
Archdiocese invites former minister to substantiate fallacious claims

The Archdiocese of Malta invites former minister and media commentator Michael Falzon to substantiate remarks he made in the local media alleging “there are stories of…corruption…in the Curia’s own administrative structures” and that “the Archbishop knows about these cases”.

Under Archbishop Charles Scicluna’s stewardship, administrative and governance structures within the Archdiocese have been strengthened through a range of measures aimed at bolstering transparency and accountability within Curia structures… Read more »

Watch: Clean-up event on the occasion of World Environment Day

50 employees from the Archbishop’s Curia headed off to l-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa to participate in a clean-up event on the occasion of World Environment Day, celebrated on 5th June 2022.

The employees spent nearly two hours clearing a large amount of litter, such as beverage cans, plastic bags, plastic bottles, food packaging and cigarette butts. The litter was then placed at a pinpointed location for collection by waste services… Read more »

Pope not to preside at Corpus Christi Mass due to knee pain

“Due to the limitations imposed on the Pope by his knee pain and because of the specific liturgical needs of the celebration, the Holy Mass and Procession with the Eucharistic Blessing will not be celebrated on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.”

This was the statement issued on Monday by the Holy See Press Office ahead of the Solemnity.

This year, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi is on Thursday, June 16, but it is transferred in some dioceses to Sunday, June 19… Read more »

Annual Report published by St Jeanne Antide Foundation

Boosting self-reliance in vulnerable families is the annual report 2021 published by NGO St Jeanne Antide Foundation (VO/0005) highlighting the outcomes of the services it offers to families in distress beset by complex life challenges. The booklet includes a detailed account of the different supports offered by SOAR to survivors of domestic violence. SOAR is run by trained and mentored survivors of domestic violence… Read more »

Mellieħa Ecclesiastical Museum will be completed by the end of the year

Ix-xogħlijiet fuq il-Mużew Ekkleżjastiku fil-Mellieħa mistennija jkunu lesti sal-aħħar tas-sena. Il-proġett qed isir mill-Fondazzjoni għall-Patrimonju Kulturali tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta b’investiment ta’ kważi €300,000 u hu ffinanzjat parzjalment mill-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali.

Is-Segretarju Amministrattiv tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta Michael Pace Ross u l-Arċipriet tal-Mellieħa Dun Joe Caruana flimkien mas-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Fondi Ewropej Chris Bonett żaru dawn ix-xogħlijiet fil-binja tal-Pellegrini fil-Mellieħa.  

Fuq il-post ġie spjegat li fl-imgħoddi din il-binja kienet tintuża bħala post ta’ mistrieħ mill-pellegrini li kienu jżuru l-Madonna tal-Mellieħa wara vjaġġ twil ħafna, meta ma kienx hawn il-mezzi tat-trasport kif għandna llum… Read more »

Embryo selection is discriminatory and undermines dignity of human life

Position paper on the amendments to the Law on IVF

The amendments to the IVF law undermine the dignity of embryos as they will allow embryos with specific genetic disorders to be frozen forever. Furthermore, through these amendments, a discriminatory choice will be made between which future baby will live and which will be frozen on the basis of their genetic condition.

This was stated by 35 multidisciplinary experts, including experts in medicine, science and embryology, in a position paper that has been prepared as part of a wider discussion that ought to be held as part of the Parliamentary debate on the proposed amendments to the Embryo Protection Act… Read more »

The Archbishop leads a pilgrimage to Lourdes

The 90th pilgrimage organised by UMTAL

Archbishop Charles Scicluna will lead the 90th annual pilgrimage to Lourdes organised by the Malta Society for the Transport of the Sick in Lourdes (UMTAL) between 18 and 22 July 2022. The Archbishop will be accompanied by Fr Joe Mizzi, the spiritual director of UMTAL and the Archpriest of Rabat Parish. This will also be the first pilgrimage under the guidance of UMTAL’s new president, Dr Joseph Debono, consultant surgeon and Mater Dei Hospital director… Read more »

Government, Dar tal-Providenza renew Dar Akkwarell agreement

The government and Dar tal-Providenza have renewed an agreement for the running of Dar Akkwarell in Qawra, which will see the former paying €350,000 over three years for the running of the home.

Dar Akkwarell provides residents with the possibility of living semi-independently in the community. The residence, that opened its doors a decade ago, can take up to three people, however, at present there are two… Read more »

No state can be obliged to legalize or facilitate abortion – COMECE

  Declaration of the General Secretary of COMECE on the EP discussion on 'Global threats to abortion rights'

In view of the discussion scheduled for Wednesday 8 June 2022 in the European Parliament under the title “Global threats to abortion rights: the possible overturn of abortion rights in the US by the Supreme Court”, the Secretary General of COMECE, Fr Manuel Barrios Prieto, has made the following declaration:

We see with surprise that the European Parliament will discuss the impact of a leaked draft opinion of the US Supreme Court concerning abortion… Read more »

Restoration of seven paintings in the Oratory of Our Lady of Charity in Valletta

  The Collegiate of St Paul's Shipwreck, Valletta

Ġie inawgurat proġett ta’ restawr li sar fuq sett ta’ seba’ pitturi li jinsabu fl-Oratorju tal-Konfraternità tal-Madonna tal-Karità. Din il-Konfraternità hi eretta fil-Kolleġġjata ta’ San Pawl Nawfragu tal-Belt Valletta.

L-inawgurazzjoni ta’ dan il-proġett saret il-Ġimgħa 27 ta’ Mejju, mill-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna, fl-okkażjoni tal-festa tal-Madonna tal-Karità. Dakinhar l-Arċisqof Scicluna qaddes quddiesa solenni fil-Kolleġġjata ta’ San Pawl Nawfragu.

Is-seba’ kwadri li ġew irrestawrati minn PrevArti, jikkonsistu f’sitt kwadri ta’ Giuseppe d’Arena li jinsabu mwaħħlin mal-ħitan tal-Oratorju u t-titular tal-Oratorju li jirrappreżenta l-ġrajja tat-Tieġ ta’ Kana… Read more »