
The Malta-Gozo tunnel – no justification in the absence of published studies on the alternatives

Statement about the Report by the Interdiocesan Environment Commission (KA)

Screenshot: Google Earth

Il‑Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent (KA) tħoss li għadha ma teżisti l‑ebda informazzjoni soda u rigoruża, u li hija pubblika, li permezz tagħha wieħed ikun jista’ jgħarbel u jixtarr l‑alternattivi kollha biex l‑aċċessibbiltà bejn Malta u Għawdex titjieb. Dan wara li ħarġet l‑aħbar li Infrastructure Malta kienet bdiet il‑proċess li bih qed tfittex li tidentifika kumpanija jew konsorzju biex jibnu u joperaw il‑mina għal żmien definit… Read more »

Pope at General Audience: Being poor in spirit is true freedom

  The Vatican

Pope Francis greets the faithful at the General Audience in the Paul VI Hall  (Vatican Media)

In his catechesis on the first Beatitude — “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” — Pope Francis said: “there is a poverty that we must accept, that of our own being; and a poverty that we must seek instead, the poverty we must see from the things of this world”… Read more »

Vatican sends medical masks to China

The joint initiative of the Office of Papal charities and the Missionary Centre of the Chinese Church in Italy has seen hundreds of thousands of masks sent to China. According to a Press Statement by the Holy See Press Office, the masks have been sent to Hubei, Zhejiand and Fujian provinces, which appear to be the areas most affected by this virus.

Health officials believe the virus was initially transmitted from animals to humans, but that human-to-human transmission of the flu-like illness is now occurring… Read more »

150 trees planted at Caritas Malta rehabilitation homes

150 siġra tħawlu fid-djar ta’ rijabilitazzjoni ta’ Caritas Malta grazzi għal PT Matic Enivironmental Services Ltd u lil Saġġar. Il-moviment Fokolari ħa ħsieb parti mill-ispejjeż, u flimkien mar-residenti li qed isegwu l-programm ta’ rijabilitazzjoni kif ukoll wkoll voluntiera minn Camini…amo, qattgħu ħin flimkien iħawlu siġar indiġeni.

Jeffrey Muscat, Kap tal-Komunità Terapewtika ta’ San Blas, esprima li din hija kontribuzzjoni lejn titjib u tisħiħ tal-ambjent naturali li tant huwa importanti li jitħares… Read more »

Our Lady shows us how to live our consecration – The Auxiliary Bishop

Mass on the 30th anniversary of the consecration of the church, the 55th anniversary since the parish was established and the 75th anniversary from the arrival of the Carmelite friars in Fgura

  Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Church, Fgura

L-Omelija tal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi

L-istorja tal-Fgura għandha rabta mill-qrib mad-devozzjoni antika lejn Marija. Kien hawn devozzjoni lejn il-Madonna tal-Karmnu sa mis-seklu 18. Kien għalhekk tassew f’waqtu li l-Patrijiet Karmelitani 75 sena ilu ġew il-Fgura u bdew jaqdu l-missjoni tagħhom f’dan il-post, u għenu biex tissaħħaħ din l-imħabba lejn ommna Marija.

Illum, meta qed niċċelebraw it-30 sena mill-Konsagrazzjoni ta’ din il-knisja u dis-sena jaħbat ukoll il-55 anniversarju tat-twaqqif tal-Parroċċa, nixtieq li nħarsu lejn il-messaġġ li tagħti Marija lil din il-komunità… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Christian life requires dynamism and the willingness to journey guided by the Holy Spirit

  The Vatican, Rome

Pope Francis during his Sunday Angelus in St Peter’s Square  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis looks to the example of Mary and Joseph, and Simeon and Anna, to mark the 24th World Day for Consecrated life, celebrated on Sunday, the Liturgical Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.

Pope Francis began his Sunday Angelus by telling the faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square that the World Day for Consecrated Life reminds us of the “great treasure” in the Church of all those who “follow the Lord closely, professing the evangelical counsels”… Read more »

Live: Mass on the occasion of the Day for Life

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Nhar il-Ħadd 2 ta’ Frar 2020, l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa f’Jum il-Ħajja, fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Il-quddiesa tibda fil-11am. Read more »

Fleur-de-Lys pastoral visit ends


L-Isqof Galea-Curmi f’laqgħa mat-tfal u katekisti fiċ-ċentru parrokkjali ta’ Fleur-de-Lys

Waslet fi tmiemha l-viżta pastorali fi Fleur-de-Lys, b’Quddiesa mmexxija mill-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi fil-knisja parrokkjali tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu. Għal din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni attendew ukoll il-komunità Filippina u Indjana li jattendu għall-Quddies hemmhekk.

Il-viżta pastorali bdiet bi żjara lill-komunità ta’ Dar Ħanin Samaritan fejn jgħixu membri anzjani tas-soċjetà tad-Duttrina Nisranija (M.U.S.E.U.M). Fil-ġranet ta’ wara, l-Isqof Galea-Curmi kellu l-opportunità jiltaqa’ mat-tfal, l-adolexxenti, il-katekisti u l-operaturi pastorali tal-parroċċa kif ukoll żar uħud mill-parruċċani ta’ Fleur-de-Lys f’darhom… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations to be led by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna in February 2020

Il-Ħadd 9 ta’ Frar 2020, lejlet il-festa tan-Nawfraġju ta’ Missierna San Pawl, fil‑5:15pm, l‑Arċisqof  Charles J. Scicluna jmexxi t-Traslazzjoni Solenni tar-Relikwa u l-Ewwel Għasar Solenni, fil-Knisja Arċipretali ta’ San Pawl Nawfragu, il-Belt Valletta.

It-Tnejn 10 ta’ Frar, fid‑9am, Monsinjur Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fil-festa tan-Nawfraġju ta’ Missierna San Pawl, fil-Knisja Arċipretali ta’ San Pawl Nawfragu, il-Belt Valletta.

L-Erbgħa 26 ta’ Frar, Ras ir-Randan, fil‑11am, Monsinjur Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa, fil-Kappella tal-Madonna ta’ Manresa, il-Kurja tal-Arċisqof, il-Furjana… Read more »

Society is ‘civil’ if it fights against a ‘culture of waste’ – Pope Francis

Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna meets Pope Francis during the plenary assembly of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

  The Vatican, Rome

Pope Francis received members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who held their Plenary Assembly, on Thursday 30 January 2020. Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna, Adjunct Secretary of the Congregation, was also present.

During the Assembly Pope Francis said that modern society “is progressively eroding the understanding of that which makes human life precious” by evaluating life in terms of efficiency and utility… Read more »