Monthly Archives: July 2013

Pope Francis speaks to journalists on board Papal Flight

  • Pope Francis speaks to journalists on board Papal Flight
  • On the 30th of July 2013, on the return flight from Rio de Janeiro to Rome, Pope Francis spoke for around an hour and half with the journalists accompanying him on his journey. The questions and answers were all impromptu, and the Pope answered all the questioned posed, on matters ranging from his personal security to his relationship with the Roman Curia, his trip to Brazil, his collaboration with Benedict XVI and the situation of divorced and remarried persons…
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29 July – 4 August​

  • 29 July – 4 August
  • Monday
    4.30 a.m.         The Archbishop returns to Malta from Lourdes.  
    8.00 p.m.         The Archbishop attends a reception at St. Joseph Band Club, Ħamrun.
    9.15 a.m.         The Archbishop celebrates Pontificial Mass on the occasion of the feast of St…
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Applikazzjonijiet għal xi postijiet vakanti fi skejjel tal-Knisja

  • Applikazzjonijiet għal xi postijiet vakanti fi skejjel tal-Knisja
  • Ser jerġgħu jintlaqgħu applikazzjonijiet għal numru ta’ postijiet għall-bniet fl-ewwel sena sekondarja u għas-subien fir-raba’ sena primarja.
    L‑applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu nhar il-Tlieta, 30 ta’ Lulju 2013, fis-Segretarjat għall-Edukazzjoni Nisranija, 16, il-Mall, Furjana, bejn id-9:00 a.m. u nofsinhar, u jkunu skont dawn il-kriterji: studenti skont l-ewwel kriterju (Djar tal-Knisja), aħwa, ulied ta’ impjegati fi skola tal-Knisja u ta’ skola bla kontinwità, u skont it-tielet kriterju (Applikanti Oħra)…
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Archbishop meets Lifecycle Challenge participants

  • Archbishop meets Lifecycle Challenge participants

  • On Wednesday 24th July 2013, Archbishop Paul Cremona met Life Cycle participants, at his residence in Attard. This year’s Lifecycle challenge will begin in mid-August, from the capital city of Minsk in Belarus to St Petersburg, Russia; a voyage of 2,000km…

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22 – 28 July

  • 22 – 28 July
  • Monday         

    9.15 a.m.         The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting, at his residence,           Attard.


    4.30 p.m.         The Archbishop holds individual meetings with the Poor Clares nuns, at their         monastery in St. Julians, in preparation for the coming Chapter.


    5.00 p.m.         The Archbishop meets with Life Cycle participants, at his residence in Attard…

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