
Becoming pilgrims of hope

Photo: Unsplash Message by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna

Pope Francis made a profoundly symbolic gesture on Christmas Eve when he eased open the Holy Door of St Peter’s Basilica, and declared that it will remain open for the special Jubilee Year 2025 during which the faithful are encouraged to make pilgrimages to Rome. 

The aim of the Jubilee, the Holy Father said, is “to bring hope to the interminable, dreary days of prisoners, to the cold and dismal lodgings of the poor, and to all those places desecrated by war and violence”… Read more »

Hopeful, not hopeless

Message by Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi

This evening, the Jubilee Year 2025 will be inaugurated in the Archdiocese of Malta and the Diocese of Gozo. This follows the official inauguration of the Holy Year by Pope Francis on Christmas Eve, marked by the opening of the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.

The Jubilee Year marks a significant milestone for the Catholic Church… Read more »

Caritas Christmas lunch at the Curia welcomes record 600 people

Għall-10 edizzjoni tal-Ikla tal-Milied tal-Caritas fil-Kurja, inġabret l-ikbar folla ta’ nies għal din l-ikla, bi kważi 600 parteċipant u aktar minn 100 voluntier jiddedikaw il-ħin tagħhom biex l-avveniment ikun suċċess.

Din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni speċjali ġabret flimkien individwi fil-bżonn, fosthom residenti minn komunitajiet ta’ rijabilitazzjoni terapewtika, parteċipanti tal-Prison Inmates Programme u San Blas, kif ukoll familji b’ġenitur wieħed.

Voluntiera minn diversi setturi ħadmu bla heda biex jiżguraw li l-ikla tkun okkażjoni mill-isbaħ u ferrieħa… Read more »

Il-Leħen: The story behind Malta’s oldest running newspaper

At the Catholic Action Headquarters, Newsbook Malta‘s Gabriel Lia met up with Il-Leħen editor Pio Dalli, whose 52-year journalistic career has culminated in overseeing this weekly Sunday publication.

Dalli explained that this Catholic-inspired newspaper, run by Catholic Action, aims to disseminate ethical principles whilst considering diverse viewpoints. It guides readers towards forming their own conclusions, albeit within the framework of Church teachings… Read more »

Għaliex iva?! with Fr John Curmi

From reading about warplanes to discovering a book that awakened his vocation, Fr John Curmi’s journey to the priesthood took him across the world’s four corners. This calling not only deepened his desire for God but also shaped his mission of service. Recently, Fr John has rediscovered the power of books as a way to share Christ’s message with children and families, adding a new dimension to his ministry… Read more »

“I’m happy to spend Christmas and New Year at prison”

Capuchin friars’ work discussed on RTK103

Fr Jethro Bajada said that he is very content that he will spend Christmas and New Year’s Day at the Corradino Correctional Facility. Since he celebrates mass on Wednesdays, he will be celebrating mass on both Christmas and New Year’s Day. He said that regardless of whether the prisoners are Catholics or not, they are still happy that someone goes to visit them.

He said that it would not be his first time celebrating mass at prison because he has already gone a number of times with other Capuchin friars… Read more »

An invitation to embrace the Lord of Life – The Archbishop

Mass on Christmas Day

  St Paul's Cathedral, Mdina

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

“Il-ħajja kienet id-dawl tal-bnedmin. id-dawl li jiddi fid-dlam imma d-dlam ma għelbux” (Ġw 1:4-5).

F’dan il-Milied qaddis nixtieq noffri riflessjoni ċkejkna ispirata minn dawn l-ewwel kelmiet mill-Evanġelju ta’ San Ġwann, dak li aħna nsejħlulu bħala l-prologu ta’ San Ġwann.

It-talba tiegħi hi li anke llum fis-soċjetà tagħna, fl-Ewropa għażiża tagħna u fid-dinja, il-ħajja tkun id-dawl tal-bnedmin… Read more »

Cherishing the value of children as a source of blessing

Christmas message by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

Greetings and best wishes for a joyous Christmas to everyone following and listening to this message. This year, I have chosen to deliver my Christmas reflections from this dear location, Hospice Malta, traditionally known as the Cini Institute in Santa Venera. What is the historical significance of this place to the Maltese and Gozitans?

Cini Institute began as a food production facility owned by the Cini family, who operated a pasta factory here… Read more »

350 Christmas meals to be delivered; including 60 for individuals living alone

Proprju fil-Jum tal-Milied, Loop Djakonija Parroċċi se tkun qed tqassam madwar 350 ikla speċjali f’residenzi privati fejn persuni jinsabu magħluqin fi djarhom u ma jistgħux jieħdu ħsieb li jkollhom ikla dinjituża u bnina.

Newsbook Malta rħielha lejn il-Kċina ta’ Marta li tinsab fil-kampus tas-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof fir-Rabat, fejn bosta voluntiera jinġabru matul is-sena kollha biex minn kċina żgħira jitqassmu madwar 1,200 ikla fil-ġimgħa… Read more »

“Living daily among the soldiers” – Insights from the Maltese Army Chaplain

Il-kappillan tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta Dun Joe Meli tkellem dwar l-irwol tiegħu bħala qaddej reliġjuż fost is-suldati Maltin u kif din is-sejħa tirrekjedih li jgħix il-ħajja ta’ kuljum magħhom.

Dun Meli flimkien mal-kappillan tal-armata Dun Sergio Fenech kienu qed jitkellmu waqt il-programm Għal Kulħadd ma’ Christine Delicata fuq RTK103. Dun Meli ilu kappillan għal dawn l-aħħar 15-il sena filwaqt li Dun Fenech ilu kappillan minn April li għadda… Read more »