
A sustained ethical discourse has to accompany discussions on regulating Artificial Intelligence

In its contribution to the ‘Consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – A European Approach’, COMECE calls the EU institutions to adopt a human-centric approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to promote the common good and serve the lives of all human beings both in their personal and community dimensions.

The COMECE contribution, published on 14 June 2020, welcomes the White Paper’s general intention to establish a solid European approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) deeply grounded on human dignity and protection of privacy… Read more »

Vatican issues Vademecum: procedures regarding cases of sexual abuse of minors

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) publishes an “instruction manual”, a step-by-step guide to help ascertain the truth in cases of minors who have suffered abuse on the part of a member of the clergy.

Substantially, the Vademecum provides precise responses to what can be called the most frequently asked questions. It is an instruction manual which, in a bit, more than 30 pages and 9 chapters, responds to the main questions to several procedural steps regarding how cases of the sexual abuse of minors committed by members of the clergy should be handled… Read more »

Covid-19: UN warns pandemic could push 130 million into hunger

The coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc on the health and diets of millions of people around the world.

Strict lockdowns have upset all levels of the food chain, from production and distribution to shopping and food consumption. Several United Nations agencies teamed up to produce the annual State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World.

Adding to the ranks of the hungry

The report says it is too soon to assess the full impact of the Covid-19 pandemic… Read more »

Thanksgiving Mass at the end of the 2019/2020 scholastic year

  Ta' Pinu National Shrine, Għarb

Il-kapijiet tal-iskejjel tal-Knisja f’Malta u Għawdex inġabru fis-Santwarju tal-Madonna ta’ Pinu għal quddiesa ta’ radd il-ħajr lil Alla fi tmiem is-sena skolastika 2019/2020.

Il-quddiesa, li tmexxiet mill-Amministratur Appostoliku għal Għawdex Mons. Mario Grech, attendew għaliha aktar minn 50 kap kif ukoll il-ħaddiema tas-Segretarjat għall-Edukazzjoni Nisranija.

Fl-omelija tiegħu, Mons. Grech saħaq li l-iskejjel huma waħda mid-diversi uċuh li l-Knisja għandha fid-dinja. “Huma arterji vitali tal-Knisja ta’ Kristu u dawk kollha li jirfsu fuq l-għatba tal-iskejjel tagħna jafu li qed imiddu riġlejhom fil-Knisja”… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Embracing the Word of God means embracing Christ

  St Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Good morning!

In this Sunday’s Gospel passage (cf. Mt 13:1-23), Jesus tells a great crowd the Parable – which we all know well – of the Sower, who casts seed over four different types of terrain. The Word of God, symbolized by the seeds is not an abstract Word, but is Christ himself, the Word of the Father who became flesh in Mary’s womb… Read more »

26th anniversary of the demise of the Servant of God, Ineż Casolani

Il-qdusija fi ħdan il-Knisja għandha rwol importanti. Kif ifakkarna tajjeb il-Papa Franġisku fl-Eżortazzjoni Appostolika Gaudete et Exsultate, “sa mill-ewwel paġni tal-Bibbja nsibu, b’ħafna modi, is-sejħa għall-qdusija.” U din hi propju l-milja li għaliha l-Mulej issejħilna.

Forsi ħafna minnha għandna idea tal-qdusija msawra mill-ikonografija li naraw fil-knejjes tagħna; ta’ qaddisin bir-raġġiera, ta’ żwiġijiet mistiċi u esperjenzi mistiċi. Iżda hemm ukoll qdusija li  timmanifesta ruħha fil-ħajja sempliċi ta’ kuljum… Read more »

Ġesù Salvatur Community

The Archdiocese of Malta disassociates itself from the Ġesù Salvatur community. According to the decision taken by Archbishop Charles Scicluna, no priest or religious should participate in meetings organised by this community, and these meetings should not be hosted in a church or in any Church property. Read more »

Dar tal-Providenza publishes its 2019 annual report

Archbishop Charles Scicluna was presented with a copy of Dar tal-Providenza’s Annual Report for 2019. Mrs Nadine Camillleri Cassano, the Administrator of the Home, said that although the report was issued and presented every year, this was the first time that it was printed in colour in Maltese and abridged English. The report highlights the work done in the various sections of the Home in its commitment to continue to offer residential services of the highest order to persons with disability that need to make use of the service… Read more »

Conservation and restoration in parishes through an investment of €4 million co-financed by European funds

The Archdiocese of Malta will undergo the restoration and conservation works of 10 projects, together with the already 17 existing projects announced last year, with the total investment of €4 million, 80% of which are co-financed through European Funds. These projects include the structural restoration of churches as well as the conservation of various works of art, amongst which there are 2 paintings of Francesco Zahra… Read more »