The Malta Bible Society is organising 8 new Bible Courses and a One Day Seminar between October and December 2010.  The aim of these courses is to help in the better understanding of the Bible and its message.

The themes of the courses vary to suit everyone’s needs.  The lecturers are experts in their subjects.

The courses are held in the morning between 0900 and 1300 and in the evening between 6.00 and 7.30 p.m. with a break for refreshments.  The courses are held in Maltese and are open to all.

The courses are: (1) Il-Ġudaiżmu fi Żmien Kristu (Dr Dennis Mizzi) Judaism in the times of Christ; (2) Anti-Semitismu fl-Evanġelju (Rev Dr Martin Micallef OFMCap) Anti Semitism in the Gospels; (3) Il-Proklamazzjoni tal-Kelma waqt il-Liturġija (Rev Dr Hector Scerri) The Proclamation of the Word of God in the Liturgy;  (4) Il-Laqgħa Personali ma’ Ġesù fi Ġwanni (Rev Ġorg Dalli) The Personal Relationship with Jesus according to the Gospel of John {this course is held in the morning and in the evening};  (5) Il-Fanatiżmu u l-Kontradizzjonijiet fl-Evanġelji (Rev Alfred Agius) Fanaticism and Contradictions in the Gospels; (6) Kif Niffurmaw il-Kuxjenza fid-Dawl tal-Iskrittura (Rev Arthur Vella SJ) The Formation of Conscience in the Light of Scriptures; (7) It-Testment il-Qadim: Il-Kotba Storiċi (Rev Kan Karm Attard) The Old Testament: the Historical Books {A One Year Course}; (8) Kors ta’ Formazzjoni Biblika – A 3 year course in Biblical Formation – Second Year; (9) A one day seminar for Advent led by Rev Paul Sciberras with the theme: Reading and Living the Bible with its protagonists.

The courses are held at the conference room of the Malta Bible Society at 51, Triq il-Miratur, Floriana.

For further information or for applications one may call the Malta Bible Society on 21220318 between 0900 a.m. and 0100 p.m. and from 0215 p.m. and 0500 p.m. between Monday and Friday or by accessing the website: