
“Living daily among the soldiers” – Insights from the Maltese Army Chaplain

Il-kappillan tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta Dun Joe Meli tkellem dwar l-irwol tiegħu bħala qaddej reliġjuż fost is-suldati Maltin u kif din is-sejħa tirrekjedih li jgħix il-ħajja ta’ kuljum magħhom.

Dun Meli flimkien mal-kappillan tal-armata Dun Sergio Fenech kienu qed jitkellmu waqt il-programm Għal Kulħadd ma’ Christine Delicata fuq RTK103. Dun Meli ilu kappillan għal dawn l-aħħar 15-il sena filwaqt li Dun Fenech ilu kappillan minn April li għadda… Read more »

Job exchange opportunities for staff of Caritas Malta

Caritas Malta embarked on a project funded by Erasmus+, whereby it provided an opportunity for 23 staff members working in Caritas drug rehabilitation services to visit therapeutic communities across Europe. The aim of these visits was to exchange job knowledge and best practices, discuss the therapeutic model adopted in these communities, provide an opportunity of networking, and increase awareness about drug trends in other countries and how these compare to the Maltese situation… Read more »

Pope expresses sadness for children gunned down in war, prays for ceasefire

Pope Francis expressed his profound concern for all those enduring the suffering caused by war and violence. His words came in his greetings to the faithful immediately following the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday, just three days to Christmas. The Pope remembered Mozambique, caught between poverty and violence, noting his “attention and concern,” and praying that “dialogue and the quest for the common good, supported by faith and good will, may prevail over mistrust and discord.” He denounced how “so much cruelty” is inflicted on innocent children in other conflict zones… Read more »

By being servants of each other, we are true servants of God – The Archbishop

Holy Mass on the Fourth Advent Sunday

  The Parish Church of St Bartholomew, Ħal Għargħur

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

L-Evanġelju li għadu kemm qara Fr Chris hi laqgħa bejn żewġ nisa. Marija wara t-tħabbira tal-Anġlu, tirrealizza, għax hekk qalilha l-Anġlu Gabrijel, li l-qariba tagħha Elizabetta diġà qiegħda fis-sitt xahar tat-tqala tagħha, u hi wkoll saret tqila bil-qawwa tal-Ispirtu s-Santu.

U din il-mara żagħżugħa tqila ġġorr it-tarbija tagħha tiddeċiedi li titlaq minn Nazaret u tmur f’raħal ċkejken u ħelu, Għajn Karem, u tmur biex tiltaqa’ ma Elizabetta… Read more »

“How can we work more for peace?” – the Archbishop

Milied Flimkien


Il-messaġġ tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Fil-lejl qaddis tal-Milied, fil-parroċċi tagħna, hemm tradizzjoni ħelwa li jkollna tifel jew tifla – tfal ċkejknin – li jagħmlu riflessjoni qasira, li nsejħulha l-prietka tat-tfal. U ħafna drabi, din il-priedka tibda b’silta mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa, li tfakkar fil-kelmiet tal-anġli lir-ragħajja. “Glorja lil Alla fl-ogħla tas-smewwiet, u paċi fl-art lill-bnedmin ta’ rieda tajba!” (Lq 2:14) lill-bnedmin li Alla jħobb… Read more »

The opening of the Jubilee of Hope in the Archdiocese of Malta

On Sunday, 29th December 2024, Archbishop Charles Scicluna will inaugurate the Jubilee Year 2025 in the Archdiocese of Malta under the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. This event follows the official opening of the Holy Year by Pope Francis on Christmas Eve, marked by the opening of the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, where the Pope will then preside over Mass.

The celebration in the Church of Malta will begin at 5:00pm with a liturgical rite observed across the Catholic world… Read more »

Painting of the Assumption located in the Parish Church of Vittoriosa has been restored

Photo: [email protected]

Fi tmiem Kunċert tal-Milied mill-Vox Dulcis Chorale, li sar is-Sibt, 14 ta’ Diċembru 2024, fil-Knisja Kolleġġjata ta’ San Lawrenz, Belt Vittoriosa, ġew inawgurati x-xogħlijiet ta’ restawr u konservazzjoni fuq il-pittura It-Tlugħ fis-Sema tal-Verġni Marija.

Dawn ix-xogħlijiet twettqu mill-Kumpanija ReCoop bl-għajnuna finanzjarja tal-Malta Arts Council u fuq l-inizjattiva tas-Soċjetà Storiko u Kulturali Vittoriosa, li kienet applikat għal fondi.

L-Altar ta’ Santa Marija twaqqaf fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ San Lawrenz fl-1880… Read more »

Christmas meal delivery

Marta’s Kitchen is taking care of delivering meals to those who, for any reason, are confined to their homes. Social workers, priests, and professionals in the health and education sectors can refer individuals or families who do not have the means for a dignified meal because they are unable to leave their homes on Christmas Day, by filling out this form:

It is important that those who are referred are informed that they will receive a meal including two courses and dessert and that this meal will be delivered to their home on Christmas Day between 9:00am and 12:00pm… Read more »

Annual Christmas Outreach Initiative

By senior students of St Paul’s Missionary College

The Senior Students of St Paul’s Missionary College have once again embraced their missionary identity, hosting their annual outreach event that brings together students, staff, and the wider community. Held twice a year, this cherished tradition aligns with the College’s commitment to fostering a sense of altruism and service among its students. This year’s event was organised in collaboration with ten different institutions and services in preparation for Christmas… Read more »

Demonstration with Baby Jesus at the Valletta Waterfront

Children and youth from both the male and female SDC Centres of Żurrieq, along with their families, led a tradiitonal demonstration with Baby Jesus along the Valletta Waterfront. The event took place on December 18th at 7:30 pm, culminating at the Chapel of the Flight into Egypt. The statue of Baby Jesus was carried along the beautifully decorated waterfront, with Christmas carols sung to enkindle a joyful Christmas spirit… Read more »