Cardinal Antonio Maria Ruoco Varela

In Spain, “the economic crisis persists and unemployment will not slow down, it is actually speeding up. Many companies, especially small- and medium-size concerns, cannot cope. These cold statistic figures must not hide that figures stand for people: families who have trouble coping with primary needs, such as food, housing and education”.

This is the situation that was denounced yesterday by card. Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, at the opening of the Plenary Assembly of the Spanish Bishops Conference. “In many dioceses – the cardinal recalled –, special prayers have been added to the liturgical celebrations to ask for a quick end to the crisis, and we hope our demands will be listened to”. As the Pope says in his encyclical “Caritas in Veritate”, the current crisis should become “an opportunity to deeply face the situation of the whole human family.

The stronger economies and those that have more human and financial resources seem to be seeing the end of the crisis now. But the heart-rending problem of hunger for millions of children persists and threatens to rise”. According to the cardinal, “we must keep in mind that the charitable way to the development of the poor countries may be a plan for solving the world global crisis” and “for dealing with problems from a universal” as well as “ethical perspective”.