
Carlo Acutis to be proclaimed a saint next April

Pope Francis has confirmed that Carlo Acutis will become the first Catholic saint from the millennial generation next April, during a weekend dedicated to teenagers as part of the Jubilee of 2025.

Acutis was born in London in 1991 to Italian parents who moved back to Italy shortly after his birth.

Known for his computer skills and religious faith, Acutis had created and maintained various websites, including a website that catalogued Eucharistic miracles and another which listed approved Marian apparitions, as well as the website of the Milan parish in which he lived… Read more »

The Chapels of Malta – A Historical Journey

Missio Malta in collaboration with the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) is launching The Chapels of Malta – A Historical Journey, an unprecedented platform, opening a window onto the fascinating world of chapels and small churches in Malta and Gozo.

Estimated to be around 300 in total, wayside chapels and small churches in Malta, Gozo and Comino, have a wealth of stories to tell, as they encapsulate an entire chapter in Malta’s rural historical heritage… Read more »

Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI in two Maltese books

Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI will be the focus of a book launch event at the Archbishop’s Curia, Floriana, on Wednesday 20 November at 6:30pm.

Two books will be presented, one by Archbishop Alfred Xuereb, Apostolic Nuncio in Morocco, and a former second secretary of Pope Benedict XVI. The book, in Maltese, is Il-Jiem Tiegħi ma’ Benedittu XVI. The book, in diary form, outlines the profound character and spiritual finesse of the late Pope… Read more »

Diocesan celebrations for the feast of Christ the King

Ritratt: Ian Noel Pace

Nhar il‑Ħadd li ġej il‑Knisja f’Malta se tiċċelebra l‑festa ta’ Kristu Re. B’rabta ma’ din il‑festa tant sinifikanti għall‑Knisja Kattolika, fil‑jiem li ġejjin il‑Knisja f’Malta se tiċċelebra tliet ċelebrazzjonijiet djoċesani importanti. Din is‑sena l‑Assemblea Djoċesana se terġa’ ssir fuq jumejn waqt li l‑Jum Dinji taż‑Żgħażagħ se jiġi ċċelebrat waqt l-attività ‘Żgħażagħ ta’ Tama’.

L‑Assemblea Djoċesana

Nhar il-Ħamis u l-Ġimgħa 21 u 22 ta’ Novembru 2024 fis-6pm, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta se tlaqqa’ l‑Assemblea Djoċesana, li se tkun ippreseduta mill‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna… Read more »

Open-day at St Jeanne Antide Foundation: community, support services & generosity

Sunday 24th November at 10:00 for the whole family

St Jeanne Antide Foundation (SJAF) is organising an open day on Sunday, 24th November, from 10pm – 5pm. This family-friendly event is a chance to explore the vital work of SJAF and an opportunity to support its mission through various fundraisers. All proceeds will help sustain the foundation’s essential services, offered entirely free of charge to those in need.

During the open day, volunteers will be selling handcrafted Christmas ornaments, soap packages made by SOAR members, plants, toys, books, and more… Read more »

Pope: Investigate whether genocide is taking place in Gaza, respect human dignity

In a book for the Jubilee 2025, Pope Francis addresses current issues, including the suffering of war displaced and the famine in Palestine. He underscores the importance of respecting human dignity. The book comes out on Tuesday 19 November in Italy, Spain and Latin America, and will follow in other countries.

The new book by Pope Francis for the Jubilee 2025 focuses on the theme, “Hope never disappoints… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: One day, we will all be united in Christ

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

In the Gospel of today’s liturgy, Jesus describes a great tribulation: “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light” (Mk 13:24). Faced with this suffering, many might think of the end of the world, but the Lord seizes the opportunity to offer a different interpretation, saying: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Mk 13:31)… Read more »

A heart full of love

Photo: Archdiocese of Malta – Ian Noel Pace Message by Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi

Dilexit Nos (He Loved Us), the encyclical Pope Francis published just over three weeks ago, focuses on the profound significance of love as the core of Christian life. It emphasises the heart’s role in shaping true intentions and desires, inviting us to explore the depths of our relationship with God and with one another… Read more »

Christmas collaboration launched between The New Victorians and The Archbishop’s Delegate for Culture

A collaboration between The New Victorians and The Archbishop’s Delegate for Culture has launched today in the form of a project that will see the sister duo accompanied by a multicultural choir perform in front of audiences in churches across Malta.

This project, which called The Christmas Chapel Hop, has become a tradition with The New Victorians having performed and produced two runs of their tour of concerts in different Chapels around Malta throughout the festive season over the past few years… Read more »

The Lord’s judgment will be in favour of the poor – Pope Francis

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the eighth World Day of Poverty

The prayer of the poor rises up to God (cf. Sir 21:5)

Dear brothers and sisters,

1. The prayer of the poor rises up to God (cf. Sir 21:5). In this year dedicated to prayer in anticipation of the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, this expression of biblical wisdom is most fitting as we prepare for the Eighth World Day of the Poor, which will be observed on 17 November… Read more »