
Pop-up Papal exhibition at City Gate

An evocative exhibition featuring papal visits to Malta has been set up at the entrance to Valletta ahead of the two-day visit by Pope Francis on Saturday.

Stretching back to 1990 when Pope Saint John II Paul famously said “Europe needs Malta’s faithful witness”, the exhibition makes use of the key messages imparted by the popes during their visits to the island.

Pope Francis will be the third Pontiff to tour Malta… Read more »

One family in Malta: kindness in hospitality

  St Joseph’s Parish, Kalkara

The fifth and last dialogue session of Ilkoll Aħwa is taking place on Friday 1st April, with the theme chosen being ‘One family in Malta: kindness in hospitality’ and will be led by Mark Cachia.

Christian hospitality begins with an attitude of gratitude towards a God who welcomes. In the Gospel, apart from being portrayed as a gracious and merciful host, Jesus is also shown as a vulnerable and needy stranger… Read more »

A new publication for Lent

Kemm hija għażiża l-Kelma tiegħek, Mulej! hu ktieb ġdid minn Rev. Dr Martin Micallef, fis-sensiela ‘Reliġjon u Ħajja – Bibbja 24/30’. Il-ktieb jinkludi Lectio Divina għal ħames siltiet tal-Evanġelju tal-Ħdud għas-sena liturġika C, bit-tappi tradizzjonali tal-Lectio Divina, jiġifieri Lectio, Meditatio, Oratio, Contemplatio u Operatio.

F’dawn ir-riflessjonijiet Rev. Micallef jurina kif fi żmien ir-Randan niġu mistednin biex nerġgħu nħarsu lejn il-ħajja tagħna u ngħixuha bħala wlied Alla, kif tassew aħna… Read more »

Two books by Maltese and Gozitan students to be presented to Pope Francis

Bi tħejjija għall‑miġja tal‑Papa Franġisku f’Malta u Għawdex nhar is‑Sibt u l‑Ħadd li ġej, studenti minn 81 skola tal‑Istat, tal‑Knisja u Indipendenti fl‑aħħar ġimgħat ġew mistiedna jesprimu ruħhom b’mod artistiku dwar it‑tema ‘Ilkoll Aħwa’. Dan permezz ta’ tpinġijiet, filmati, żfin, collages, intervisti, kitbiet, poeżiji u mudelli maħduma bl‑idejn. Ix‑xogħol li ħolqu l‑istudenti nġabar f’żewġ kotba li l‑Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex se jippreżentaw lill‑Papa Franġisku meta se jkellmuh dwar il‑ħidma tal‑Knisja f’Malta… Read more »

The story that the Pope’s podium in Malta will tell

Carlo Schembri's design for the papal podium in Ħal Far draws on some dark truth

The podium on which Pope Francis will meet migrants in Ħal Far

The plight of migrants at sea will literally take centre stage when Pope Francis visits the Ħal Far Peace Lab during his two-day visit this weekend.

The podium on which the pope will meet migrants on April 3 will tell the story of the dark reality that is often ignored as people get on with their busy lives, said artistic director Carlo Schembri… Read more »

St Elias College students and their families support Soup Kitchen

  Soup Kitchen, Valletta

For Lent, students from St Elias College, Santa Venera, and their families donated food items so that a meal could be provided for the Soup Kitchen OFM in Valletta.

Using these items, the students and their teacher then prepared the meal for around 100 people, which was then served by some of the students themselves.

The activity was organised by the school chaplaincy and the home economics teacher… Read more »

The Great Popes of Our Time

You must be 90 years old or older to remember any other pope before Pius XII. One of the first broadcasts Maltese people ever saw on television was the funeral of Pius XII in 1958, precisely 64 years ago. With the help of mass media, popes started becoming familiar faces throughout the world, including the Maltese islands, rather than being  distant figures.

Pope John XIII entered the hearts of the Maltese, among others, because he was the first Pope to speak in our language… Read more »

An invitation to reflect on how we can help each other when in need

Fil-ħajja mgħaġġla li qed ngħixu, ħafna drabi qed nintilfu f’ħafna sigħat twal ta’ xogħol li mhux qed iħalli spazji biex inqattgħu ħin ta’ kwalità mal-familja u l-ħbieb. Iktar u iktar dan hu fattur li mhux qed iħalli ħin għall-persuna biex tidħol ftit fiha nnifisha u ssib dak is-skiet li tant hu importanti biex jagħti s-saħħa sana li għandha bżonn.

F’dawn ir-realtajiet ta’ kuljum, jista’ wkoll inkunu insensittivi għal dak li qed jiġri madwarna, għaI sitwazzjonijiet li jaf għaddejja minnhom ġirien tagħna… Read more »

Pope consecrates Russia & Ukraine: ‘Spiritual act of trust amid cruel war’

Pope Francis consecrates all humanity—especially Russia and Ukraine—to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and says the act expresses our complete trust in the Virgin Mary in the midst of the “cruel and senseless war” in Ukraine.

Pope Francis presided over the annual “24 Hours for the Lord” Lenten penitential service in St. Peter’s Basilica on Friday evening, as the Church marked the feast of the Annunciation… Read more »