
Pope Francis celebrates 51 years of priesthood

Jorge Mario Bergoglio as a young priest 

Fifty-one years ago today, on 13 December 1969; and just a few days before his thirty-third birthday, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was ordained to the sacred priesthood.

Eleven years earlier, on 11 March 1958, he had entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus where, less than four years after his ordination, he made his perpetual profession on 22 April 1973… Read more »

The Archbishop during the Christmas season and the new year

The religious celebrations led by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna during the Christmas season will start on Christmas Eve. These services are open to the public in accordance with the measures and restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Vulnerable persons are invited to follow these celebrations on the national television channels as listed below, and on and

Thursday 24th December, Christmas Eve, at 5:15 p.m… Read more »

St Joseph: the man whom Heaven trusts

Every day for 40 years, Pope Francis has challenged St Joseph. After saying Morning Prayer, Pope Francis writes in Patris corde, he recites a nineteenth century prayer from a French prayerbook.

Through this prayer, the Pope entrusts both “serious and troubling situations” to St Joseph. The prayer ends thus: “Let it not be said that I invoked you in vain”… Read more »

Christmas tree and nativity scene lit up in St Peter’s Square

St Peter’s Square was aglow on Friday evening, as a host of onlookers beheld the lighting of this year’s creche and Christmas tree.

It provided a sign of Advent hope in Christ’s coming for a world straining under the darkness of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The event began at 5:00 PM Rome time, and attendees observed all the now-normal health measures.

Silent night

The tree—a 30-meter-tall, 7-ton Norway spuce (Picea abies)—stood glowing with pride, surpassed in height in its immediate surroundings only by the ancient Egyptian obelisk towering next to it… Read more »

Financial transparency in the Church: now more than ever

The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome recently organised a webinar entitled “Financial transparency in the Church: Now more than ever” as part of the series of webinars “Building a Transparent and Accountable Church”. The webinar was also attended by the Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese of Malta, Michael Pace Ross.

The webinar focused on the importance of increasing financial transparency and accountability, and on the challenges, the Church faces to adapt to current professional standards within parishes and organisations… Read more »

A sweet and light yoke – Homily by Cardinal Mario Grech

Quddiesa ta’ radd il-ħajr fl-okkażjoni tal-ħatra bħala kardinal tal-Eminenza Tiegħu l-Kardinal Mario Grech., li saret l-Erbgħa, 9 ta’ Diċembru 2020, fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta.

Ikkonċelebraw l-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna, in-Nunzju Appostoliku Alessandro D’Errico, l-Isqof Awżijlarju Joseph Galea-Curmi, l-Isqof Emeritu ta’ Garissa Pawlu Darmanin OFM Cap, il-Vigarju Ġenerali tad-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex Mons. Tarcisio Camilleri, il-provinċjali tal-ordinijiet reliġjużi u saċerdoti oħra. Preżenti wkoll l-ogħla awtoritajiet tal-Istat immexxija mill-President ta’ Malta George Vella u s-Sinjura Vella… Read more »

Pope at Audience: ‘Never feel ashamed to pray in difficult times’

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Let us continue our reflections on prayer. Christian prayer is fully human – we pray as humans, as what we are – it includes praise and supplication. Indeed, when Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He did so with the “Our Father”, so that we might place ourselves in a relationship of filial trust with God, and ask Him all our questionsRead more »

Online survey: The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

You are invited to participate in this online anonymous survey on the impact of the Covid19 pandemic on our meaning in life, on personal beliefs, sense of community, and support systems. Your participation is anonymous and entirely voluntary: you are free to withdraw at any point.

The study is being conducted by the Department of Pastoral Theology, Liturgy and Canon Law within the Faculty of Theology at the University of Malta… Read more »

Live: Thanksgiving Mass led by Cardinal Mario Grech

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

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Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

Pope Francis proclaims “Year of St Joseph”

In a new Apostolic Letter entitled Patris corde (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope Francis describes Saint Joseph as a beloved father, a tender and loving father, an obedient father, an accepting father; a father who is creatively courageous, a working father, a father in the shadows.

The Letter marks the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of the St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church… Read more »