Monthly Archives: October 2014

Bishop Charles J. Scicluna visits Sacred Heart school

  • On Friday, 24th October, His Excellency Mons. Charles Scicluna celebrated a special mass at the Sacred Heart College in St. Julian’s. A good number of priests connecated with the school concelebrated with the Bishop. The Society of the Sacred Heart had been running this school since 1903, but passed it over to the Archdioce on 23rd July of this year…

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Pope at Mass: Christian life is a continuous battle against the devil

  • Pope Francis described Christian life as a continuous battle being waged against Satan, the world and the passions of the flesh. His comments came during his homily at Mass celebrated on Thursday morning at the Santa Marta residence. He stressed that the devil exists and we must fight against him with the armour of truth.

    Pope Francis’s reflections during his homily were taken from the words of St Paul in his letter to the Ephesians where the apostle urged Christians to put on the full armour of God in order to resist Satan’s temptations.  A Christian life, he said, has to be defended and it requires both strength and courage…

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Pope at Audience: The Church visible and spiritual

  • “Often, we hear people say: the Church doesn’t do this …the Church doesn’t do that!’ ‘Tell me who is the Church? – ‘Well the Church is the priests, the bishops, the Pope …’ We are all the Church! All of us all of us Baptized! We are the Church, the Church of Jesus’”.

    This was the message at the heart of Pope Francis’ general audience Wednesday, which he dedicated to the relationship between the visible and spiritual reality of the Church…

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Arzella Childcare Centre: Now Open

    • A new Childcare Centre called ‘Arzella’ is now open. The Centre’s opening hours are from 7am till 5pm. However, the team is quite flexible to accomodate special requests. Arzella follows the National Standards and registered with the DSWS. In addition, the childcare centre abides with the free childcare scheme.
      Arzella’s care workers are qualified enough and look forward to take care of new comers…

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Celebrations presided over by Bishop Charles J. Scicluna during the month of November 2014

  • Fl-okkażjoni tas-solennità tal-Qaddisin kollha u t-Tifkira Solenni tal-Mejtin kollha, l-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna, Amministratur Appostoliku, ser jiċċelebra l-Quddies li ser isir fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta.

    Is-Sibt l-1 ta’ Novembru 2014, Solennità tal-Qaddissin kollha, l-Isqof Scicluna ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa fit-8.30 a.m., filwaqt li l-għada, l-Ħadd 2 ta’ Novembru, l-Għid tal-Imwiet, l-Isqof ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa li tibda fid-9.15 a.m.

    Fid-9 ta’ Novembru, Jum it-Tifkira, Mons…

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Pope: Christians must be in the Church; not on the threshold

  • Pope Francis on Tuesday exhorted Christians to feel they are an integral part of the Church.

    Speaking during his homily at Mass in Casa Santa Marta, the Pope said that Jesus does not seek out man’s sins, but looks to his heart, and he invited all believers not to hover on the threshold of the Church, but to come right in…

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Message by Bishop Charles J. Scicluna during a seminar organised by the Diocesan Office for Voluntary Work

  • 25 ta’ Ottubru 2014
    Seminarju tal-Arċisqof, tal-Virtù

  • Grazzi ta’ din il-preżentazzjoni tal-‘Code of Ethics for Volunteers and Voluntary Organisations of the Archdiocese of Malta’. Naħseb li fil-futur qarib ikollna wkoll verżjoni bil-Malti ta’ dan id-dokument, imma l-iżjed ħaġa importanti li għandna quddiemna hija li noħolqu l-kultura li fiha nkunu nistgħu nħaddmu dan il-Kodiċi ta’ Etika…

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Message by Bishop Charles J. Scicluna during a seminar organised by the Diocesan Office for Voluntary Work

  • 25 ta’ Ottubru 2014
    Seminarju tal-Arċisqof, tal-Virtù

    Grazzi ta’ din il-preżentazzjoni tal-‘Code of Ethics for Volunteers and Voluntary Organisations of the Archdiocese of Malta’. Naħseb li fil-futur qarib ikollna wkoll verżjoni bil-Malti ta’ dan id-dokument, imma l-iżjed ħaġa importanti li għandna quddiemna hija li noħolqu l-kultura li fiha nkunu nistgħu nħaddmu dan il-Kodiċi ta’ Etika…

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The Judge

  • ****

    Direttur: David Dobkin
    Atturi: Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Billy Bob Thornton, Vera Farmiga
    Ħin: 141 minuti
    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 15
    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 18
    Hank Palmer huwa avukat ta’ fama f’Chicago. Meta ommu tmut huwa jmur lura lejn pajjiżu, Carlinsville, belt rurali żgħira f’Indiana. Il-ħsieb tiegħu jkun li jmur għal funeral t’ommu u jerġa’ jitlaq jiġri lejn Chicago, l-iktar minħabba li xejn ma jkollu relazzjoni tajba ma’ missieru, l-Imħallef irrispettat Joseph Palmer, li ilu ma jkellmu minn mindu telaq lejn Chicago…

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