
Reports have reached id-Dar tal-Providenza that a person or persons are knocking on doors supposedly collecting money on behalf of the Home. The Administration of id-Dar tal-Providenza reiterates that it never gives any permission for collection of money from households. In the past there were persons that were prosecuted by the police and found guilty of fraud by the Courts. Whilst thanking the Maltese and Gozitan public for its support, id-Dar tal-Providenza appeals to those wishing to make donations to do so either by visiting the Home in Siggiewi, or by cheque through the mail, or through the website www.dartalprovidenza.org or through special accounts in all the local Banks.

Id-Dar tal-Providenza also appeals to the general public to report such cases of people knocking on doors collecting money on its behalf either directly to the police or to the Home itself on 2146 4951 or by email on [email protected]

On behalf of id-Dar tal-Providenza, THANK YOU

