the Prayer Spaces in Schools project.

The two-day roundtable at Europort International Church provided a platform for national coordinators to share updates on the Prayer Spaces in Schools initiative… Read more »

Il-Papa fl-Udjenza: L-Ispirtu s-Santu jgħinna meta nitolbu

  Pjazza San Pietru, il-Vatikan

Għeżież ħuti, l-għodwa t-tajba!

L-azzjoni santifikatriċi tal-Ispirtu s-Santu, barra fil-Kelma ta’ Alla u fis-Sagramenti, tidher ukoll fit-talb, u hu lil dan li rridu niddedikaw ir-riflessjoni tal-lum: it-talb. L-Ispirtu s-Santu huwa fl-istess waqt suġġett u oġġett tat-talb Nisrani. Jiġifieri hu Dak li jagħtina t-talb u hu Dak li hu mogħti lilna permezz tat-talb. Aħna nitolbu biex nirċievu l-Ispirtu s-Santu u nirċievu l-Ispirtu s-Santu biex nistgħu nitolbu tassew, jiġifieri bħala wlied Alla, mhux ilsiera… Read more »