Parish assemblies will be held in our 70 parishes over the coming weeks. The assembly provides space for active participation to all those who wish to speak or put forward their proposals related to pastoral work.

Pope Francis places great emphasis on synodality – the experience of a lived journey together as one Church. The Diocesan Synod (1999-2003) of Malta was an expression of this synodality. As a result of the Synod, parish assemblies started being held.

The Second Vatican Council teaches that the Church is the People of God, where everyone enjoys equal dignity as children of God and everyone is called to a full, visible and active participation in the life of the Church. The Parish Assembly is a tangible experience of this teaching.

The Assembly is not an additional activity on top of all the other parish activities. Its objective is to bring together all the activity of the parish in such a way as to facilitate a shared vision and direction. It’s an event that gives meaning to all the work carried out in the parish on a daily basis.

When built on good foundations whilst facing the challenges of today, the Parish Assembly is an event that has the potential to develop meaningfully and thus provide guidance to the Christian community in our parishes. One can take stock of some positive aspects that already exist or that can develop in the years to come:

1. Communal discernment

It is essential that the Assembly serves as a moment of communal discernment – that is, when the Spirit of God is clearly present and guides the life of the Church, and the parish is open to the signs of God. More effort must be made so that the Spirit is allowed to animate the Assembly meetings, and subsequently all parish structures.

2. Unity in diversity

When the Assembly is well organised, it serves as an experience of unity in the parish. The Assembly should give a platform to each group and movement in the parish, that in one way or another contributes to the life of the parish. The Assembly should also provide space to all those who are not involved in parish groups but would still like to contribute. Such an experience helps to understand the value of unity in diversity in the Church.

3. Co-responsibility

The Assembly should be an occasion where everyone feels responsible for the direction the parish takes. It is a shared responsibility, which is not just that of the parish priest, or the priests alone, or the councils or commissions that usually operate in the parish. The parish community is much more than that and this can be made evident during the Assembly.

4. Participation

The Assembly provides space for active participation to all those who wish to speak or put forward their proposals related to pastoral work. In some Assemblies this participation is strong, both during plenary meetings and workshops. There is room for improvement in this respect and more care must be given to this aspect at the planning stage of the Parish Assembly.

5. Planning

The Assembly must give due attention to the planning of pastoral work in the parish. It is therefore essential that every parish prepares a plan that includes projects that follow the general objectives of the Archdiocese. Greater conviction is needed on the significance of planning, as outlined by Pope John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter At the Beginning of the New Millennium, where he exhorted ‘the Pastors of the particular Churches, with the help of all sectors of God’s People, to confidently plan the stages of the journey ahead…’. The Assembly can help to strengthen this conviction and improve planning.

6. Evaluation

An evaluation should be conducted during the Assembly, to establish to what extent the Parish Plan is being implemented. The Assembly can develop more useful tools for evaluation so that pastoral activities in the parish are continually renewed and thus reach those who have either drifted or detached themselves from the life of the community.

7. Information

We sometimes complain that people are not informed about what is happening in the Church. The Assembly serves as the ideal occasion to those who are sincerely seeking information about what goes on in their parish. The more information is disseminated, the more the parish helps people to cultivate a sense of belonging in their community.

8. Unity with the Archdiocese and with other parishes

Another important aspect of the Assembly is to show that the parish is not a lone island among other islands nearby, but in unity with the Archdiocese it works collaboratively with other parishes, especially the neighbouring parishes.

These are but a few of the elements that can be strengthened so that the Parish Assembly, which will be held in our 70 parishes over the coming weeks, can continue to flourish into a beautiful ecclesial experience of synodality.

✠ Joseph Galea-Curmi
Auxiliary Bishop of Malta

This article was first published on the Sunday Times of Malta on 27th October 2019.