Every year the Church around the world celebrates the achievements of the communications media on the Sunday before Pentecost, and focuses on how it can best use them to promote gospel values. This is the 54th year celebrating such event and Pope Francis dedicated it to storytelling, “a narrative that can regard our world and its happenings with a tender gaze. A narrative that can tell us that we are part of a living and interconnected tapestry. A narrative that can reveal the interweaving of the threads which connect us to one another. ”

Read the full message by Pope Francis on the 54th World Communications Day


Create in me oh God, a heart and a mind that can tell.
Help me discover, understand and convey the truth of good stories,
stories that build and do not destroy;
stories that help to find the roots and strength to go forward together.

Enlighten me with your wisdom, so that I don’t get lost
in the confusion of the voices and messages
of the false stories that surround us.

Give me that humanistic look that knows
how to look at the world and the events
with tenderness, love and mercy.

Help me to narrate of my being part of a living fabric, which is You.
Transform my poor storytelling with your Spirit
so that I will be a seed that bears fruits of knowledge and truth,
a light that illumines darkness.

Inflame my heart with passion and zeal to narrate incessantly Your love and the values of the kingdom of God.
