
Pope to European Bishops: Love alone satisfies the human heart

Malta is being represented by Archbishop Charles Scicluna

Pope Francis celebrates Mass to open the CCEE plenary assembly on Thursday evening 

In his homily at Mass with the Council of Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE) on Thursday, Pope Francis reflected on “three words that challenge us as Christians and Bishops in Europe: reflect, rebuild and see.”

Bishops from across Europe are in Rome to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the CCEE with a plenary conference on 23-26 September… Read more »

CCEE Plenary Assembly begins in Rome

The Jubilee Assembly of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences will begin tomorrow afternoon with Mass presided over by Pope Francis in St Peter’s Basilica. At the end of the Holy Mass, the participants in the Plenary Assembly will gather together at Peter’s tomb to renew their profession of faith. After a period of silence and a moment of personal prayer at the tombs of St Paul VI and Pope John Paul I, they will conclude their brief pilgrimage of gratitude to the popes who have accompanied the CCEE over the past 50 years at the tomb of St John Paul II with the recitation of the prayer to Mary, Mother of Europe, written by the holy Polish pope himself at the conclusion of his apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Europa… Read more »

The Archbishop blesses Franciscan-run soup kitchen in Valletta

Archbishop Charles Scicluna visited and blessed the soup kitchen run by the Franciscan Friars (Ta’ Giezu) in Valletta. Fr Marcellino Micallef OFM and Dr Alexiei Dingli explained to the Archbishop the work involved to run ‘Soup Kitchen OFM Valletta’ which will feed around 100 persons on a daily basis.

The Archbishop also met volunteers and signed the guest book where he left the following message:

“I impart every blessing and prosperity to all the people of goodwill, who have worked or work in the OFM Soup Kitchen in Valletta and believe in the motto ‘Life with Dignity’; to the guests who sit at the table of love in the spirit of St Francis, with a broken heart but with hope instilled in their soul; and to all the benefactors of this initiative, this work of mercy.”

Fr Marcellino Micallef OFM explained to Archbishop Scicluna that the ‘Soup Kitchen OFM Valletta’ is inspired by the Gospel according to St Luke: “You give them something to eat” (Lk 9:13)… Read more »

Council of Cardinals meets to discuss next Synod of Bishops

Pope Francis joined the Council of Cardinals for their online meeting on Monday afternoon, according to a communique from the Holy See Press Office released on Tuesday.

“After a brief introduction to the work by Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, Pope Francis offered a reflection on the opening of the work of the next Synod on synodality,” said the statement.

The Pope reviewed two of his speeches “identified as central to his thinking” on the next Synod: “his 2015 speech for the 50th anniversary of the institution of the Synod of Bishops; and his discourse to the faithful of the Diocese of Rome last Saturday.”

The statement said the Pope “made it clear that at the heart of the reflection is not so much the deepening of a specific theme as learning a way of living the Church, marked at all levels by mutual listening and a pastoral attitude, particularly in the face of the temptations of clericalism and rigidity.”

The Cardinals present then shared their own reflections on various aspects of the synodal path and the need to overcome “sectarianism and partisan interests.”

The next meeting was scheduled for December, when the Cardinals hope to meet in person… Read more »

Dar Regina Pacis: refurbishment will be completed in the coming weeks

  Ħal Balzan

The refurbishment of Dar Regina Pacis will be completed in a few weeks. Once ready, Dar Regina Pacis (DRP) will become the first non-governmental social accommodation service in Malta. This service will be welcoming families and individuals who for one reason or another are not able to live independently on their own. In addition to being provided with a shelter, these people will be given the help to acquire the skills and support so that after finishing their program in DRP they will be able to live independently in the community… Read more »

ŻAK in research project to understand better young people

Training for data collectors from Catholic Action Italy, Romania, Spain and Malta

Fil-bidu ta’ Settembru, iż-Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika (ŻAK) laqgħet f’Malta numru ta’ persuni li qegħdin jiġbru d-data (data collectors) mill-Azzjoni Kattolika Rumena, Spanjola, Taljana u kif ukoll miż-ŻAK stess. Dawn il-persuni ngħataw taħriġ fuq tlitt ijiem bħala parti mill-proġett ta’ riċerka ta’ tliet snin li qed isir bejn dawn l-għaqdiet (strategic partnership).

Il-proġett, bl-isem ta’ ‘Supporting Volunteers in Youth Organisations’ għandu l-għan li jitfa’ dawl fuq il-parteċipazzjoni u l-impenn tal-voluntiera żgħażagħ f’dawn l-erba’ għaqdiet… Read more »

Live: Pontifical Mass on Independence Day 2021

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

L‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna jiċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fil‑festa nazzjonali ta’ Jum l‑Indipendenza, fil‑Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il‑Belt Valletta. Il-Quddiesa tixxandar fuq TVM2, u

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Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament… Read more »

Midwives are ministers of life – The Archbishop

Inauguration of the new MUMN offices

  Ħal Qormi

Il-Ħadd 19 ta’ Settembru 2021, l-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna bierek l-uffiċini l-ġodda tal-MUMN waqt l-inawgurazzjoni tagħhom f’Ħal Qormi fil-preżenza tal-President ta’ Malta George Vella, il-President tal-MUMN Paul Pace u uffiċjali tal-MUMN. L-inawgurazzjoni saret f’għeluq il-25 sena mit-twaqqif tal-union.

Mons. Arċisqof talab biex fil-mumenti diffiċli u delikati tal-ħajja l-qwiebel ikomplu jkunu ministri tal-ħajja. Żied jgħid: “Nitolbok Mulej tbierek dawn l-uffiċini imma speċjalment lil min se jużahom, min se jitħarreġ hawn, id-deċiżjonijiet kollha li jittieħdu biex fuq kollox l-ispirtu li jmexxi lil dak kollu li jsir hawn ikun favur il-marid, is-servizzi tas-saħħa, il-familji u s-saħħa mentali tan-nurses u l-midwives u fuq kollox li naħdmu għal soċjetà mimlija solidarjetà u għożża.”

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L-Isqof ta’ Tripli jżur id-Dar tal-Providenza

On Tuesday 14th September 2021, the Bishop of Tripoli, Mgr George Bugeja OFM paid a visit to Dar tal-Providenza in Siġġiewi. He concelebrated mass at the Home’s chapel with Director of Dar tal-Providenza Fr Martin Micallef, and Spiritual Director Fr Trevor Fairclough in the presence of a number of residents, workers and volunteers and in accordance to the COVID-19 measures set by the Health Authorities… Read more »

An EU funded project which will benefit children and employees in Church homes

Three Church entities benefit from European funds

  Fra Diegu Home, Ħamrun

Tliet entitajiet tal‑Knisja li jmexxu djar residenzjali għat‑tfal se jaħdmu flimkien fuq proġett li se jkompli jtejjeb il‑ħajja tat‑tfal u l‑adolexxenti li jgħixu fid‑djar tal‑Knisja. Dan il‑proġett se jsir b’investiment ta’ €250,000 li 80% minnhom se jkunu kofinanzjati minn fondi tal‑Unjoni Ewropea u l‑bqija se jiġu ffinanzjati mill‑Knisja. Minn din ir‑riċerka se jibbenefikaw mhux biss it‑tfal iżda wkoll il‑professjonisti li jaħdmu magħhom. Fil‑preżent, f’dawn id‑djar tal‑Knisja jgħixu 72 tifel u tifla li ġejjin minn ċirkustanzi diffiċli fil‑familja, u li ġew fdati lill‑Knisja mill‑Istat għall‑kura u l‑ħarsien tagħhom… Read more »