• A Church who listens to the people

  • Over the next few days, at the request of Pope Francis, the “Questionnaire for the Bishop’s Synod” will be sent out to all homes in Malta and Gozo.  This questionnaire aims to gather together information in preparation for the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops which will be held in 2014.  

    The Maltese Episcopal Conference has commissioned the Institute for Research on the Signs of the Times (DISCERN) to undertake this consultation in the Diocese of Malta and the Diocese of Gozo.
    Since the original version of the questionnaire is rather technical, it has been re-written more simply, without of course, detracting from the original meaning, in order that as many people as possible will be in a position to respond to it. Hence, it has not only been translated from English into Maltese, but particular questions have been split up into several parts.
    It was decided that in order to reach as large a number of people as possible, this questionnaire would be mailed to every home in Malta and Gozo.  In addition to this, the questionnaire may also be downloaded from the site www.kwestjonarju.com.
    If there is more then one family member in the same household who wishes to fill in the questionnaire, extra copies may also be obtained from local parish offices as well as the Discern office at the Archbishop’s Curia.
    If a respondent experiences difficulty in replying to a particular question, he/she should move on to the other questions, without referring to the internet or any other source of information.  The reasons is that the scope of the questionnaire is to glean the level of knowledge and the opinions of those responding to it.
    It would be most advantageous to Discern if the questionnaire is filled in and returned as soon as possible. This may be done either by using the mailing address as indicated in the questionnaire itself or by depositing it the appropriate box at the parish church; alternatively it may be filled in online.  The closing date for responses is Tuesday, 31st December 2013.
    The replies to the questionnaire, consisting of facts and opinons of the respondents, will be put together and the information will be passed on to the Bishops in order that the final report may be compiled and sent to Rome in anticipation of the preparatory document for the Synod of Bishops.  The aim of the Synod is to review the Church’s pastoral stance in order for the Gospel to be announced to families within the context of today’s world.