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Sunday Mass – 24 January, 9:30am

  The Church of St Catherine, Żejtun

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Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: We are called to prepare for Eternal life with our choices

Before the recitation of the Marian prayer, Pope Francis focuses his attention on Sunday’s Gospel reading in which Jesus is provoked by a question by the Sadducees and in turn offers a wonderful teaching on the resurrection of the dead.

The Pope remarked that the Lord does not fall into the trap set by the Sadducees who ask him when a woman dies who has been married to 7 brothers, one after the another, whose wife will she be? … Read more »

Message by Archbishop Scicluna on the second anniversary of the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia

  • On the second anniversary of the brutal assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, we pray for her eternal rest and for the gift of justice which serves each and everyone their due. We pray that those investigating her untimely death bring the executors and all persons involved to justice. We therefore pray for the gifts of prudence and wisdom but also for the gifts of integrity and courage…

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Youths should be given more responsibility within the Church

Konferenza mill-MCYN għall-youth leaders

  • L‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi qal li ż‑żgħażagħ għandhom jingħataw iktar responsabbiltajiet fil‑ħajja tal‑Knisja. Dan qalu waqt li kien qed jindirzza l‑konferenza annwali għall‑youth leaders ‘Plexus19’, li ġiet organizzata mill‑MCYN (Malta Catholic Youth Network) tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta.

    Waqt diskussjoni ma’ madwar 240 parteċipant, li huma involuti fil‑ħidma pastorali maż‑żgħażagħ, l‑Isqof Galea‑Curmi qal li “ż‑żgħażagħ m’għandhomx jirċievu biss fil‑Knisja, imma għandu jkollhom sehem importanti…

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New Archpriest for the Parish of St Paul’s Shipwreck in Valletta

  • L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ħatar lil Kan. David Cilia bħala arċipriet tal‑Parroċċa ta’ San Pawl Nawfragu, il‑Belt Valletta.

    Il‑Kan. David Cilia twieled fit‑2 ta’ Awwissu 1968. Irċieva l‑edukazzjoni tiegħu fl‑iskola ta’ Ħal Qormi San Ġorġ, fil‑Kulleġġ San Albert il‑Kbir u fl-iskola tas-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof. Studja l‑Filosofija u t‑Teoloġija fil‑Fakultà tat‑Teoloġija tal‑Università ta’ Malta, u d‑Dritt Kanoniku fl‑Università Gregorjana f’Ruma…

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Each one of us was privileged to have teachers that shaped his life – The Archbishop

  • L-Erbgħa 9 ta’ Ottubru l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna indirizza waqt il-ftuħ tal-uffiċini l-ġodda tal-Malta Union of Teachers (MUT), fil-Ħamrun. Waqt l-inawgurazzjoni tkellmu wkoll l-Ministru għall-Edukazzjoni Evarist Bartolo u l-President tal-MUT Marco Bonnici.

    Wara l-Arċisqof żar il-wirja tal-arti viżiva li hemm għaddejja bħalissa fl-uffiċċini. Din ittellgħet wara li saret sejħa għal xogħlijiet mill-artisti u se tibqa’ miftuħa sal-aħħar ta’ Ottubru. 

    Il-messaġġ tal-Arċisqof

    Ippermettuli nuża din l-opportunità biex insellem lil-Onor…

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Apse painting restored in Mdina Cathedral

  • Tlesta x‑xogħol ta’ restawr u konservazzjoni fuq il‑pittura fl‑apside tal‑Katidral ta’ San Pawl, l‑Imdina, li sar mill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta b’kofinanzjament minn fondi tal‑Unjoni Ewropea. Dan il‑proġett b’investiment ta’ €70,000 ġie inawgurat mill‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi.

    Il‑pittura li ġiet irrestawrata kienet ikkummissjonata lil Mattia Preti fl‑1688 u saret fuq il‑ħajt tal‑knisja l‑antika, jiġifieri dik li kien hemm qabel it‑terremot tal‑1693…

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Liturgical celebrations to be led by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna in October 2019

  • It-Tlieta, 1 ta’ Ottubru, fid‑9:00 a.m., l‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna jiċċelebra Quddiesa fil‑ftuħ tas‑Sena Forensi, fl‑Oratorju tal‑Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il‑Belt Valletta. Il‑Quddiesa ser tixxandar live fuq il‑Youtube Channel tal‑Knisja f’Malta.

    L-Erbgħa 2 ta’ Ottubru, fl-10:30 a.m., Monsinjur Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa f’Jum l-Armata, fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Il‑Quddiesa ser tixxandar live fuq il‑Youtube Channel tal‑Knisja f’Malta

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No person should end up on the scrap heap of history – Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi

Mass celebrated on Migrants and Refugees Day

  • Homily by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi
  • Holy Cross Church, Floriana
    Sunday 29th September, 2019

    At the heart of the Church in Malta’s vast mission for the respect of the dignity of the whole person, the work with migrants and refugees surely stands out. This service which has always been conducted in silence, has lasted for nearly 70 years when the Malta Emigrants Commission…

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The Archbishop’s Palace opens its doors for Notte Bianca

  • The Archbishop’s Palace in Valletta will be opening its doors again for Notte Bianca 2019, on Saturday 5th October. On the day, visitors will be able to visit various rooms in the palace, including the piano nobile which includes the throne room, the 18th century library and the garden. The palace is situated at the lower part of Archbishop Street next to Independence Square…

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