
Thanksgiving Mass with frontline healthcare workers

B’ringrazzjament għall‑ħidma tal‑impjegati kollha fil‑qasam tas‑saħħa waqt l‑eqqel żmien tal‑imxija tal‑COVID‑19, l‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna se jiċċelebra Quddiesa ta’ radd il‑ħajr lil Alla. Din se ssir nhar il‑Ħamis, 30 ta’ Lulju 2020, fid‑9:30 a.m., fil‑Bażilika ta’ Kristu Re, Raħal Ġdid.

Għal din il‑Quddiesa, il‑Ministeru tas‑Saħħa qed jistieden lill‑frontliners minn diversi oqsma tas‑saħħa li waqt il‑pandemija ħadmu b’dedikazzjoni kbira biex titħares is‑saħħa tal‑poplu Malti u Għawdxi… Read more »

Are you interested in teaching religion or becoming a spiritual director?

Scholarships offered in Spiritual Companionship, Theology and Spirituality

Il-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija fl-Università ta’ Malta qed tilqa’ applikazzjoni għal dawn il-korsijiet li se jiftħu f’Ottubru 2020:

  • Ċertifikat fil-Protezzjoni tat-Tfal u ż-Żgħażagħ – programm ġdid offrut fuq bażi part-time (filgħaxija) u mifrux fuq żewġ semestri. Hu offrut f’kollaborazzjoni mal-Fakultà għat-Tisħiħ tas-Soċjetà, mad-Dipartiment tal-Liġi Ċivili u mas-Safeguarding Commission Malta.

EU Bishops welcome Covid-19 Recovery Fund

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, President of COMECE

The President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union expresses gratitude for the deal reached by the bloc for an almost €2 trillion budget and coronavirus recovery fund.

Reacting to the historic agreement reached by EU leaders early Tuesday on a €750 billion coronavirus recovery fund and the bloc’s long-term budget, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich said he is thankful for “a solution which expresses solidarity inside the European Union.”

The overall EU budget for the period of 2021-27 will amount to €1.82 trillion… Read more »

Parish at the service of evangelisation

The Church offers space for everyone to find their place while respecting the vocation of each individual. This idea forms the core of the Instruction on the parish, which the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy released on Monday.

The document does not promulgate any new legislation but proposes methods to better apply existing rules and canonical norms. The aim is to encourage the co-responsibility of the baptized and to promote pastoral care based on closeness and cooperation between parishes… Read more »

New certificate in the Safeguarding of Children and Young People at the University of Malta

Scholarships in Theological and Pastoral Studies

Certificate in Safeguarding of Children and Young People


Posted by Faculty of Theology – University of Malta on Monday, July 20, 2020

The Faculty of Theology at the University of Malta together with the Faculty for Social Wellbeing and the Safeguarding Commission of the Church in Malta, are launching a Certificate in Safeguarding of Children and Young People (opening October 2020)… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: God’s patience opens our hearts to hope

  St Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear Brothers and Sisters, good day!

In today’s Gospel (cf Mt 13:24-43) we once again encounter Jesus who is intent on speaking to the crowd in parables about the Kingdom of Heaven. I will reflect only on the first one, that of the weeds, through which Jesus helps us understand God’s patience, opening our hearts to hope.

Jesus narrates that, in the field in which good seed was sown, weeds sprout up as well… Read more »

A sustained ethical discourse has to accompany discussions on regulating Artificial Intelligence

In its contribution to the ‘Consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – A European Approach’, COMECE calls the EU institutions to adopt a human-centric approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to promote the common good and serve the lives of all human beings both in their personal and community dimensions.

The COMECE contribution, published on 14 June 2020, welcomes the White Paper’s general intention to establish a solid European approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) deeply grounded on human dignity and protection of privacy… Read more »