The Malta Bible Society is organising 6 new Bible Courses between May  and June 2010.  The aim of these courses is to help in the better understanding of the Bible and its message.

The themes of the courses vary to suit everyone’s needs.  The lecturers are experts in their subjects.

The courses are held in the evening between 6.00 and 7.30 p.m. with a break for refreshments.  The courses are held in Maltese and are open to all.

The courses are: (1) Il-Manuskritti tal-Baħar il-Mejjet  (Dr Dennis Mizzi) ((Dead Sea Scrolls); (2) Ġesù, is-Saċerdot il-Kbir (Rev Karm Attard) (Jesus, the High Priest); (3) Il-Bibbja: Ħajja fl-Arti Sagra (Rev Gino Gauci) (The Bible: Alive in Sacred Art);  (4) Inwieġbek bl-Art Imqaddsa (Rev Alfred Agius) (Answers from the Holy Land);  (5) L-Iskrittura: L-ispirazzjoni tat-Tagħlim Soċjali tal-Knisja (Rev Vince Magri sj) (Sacred Scripture: The inspiration for the Social Teaching of the Church); (6) Il-Bibbja kif issawret u kif tinqara (Rev Gorg Dalli) (How the Bible was formed and how to read it).

The courses are held at the conference room of the Malta Bible Society at 51, Triq il-Miratur, Floriana.

For further information or for applications one may call the Malta Bible Society on 21220318 between 0900 a.m. and 0100 p.m. and from 0215 p.m. and 0500 p.m. between Monday and Friday or by accessing the website: