• Seminar on Evangelii Gaudium

  • The Malta Group of the Vatican based foundation Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice, is organising a seminar on the socio-economic aspects of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium.
    The Seminar is being held on the 22nd April at 6pm at the Seminary at Tal- Virtu’.

    The speakers in the Seminar which is being introduced by Joseph F X Zahra, are Rev Fr Paul Pace sj, the Jesuits provincial, Mr Michael Bonello, former Governor of the Central Bank of Malta, Dr Sue Vella, lecturer in Social Policy at the University of Malta. The Archbishop of Malta, HG Mgr Paul Cremona will also be addressing the Seminar.

    Those interested in attending can call Ms Marthese Spiteri Gonzi on 22054101 or by email on [email protected]