Yearly Archives: 2012

Welcome Home

On Tuesday, 23rd of September 2012, young volunteers were greeted at St Vincent de Paule Residence by Archbishop Paul Cremona on their return from voluntary missions this summer. The volunteers shared their experiences with the residents of the Home and accompanied them to a social evening in the central Piazza.

Over the summer months, more than 350 young people took part in voluntary projects in Malta and another 12 countries around the world… Read more »

Courtesy visit by the U.S. Ambassador

Nhar l-Erbgħa 26 ta’ Settembru 2012, saret żjara ta’ kortesija lill-Arcisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P, mill-E.T. Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, Ambaxxatriċi tal-Istati Uniti. Il-laqgħa saret fl-uffiċċju tal-Arċisqof, il-Kurja.

Agħfas fuq ir-ritratti biex tkabbar. Ir-ritratti tal-attivitajiet tal-Arċisqof jistgħu jinxtraw mill-ħanut PHOTOCITY, il-Belt… Read more »

Commitment towards more sustainable Homes for the Elderly

Nhar l-Erbgħa 26 ta’ Settembru 2012, saret konferenza tal-aħbarijiet li saret fid-dar tal-anzjani ‘Dar Sagra Familja’, in-Naxxar. Indirizza il-konferenza tal-aħbarijiet is-Sur Joe Rossi, Manager tad-Dar, is-Sur Paul Portelli, Direttur għad-Djar tal-Knisja għall-Anzjani u Mons. Anton Portelli, Segretarju Amministrattiv tal-Kurja.

F’dawn l-aħħar ħames snin, il-Knisja f’Malta ħarġet aktar minn miljun u mitt elf Ewro biex tissussidja l-ħames djar tal-anzjani li jaqgħu taħt ir-responsabbilta’ tagħha, u li fihom llum jgħixu madwar 240 resident… Read more »

Audience: The Liturgy, school of prayer

Pope Benedict XVI elevates the Eucharist

“The Liturgy is the school of prayer where God Himself teaches us to pray. But in order to celebrate the Liturgy well, to really experience the re-enactment of Christ’s Paschal Mystery we must make our hearts God’s Altar and understand that the Liturgy is the action of God and of man, as the Second Vatican Council teaches us.”

In his latest instalment in his cycle on the School of Prayer, Pope Benedict XVI dedicated his Wednesday audience to prayer and the liturgy… Read more »

Kalkara (St. Joseph) Pastoral Visit Programme

Tuesday 2nd October

10.00am         The Archbishop meets the Parish Priest in preparation for his pastoral visit.

Sunday 7th October

8.30am           The Archbishop celebrates mass at the Parish Church for the official opening of the pastoral visit and afterwards meets with the people.

11.00am         The Archbishop meets the Family Commission, at the Parish House… Read more »

From the archives: new film marks anniversary of Vatican II

Vatican Council II

The Second Vatican Council as you’ve never seen it before: that’s what the Pontifical Council for Social Communications is offering through a new documentary film being released to mark the 50th anniversary of the Council on October 11th this year.
Put together by the Micromegas Communication company from over 200 hours of material from the Vatican film archive, the production includes plenty of unpublished footage and pictures, plus interviews with church leaders from around the world sharing personal memories and historical perspectives on the significance of the Council in different countries and cultural contexts… Read more »

Ecumenical Dialogue Meeting

“I am Jesus whom you are persecuting” (Acts, 9,5) is the title of the next public ecumenical dialogue meeting to be held on Thursday, 27th September, 2012. The meeting is organised by Christians together in Malta (Malta Ecumenical Council). It will be held from 6.30 to7.30pm at Marsa Open Centre, Xatt il-Mollijiet, Albertown, Marsa. Everybody is welcome to attend and share their views on this topic, which may be viewed in a similar or different  mannner by the various Christian denominations in Malta… Read more »

Italian Publisher to Have “Jesus of Nazareth Vol. III” Out by Christmas

One of the volumes of Jesu of Nazaret by Pope Benedict XVI

The Vatican Publishing House announced that it has made an agreement with the Italian publisher Rizzoli for the third and final volume of Benedict XVI’s book on Jesus. This last portion of the work is expected in Italy by Christmas.

It was announced last month that the Pope had completed Volume 3, on the infancy of Jesus… Read more »

Archbishop’s message during a seminar for new teachers of Church Schools

Il-Kurja, Floriana

20 ta’ Setttembru 2012

l-Lezzjonijiet tal-lum m’għażilnihomx aħna, mela jiena nħoss li kien hemm il-messaġġ li Alla l-Imbierek irid jibagħtilna llum.

Fil-fatt fl-ewwel lezzjoni ta’ S. Pawl lil-Korintin,  S. Pawl qisu għaddej mill-istess esperjenza; qiegħed jibni komunita’ f’Korintu u qiegħed jgħidilhom dak li jgħin lil-komunita tikber, x’inhu dak li jgħin lil komunita. Xtaqt infakkarkom daqsxejn f’dak li jgħid S… Read more »

‘The Logic of God is different from the Logic of Man’

Pope Benedict XVI

The Pope commented on Sunday’s Gospel reading from St. Mark in which “Jesus began to speak openly about what would happen to Him at the end. … It is clear that a great interior distance separates Jesus and His disciples. This, the Holy Father explained, “reminds us that God’s logic is always “other” with respect to our own. … For this reason, following the Lord always requires a profound conversion on the part of man, a change in his or her way of thinking and living… Read more »