
Plexus21: applications open for youth leaders

Jinsabu miftuħa l-applikazzjonijiet online għall-konferenza annwali ‘Plexus’ għall-youth leaders li jaħdmu fil-pastorali mal-adolexxenti u ż-żgħażagħ. Din is-sena l-konferenza se ssir fid-9 ta’ Ottubru. Sabiex jinżammu l-miżuri tas-saħħa marbuta mal‑COVID‑19, il-konferenza se tkun qed issir minn sitt postijiet differenti fl-istess ħin, bi wħud mill-attivitajiet ippjanati jixxandru live.

Din is-sena l-għan ewlieni ta’ Plexus21 – Waves hu li toffri lill-mexxejja żgħażagħ il-ħin li jirriflettu dwar dak li għaddew minnu matul is-sentejn ta’ pandemija kif ukoll toffri l-ispazju biex flimkien jaqsmu u jisimgħu l-esperjenzi ta’ xuxlin… Read more »

Abortion is murder, the Church must be close and compassionate, not political – Pope Francis

Speaking to journalists on the return flight from Slovakia, Pope Francis talks about his dialogue with Hungarian authorities, anti-Semitism, and vaccines, as well as Holy Communion for politicians who approve abortion laws.

“Abortion is murder”, the Church cannot change its position, but “every time the bishops have not confronted the problem as pastors, they have taken sides politically.” These were Pope Francis’ words during a conversation with journalists on the papal flight from Bratislava to Rome, at the conclusion of his trip to Budapest and Slovakia… Read more »

Another step forward in the process for the beatification of the Casolani couple

L-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna waqqaf kummissjoni biex teżamina d-dokumenti u l-kitbiet dwar il-koppja Henry u Inez Casolani. Il-membri tal-kummissjoni huma Rev. Dr Nicholas Doublet, Dr Joseph F. Grima u Dr Evelyn Pullicino. Huma ħadu l-ġurament tal-ħatra nhar il-11 ta’ Awwissu 2021 quddiem il-Vigarju Ġudizzjali, Kan. Brendan Gatt u l-Kanċilliera Joanna Camilleri. Dan hu pass ieħor fil-proċess tal-kawża għall-beatifikazzjoni tal-koppja Casolani.

Min għandu xi kitbiet jew dokumenti dwar il-koppja Casolani hu mitlub li jinforma bihom lil viċi postulatur, Anthony Quintano fuq 104, ‘Eroica’, Triq V… Read more »

Prayer and fasting for Afghanistan

The Archdiocese of Malta is organising a day of prayer and fasting for all those who are suffering as a result of the political instability in Afghanistan. Pope Francis himself made an appeal for prayer and fasting for Afghanistan, and also for dialogue and solidarity that may bring hope for the of this country.

In this respect, on Thursday, 16th September, a day of prayer will be held at the Junior College chapel in Msida, that will be streamed online on and will also include mass celebrated by Archbishop Charles Scicluna at 9:30am on TVM2… Read more »

Pope at Divine Liturgy in Slovakia: Let us turn our hearts to the Cross

On Tuesday in Prešov, Pope Francis presided at the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross.

The liturgy, in the Byzantine Rite, was celebrated by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Prešov, Ján Babjak and concelebrated by numerous Greek and Latin Catholic prelates.

In his homily, Pope Francis repeated the words of St Paul: “We proclaim Christ crucified… the power of God and the wisdom of God.” The Cross, which on the surface can seem to be a “scandal” and “foolishness,” reveals to us “the beauty of God’s love”: “The Cross was an instrument of death, yet it became the source of life.”

The Pope noted that in Tuesday’s Liturgy, the account of the crucifixion is taken from the Gospel of St John, who was personally present at the foot of the Cross… Read more »

COMECE gathers young people to exchange on the future of Europe

The Commission of the Bishops’ Conference of the European Union (COMECE) releases on Thursday 9 September the final report of its Catholic Youth Convention on the Future of Europe, held online last June with the participation of over 100 young Catholics from all EU Member States. The report contains concrete policy proposals and suggestions to address today’s  most urgent issues in Europe. Cardinal Hollerich: “Full trust in young people”… Read more »

Pope’s pilgrimage to Hungary and Slovakia “will be a spiritual journey”

The director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, presents Pope Francis’ 34th Apostolic Journey, taking place from 12-15 September. He notes that his visit to Budapest will be “a pilgrimage in honour of the Blessed Sacrament”. In Slovakia, he says, the Pope will embrace a people wounded by totalitarianism, “but with an eye to the future”.

Pope Francis’ 34th journey abroad, which also marks 54 countries visited around the world, aims to be “a pilgrimage to the heart of Europe, during which the Pope will address issues that affect the entire continent”… Read more »

First Communion given to 1,200 children as part of Eucharistic Congress

At Budapest’s majestic Heroes Square, some 1,200 Children received their First Communion. They are among the youngest pilgrims participating in the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress in Hungary.

It’s seen as a hopeful sign for a nation where the Church is still recovering from decades of Communist rule, during which Christian education for children was discouraged or forbidden.

Organizers described the Mass and other events during the Congress as “a celebration of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.”

That approach is also welcomed by non-Catholic participants such as Blanka Fabiny, a 27-year-old Lutheran kindergarten teacher… Read more »

52nd International Eucharistic Congress begins in Budapest

“May the Lord God grant us to the capacity to feel in these days that Christ is with us in the Eucharist. He does not leave the Church, people and humanity alone”.

Cardinal Péter Erdő, Primate of Hungary, pronounced these heartfelt words at the beginning of the Mass in Budapest that opened the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress, which had to be postponed from last year due to the pandemic… Read more »