Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran

The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue is underlining the common values of Catholics and Buddhists, such as respect for the nature of all things, contemplation, humility, simplicity, compassion, and generosity.

“We recognize that we hold in common a regard” for these values, stated a message sent by the council to all Buddhists on the occasion of the feast of Vesakh. Vesakh is celebrated on different days depending on the calendars used by various Buddhist groups. It marks the birth, enlightenment and passing away of Buddha.

The message, signed by the council’s president, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, and secretary, Archbishop Pier Luigi Celata, expressed the desire of strengthening “our existing bonds of friendship and collaboration in service to humanity.”

“Let us take this opportunity to reflect together on a theme of particular relevance today, namely, the environmental crisis that has already caused notable hardship and suffering throughout the world,” the prelates stated. They affirmed that “the efforts of both of our communities to engage in interreligious dialogue have brought about a new awareness of the social and spiritual importance of our respective religious traditions in this area.”

The values held in common by both religions “contribute to a life of nonviolence, equilibrium, and contentment with sufficiency,” the council noted.

VATICAN CITY, MAY 17, 2010 (