
TV marathon in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza

On Sunday 4th July 2021, Id-Dar tal-Providenza is organising a fund-raising marathon which will be broadcast on the main television stations between noon and midnight. This marathon is taking place instead of the annual Volleyball Marathon which is being cancelled once again due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Funds raised during this marathon will be going towards a refurbishing project for four flats in Villa Papa Giovanni so that every resident will have a more dignified environment with private rooms and all the amenities… Read more »

One Church school, one State school, one main aim

Spiritual Development in Schools (SDS) aims in assisting state and independent schools in their spiritual well being and pastoral care. Hence seeks to keep in touch with the schools, religious counsellors and chaplains.

This collaborative project was called Everyday Superheroes and saw its start during one of the phone calls to schools between Joseph Degabriele, a pastoral worker from SDS, and Graziella Vassallo Theuma, an assistant head in Żejtun Primary B school… Read more »

COMECE’s position on the report on the situation of women’s sexual and reproductive rights in the EU

The Secretariat of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) released a position paper on the ‘Matić Report’ on Thursday 17 June 2021, ahead of its final submission to the upcoming EU Parliament Plenary session. The Catholic Church recognises the importance of protecting the health and rights of women and calls on all MEPs to take into account the sensitivity and complexity of the issue at stake, which “requires a lawful and ethical balancing of all rights involved” Read more »

The solemnity of the Birth of St John Baptist

  The Co-Cathedral of St John, Valletta

The solemnity of the Birth of St John the Baptist will be celebrated at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta with the following programme. On Wednesday 23rd June, vigil of the Solemnity, the solemn translation of the holy relic of St John the Baptist, will start at 6pm followed by First Vespers (evening prayers) and Solemn High Mass presided by Archbishop Charles Scicluna together with the Metropolitan Chapter… Read more »

The effects of the pandemic discussed during the 2021 in-service course for the clergy

Matul din il-ġimgħa sar l-Aġġornament tal-Kleru fuq tlett ijiem (14 – 16 ta’ Ġunju), li għalih attendew madwar 200 membru bejn saċerdoti djoċesani u reliġjużi. It-tema għal din is-sena kienet Is-Saċerdot u l-2021: X’qed jinbet? u ddiskutiet il-bidliet li għaddej minnu pajjiżna, l-impatt li ħalliet il-pandemija fuq l-isferi kollha tas-soċjetà u tal-Knisja kif ukoll kif kompliet tikxef ċerti realtajiet. L-aġġornament tal-Kleru indirizza dan kollu b’atteġġjament ta’ smigħ profond kif jitlob il-proċess ta’ tiġdid ekkleżjali Knisja waħda, Vjaġġ wieħed: 2020-2024Read more »

Pope at Audience: On the cross, Jesus prayed for each of us

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We have recalled several times in this series of catechesis that prayer is one of the most evident features of the life of Jesus: Jesus prayed, and He prayed a lot. In the course of His mission, Jesus immersed Himself in it, because the dialogue with the father was the incandescent core of all His existence… Read more »

The Archbishop visits the National Blood Transfusion Service

L-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna żar is-Servizz Nazzjonali tat-Trasfużjoni tad-Demm fi Gwardamanġa fl-okkażjoni tal-Jum Dinji tad-Donaturi tad-Demm. Iż-żjara bdiet fiċ-Ċentru tal-Għoti tad-Demm fejn l-Arċisqof iltaqa’ mad-donaturi tad-demm u mal-ħaddiema, u kompliet fil-laboratorji fejn isir il-proċess li tgħaddi minnu kull borża demm qabel ma tingħata lill-pazjenti.

Fil-messaġġ tiegħu, l-Arċisqof stieden lil kull min hu f’saħħtu sabiex imur jagħti d-demm li qal hija għotja konkreta ta’ mħabba… Read more »

The Maltese Bishops on the passing of Bishop Walter Michael Ebejer OP

L-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna, l-Isqof Anton Teuma u l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi sellmu l-ħajja ddedikata fl-art tal-missjoni tal-Isqof Walter Michael Ebejer OP, Isqof Emeritu ta’ União da Vitória fl-istat ta’ Parana, il-Brażil.

L-Isqof Ebejer miet ilbieraħ, il-Ġimgħa 11 ta’ Ġunju, fis-Solennità tal-Qalb Imqaddsa ta’ Ġesù, fl-età ta’ 91 sena. Huwa kien l-iżjed Isqof Malti anzjan.

L-Isqof Walter Michael Ebejer twieled Ħad-Dingli fit-3 ta’ Awwissu 1929… Read more »

Senglea Basilica’s choir painting inaugurated

On Saturday, 12th June 2021, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna inaugurated the new choir painting at the Minor Basilica of the Nativity of Mary, in Senglea.

During the 1930s, parts of the ceiling of the Basilica were painted by the artist Prof. Giuseppe Briffa, followed by a crash due to an air attack during World War II. Some ceiling sectors of the Basilica were painted by the artist Prof… Read more »

Grounding our roots in love

Mass on the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

  The Chapel at St Vincent Dde Paul Residence, Marsa

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

F’din il-knisja tassew sabiħa nħarsu lejn l-istatwa ta’ Ġesù b’idejh miftuħa u bil-qalb tiegħu mdawra bix-xewk li jfakkarna fil-kuruna tax-xewk li laqa’ fil-passjoni ħarxa tiegħu u li tfakkarna wkoll fi dnubietna. Imma qalb Ġesù hi mimlija ħeġġa, mimlija nar ta’ mħabba għal kull wieħed u waħda minna. L-Evanġelju li qrajna, li huwa l-Evanġelju tal-passjoni ta’ Ġesù skont San Ġwann, ifakkar li s-suldat qabad lanza u biha nifed il-kustat tal-Mulej u mill-qalb minfuda tiegħu ħarġu demm u ilma (Ġw 19:34)… Read more »