
The Catholic Action: 90 years on

The General Assembly of the Catholic Action

  The Catholic Institute, Floriana

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 8 ta’ Novembru ġiet organizzata l-Assemblea Ġenerali tal-Azzjoni Kattolika Maltija. Din is-sena kienet waħda speċjali għall-membri tal-għaqda għax kienet attività parti miċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tad-90 Anniversarju. L-Assemblea Ġenerali bdiet billi disa’ persuni li kellhom bejn l-10 u d-90 sena, qasmu l-esperjenzi tagħhom fl-Azzjoni Kattolika, tul dawn id-90 sena li ilha mwaqqfa f’Malta.

Josef DeBono, il-President Ġenerali tal-Azzjoni Kattolika Maltija tenna li dawn l-aħħar 90 sena mhux biss jirrakkontaw storja iżda juru wkoll ħeġġa għal dak li ġej, għax huwa iktar importanti minn dak li diġà għadda… Read more »

Breathing with two lungs – the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Statement by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi and 26 other representatives of all European Episcopal Conferences (COMECE)

The fall of the Berlin Wall on the 9th of November 1989 was one of the most important events in European history in the last decades. It was a moment full of emotion. After having been separated by a concrete wall for more than 28 years, people – relatives, friends and neighbours – living in the same city were able to meet each other, to celebrate and to express their joy and hopes… Read more »

The importance of sound planning in Malta – Environment Commission

Message on the occasion of World Town Planning Day 2019

Every year, the Interdiocesan Environment Commission (KA) issues a statement on this day to highlight the importance of sound planning for Malta, one of the most densely populated countries in the world. For such a small country, a planning process which is not hijacked by vested interests is of paramount importance, if the country is to pursue the route to sustainable development for the benefit of both current and future generations… Read more »

Ecology Week organised by the Faculty of Theology and the Carmelite Institute Malta

The Faculty of Theology, in collaboration with the Carmelite Institute Malta, is holding Ecology Week between 13 and 17 December 2019. The guest scholar for this event is Rev. Dr Eduardo Agosta Scarel, an Argentinian Carmelite who holds a doctorate in Climate Science and lectures at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina in Buenos Aires. 

On Saturday 14 December 2019, Dr Agosta Scarel will lead a day-seminar at the Carmelite Institute, Mdina, entitled ‘One with Nature, One with God: A Christian Ecological Spirituality‘. He will offer elements for a spirituality of ecology based on categories of interpretation of the reality of the current ecological, socio-environmental crisis described in the encyclical Laudato Si’ of Pope Francis… Read more »

Another project by the Interdiocesan Environment Commission to promote integral ecology

The Interdiocesan Environment Commission has teamed up once again with the Maltese OFM Province of St Paul the Apostle and the Centre for Environmental Education and Research of the University of Malta in the organization of another course inspired by the spirit of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’.

The course ‘Mimicking Natural Ecosystems – Growing Food Sustainably’ was meant to be yet another tool in the rediscovery of a better quality of life through simple and archaic processes such as agriculture… Read more »

The Pope and mission: “Without Jesus we can do nothing”

At the end of the Extraordinary Missionary Month, we are providing a few extracts from the book-length interview of Gianni Valente from Fides News Agency with Pope Francis, in which the Pope emphasizes that “Either the Church evangelizes or she is not Church”. The book, published by Libreria Edictrice Vaticana and Edizioni San Paolo will be available in bookstores as of November 5th.

“The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus”… Read more »

Watch: The launch of the Archbishop’s book ‘Religion and the 1921 Malta Constitution, Genesis and Implications’

On Thursday 31st October 2019, a new publication by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna entitled Religion and the 1921 Malta Constitution, Genesis and Implications was launched. 

In this book, the Archbishop researches the origin and subsequent discussions held at the beginning of the 20th century in order for the Catholic religion to be integrated in Maltese law… Read more »

Training for pastoral operators

Is-Segretarjat Parroċċi flimkien mal-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali qed jorganizza taħriġ għall-Operaturi Pastorali dwar is-suġġett: Dixxerniment Komunitarju u Pjanar Pastorali.


Matul dawn il-ġimgħat, bosta parroċċi jkunu qed ifasslu l-pjan pastorali tagħhom. Filwaqt li l-ħidma kollha tal-Knisja għandha l-istess għan, kull parroċċa jista’ jkollha modi u mezzi differenti ta’ kif tilħqu.

Il-Pjan Pastorali għandu jkun frott ta’ dixxerniment komunitarju… Read more »