
Pope at Regina Coeli: Christianity is relationship, care and joy

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Buongiorno!

On this Third Sunday of Easter, we return to Jerusalem, in the Cenacle, as guided by the two disciples of Emmaus, who had listened with great emotion to Jesus’ words along the way and then had recognized him “in the breaking of the bread” (Lk 24:35). Now, in the Cenacle, the Risen Christ presents himself in the midst of the group of disciples and greets: “Peace to you!” (v… Read more »

Charity Day 2021

Għada l‑Ħadd, 18 ta’ April 2021, il‑Knisja f’Malta se tfakkar Jum il‑Karità. L‑għan ta’ dan il‑jum hu li jikber l‑għarfien dwar il‑ħidma li jwettqu fis‑soċjetà l-entitajiet tal‑Knisja mal‑persuni vulnerabbli. Permezz ta’ diversi djar residenzjali u ħidmiet ta’ karità minn professjonisti u voluntiera, il‑Knisja f’Malta tilqa’ u taqdi lil ħutna fil‑bżonn, irrispettivament mir‑razza, kulur tal‑ġilda jew twemmin. Fuq xewqa tal-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna, għada fid-9:30am, il-Quddiesa tal-Ħadd ser tixxandar mill-kappella tas-Sorijiet Missjunarji tal-Karità (magħrufa bħala s-Sorijiet ta’ Madre Tereża) f’Bormla… Read more »

The celebration of Mass with the community as from this Sunday

Minn nhar il‑Ħadd li ġej, 18 ta’ April 2021, l‑Insara ser ikunu jistgħu jerġgħu jipparteċipaw fil‑quddies fil‑knejjes f’Malta u Għawdex. Dan wara r‑reviżjoni tal‑miżuri li tħabbru mill‑Awtoritajiet tas‑Saħħa l‑ġimgħa li għaddiet.

F’messaġġ fuq il‑media soċjali, l‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna stieden lil kull min jista’, sabiex il‑Ħadd li ġej jinġabar fil‑knejjes biex jisma’ l‑Kelma ta’ Alla u jirċievi l‑Ewkaristija.

L‑Insara huma mħeġġa jattendu għall‑quddies mal‑komunità filwaqt li jkomplu jħarsu l‑miżuri għall-ħarsien tas-saħħa kif sar qabel… Read more »

Archbishop Emeritus discharged from hospital

L-Arċisqof Emeritu Mons. Pawlu Cremona O.P. ilbieraħ filgħaxija ħareġ mill-Isptar Mater Dei u jinsab lura fir-residenza tad-Dar tal-Kleru f’Birkirkara. Huwa jirringrazzja lil dawk kollha li talbu għalih f’dawn il-jiem. Read more »

Pope at Audience: Church is the house and school of prayer

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

The Church is a great school of prayer. Many of us learned how to whisper our first prayers on our parents’ or grandparents’ laps. We might, perhaps, cherish the memory of our mommy and daddy who taught us to say our prayers before going to bed. These moments of recollection are often those in which parents listen to some intimate secret and can give their advice inspired by the Gospel… Read more »

New postulator for the cause of beatification and canonisation of Henry and Inez Casolani

L-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna approva l-ħatra ta’ Patri Josef Sciberras bħala l-postulatur għall-kawża ta’ beatifikazzjoni u l-kanonizzazzjoni tal-koppja Henry u Inez Casolani.

Patri Josef Sciberras twieled tal-Pietà fl-1975, u huwa mill-Fgura. Fl-1992 daħal fil-komunità Agostinjana, fejn wara is-sena tan-novizzjat għamel l-ewwel professjoni tal-voti reliġjużi. Fl-1999 għamel il-professjoni solenni u rċieva l-ordinazzjoni presbiterali fil-Ġublew tas-sena 2000. Diversi huma l-ħidmiet li eżerċita fil-Provinċja Agostinjana ta’ Malta: Pirjol tal-kunvent tar-Rabat u Surmast tal-Formazzjoni tal-kandidati għal-ħajja reliġjuża Agostinjana, Segretarju u Arkivista Provinċjali, delegat provinċjali għall-patrimonju kulturali agostinjan, responsabbli mit-traduzzjoni tal-liturġija Agostinjana fl-ilsien Malti… Read more »

Donations towards Dar tal-Providenza and Caritas

The Archdiocese of Malta notes with regret the statement issued by GO earlier today, wherein reported donations collected through recent telethons were revised down by €1.4 million. The Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese, Mr Michael Pace Ross, said that almost half this amount, equivalent to €654,000, will derail the original plans of Dar tal-Providenza and Caritas, impacting this year’s operations of these two charitable entities of the Church.

Mr Pace Ross expressed his disappointment during a meeting with GO’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr Nikhil Patil, and emphasised that this was not the level of service the Archdiocese expected from GO. While acknowledging the technical explanation given, Mr Pace Ross hoped that such an incident would not repeat itself, and that more rigorous testing is carried out on the donation systems. 

The Archdiocese took note of the apology made by GO, and welcomed the company’s commitment for seeking ways to support both Dar tal-Providenza and Caritas… Read more »

Pope: “Having received mercy, let us now become merciful”

The risen Jesus appeared to the disciples on several occasions. He patiently soothed their troubled hearts. Risen himself, he now brings about “the resurrection of the disciples”. He raises their spirits and their lives are changed. Earlier, the Lord’s words and his example had failed to change them. Now, at Easter, something new happens, and it happens in the light of mercy. Jesus raises them up with mercy… Read more »