
Pope returning to Vatican after 31st Apostolic Journey abroad

  • Pope Francis concluded his three-leg Apostolic Visit to Mozambique, Madagascar, and Mauritius on Tuesday morning. He is scheduled to touch down in Rome at about 7pm.

    The Air Madagascar Airbus plane that is bringing Pope Francis back to the Vatican at the end of his 31st Apostolic Journey abroad has taken off from Antananarivo International Airport.

    As is customary, the Pope’s outbound flight is always by Italy’s national airline Alitalia, while the national airline of the country he is leaving is the one to bring him back home…

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Il-Papa lill-kleru u lir-reliġjużi fil-Madagascar: ‘kunu sinjal tal-preżenza ħajja tiegħU’

  • Pope Francis wrapped up his two-day Apostolic Visit to Madagascar on Sunday evening at Antananarivo’s Saint Michel College, an institute founded by French Jesuit missionaries in 1888 and that has become a well-known center for higher education throughout the region.  

    The Pope’s message to the men and women gathered in Antananarivo to be with their pastor, was one of thanks for their hard work – often carried out in difficult situations – and of encouragement in times of difficulty…

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The ongoing detention of asylum seekers at Safi Barracks and the Initial Reception Centre

A statement endorsed by 34 organisations including entities of the Archdiocese of Malta

  • We are deeply concerned about the ongoing detention of hundreds of asylum-seekers – men, women and children – on medical grounds at the Initial Reception Centre and Safi Barracks. We believe that, in many cases, the detention is completely unlawful.

    National law allows the health authorities to restrict an individual’s movement for medical screening for a period not exceeding four weeks, which may be exceptionally extended up to ten weeks for the purpose of finalising any tests that may be necessary…

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Episcopal Vicar for Diaconia thanks Dar Sant’Anna manager

Home to undergo extensive refurbishment works

  • Ms Josephine Mercieca, home manager at Dar Sant’Anna in Senglea, has retired after 13 years of service with the Church Homes for the Elderly. In a recent farewell event, Mons. Charles Cordina, the Episcopal Vicar for Diaconia, thanked her for her determination and for leading by example both at Dar Sant’Anna and also at Casa Leone in St Julian’s, a home she managed until 2016…

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Pope Francis tells Mozambique it has ‘right to peace’

  • In a country overcoming decades of conflict, Pope Francis on Friday 6 Sep, told some 40,000 people that they have the right to peace, but that they have to build their country on forgiveness and not “plotting opportunities for retaliation.”

    Francis also noted that Mozambique is a land of abundant natural and cultural riches, yet great numbers of its people live below the poverty line…

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Christ is alive, an inspiration for the administration of Church Schools

  • Waqt ċelebrazzjoni reliġjuża fil-Katidral tal-Imdina, li saret nhar it-3 ta’ Settembru 2019, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ħeġġeġ lill-kapijiet tal-iskejjel tal-Knisja u l-edukaturi preżenti sabiex fil-ħidma edukattiva taghhom jimxu fuq il-linji gwida mogħtija minn Papa Franġisku fl-eżortazzjoni appostolika Kristu Jgħix

    L-Arċisqof ħeġġeġ lill-edukaturi biex jiffaċilitaw il-laqgħa tal-istudenti tagħhom ma’ Ġesù. Qal li l-edukaturi għandhom jaħdmu flimkien biex jikkomponu melodija u armonija li tkun attraenti u li ssaħħar liż-żgħażagħ lejH…

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Journalists joke with Pope about being stuck in the elevator

  • Making the rounds greeting the journalists on board the papal flight is always an occasion for Pope Francis to express his esteem and friendship, as well as granting responses which, even if informal, make the news.

    A mishap worth a laugh. The news that the Pope remained stuck in the elevator this past Sunday has made news around the world…

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Winner awarded for Curia’s open weekend Treasure Hunt

  • Ġiet ippremjata r-rebbieħa tal-kaċċa għat-teżor li saret fl-open weekend tal-Kurja fl-20 u l-21 ta’ Lulju 2019. Maria Elena Pace, tifla ta’ 10 snin minn Ħal Qormi, ġiet fl-ewwel post mill-parteċipanti kollha li ħadu sehem f’din il-kompetizzjoni. Fil-jiem li għaddew, it-tifla flimkien mal-ġenituri tagħha ġew ippreżentati bi tliet kotba mis-Sur Michael Pace Ross, is-Segretarju Amministrattiv tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta.  

    Il-kaċċa għat-teżor saret bil-ħsieb li tinvolvi iktar lit-tfal u lill-adulti waqt l-open weekend fil-Kurja, biex jiskopru iktar dwar il-binja storika ta’ Casa Manresa u dwar l-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta…

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